#Chapter 169 – I shouldn’t be here.

1358 Words

Lila’s POV “So, what we need to do is come up with a campaign,” Rachel said as we sat in the student lounge. It was Sunday, the day before classes began, and a few days after we settled into our new dorms. Rachel and Becca both looked eager as they sat across from me at our usual table. The lounge wasn’t too busy, but it was still crowded enough that I didn’t want to talk about this too loudly. I didn’t need Sarah to somehow overhear this conversation and use it against me. There was still the real possibility that she could in fact have powers that she used to get everything she ever wanted and make people do her bidding without a second guess. I hadn’t told either Rachel or Becca about this because I didn’t want them to worry. “She’s right, we can’t let Sarah win. She will des

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