#Chapter 107 - Vandalism

1303 Words

  Enzo’s POV “Hey, handsome. I had a great time last night. We should do it again soon.” Fuck. What the hell was she doing here? I could feel Max growing angry at her presence; this was the last thing we needed right now. Lila was already upset enough about seeing me with Bethany last night, now she was about to find out what happened with Connie and me. Not that I knew what happened with Connie with me. Regardless of how hard I tried, everything was still such a blur. Connie approached, batting her lashes and swaying her hips; she had to have known that whatever happened was a mistake and won’t happen again. I clearly wasn’t in the right frame of mind. She ran her long fingers down my arm and grabbed her wrist, holding it firmly in my grasp, trying to keep my wolf under

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