#Chapter 166 – Returning to school.

1588 Words

Lila’s POV “That’s your excuse? You can do better than that, Scott,” I said, shaking my head. “I already know that Sarah is manipulative. You don’t have to—” “So, you’re the only one who can have powers?” His words halted me, and I looked at him. “That’s not what I’m saying…” “Then why is it so hard to believe that she could have powers too?” Scott asked. “I’m telling you, Lila. She’s made me do some awful things that I didn’t want to do and it’s not because I love her. I don’t even think I like her.” He paused for a moment so he could gather his thoughts; he looked so serious, and I could see the pure fear in his eyes. He was telling me the truth. But how was it possible for her to have these abilities without anybody noticing? Without me noticing? “Lila…” Scott said, mee

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