#Chapter 121 – Dinner with Cassidy-Ann

1705 Words

  Lila’s POV Out of all the times for my mother to call, it had to be right now? I stared at the phone with a racing heart. “Are you going to take it?” Enzo finally asked, putting the phone on mute so my mom couldn’t hear. “Should I?” I asked, raising my gaze to meet his. “You probably should. I don’t think you called her when we landed.” Oh, my goddess. Enzo was right; I completely forgot to call her, and we’d been there for hours. I grabbed the phone from him, scrambling out of bed. For a moment, I forgot that I was completely naked, and it wasn’t until Enzo’s eyes trailed downward that I remembered. I grabbed my clothing off the ground and attempted to cover my body but to no prevail. He smirked at my attempt, which caused my face to redden. Turning away from him, I qu

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