#Chapter 111 – Never wear new shoes to a battle

1519 Words

  Lila’s POV It felt like my feet were on fire; these shoes were digging into my flesh. I fell to the ground, unable to handle staying on my feet any longer and I grabbed at the shoe, holding onto my foot as pain seeped into me. I heard the gasps of my peers around me and when I looked up, I saw Sarah smirking in the distance, folding her arms across her chest. She had done this on purpose; I should have known she didn’t give me these shoes out of the kindness of her heart. I met the eyes of a very worried Becca; she furrowed her brows together as she looked at the shoes and then back at Sarah. This couldn’t be happening to me right now. Even my opponent was looking worried on my behalf. “Where did you get those shoes?” I heard Enzo whisper as he knelt down in front of me.

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