#Chapter 157 – Connie and Tyler left the date

1407 Words

Lila’s POV “Where have they gone off to?” I asked, staring at the now empty table that Connie and Tyler once occupied. I looked over at Enzo who looked just as confused. “I’m not sure,” Enzo said, glancing back at me. Enzo got the waiter's attention and quickly paid the check before we left the restaurant. They couldn’t have gone far; they were only here moments ago. I was worried though that something might have happened. Did she reject him and then he took off? My heart ached at the very thought of him being so heartbroken that he had to leave. She promised she wouldn’t do anything until the very end of the evening. We still had so much planned for them. “I can smell her perfume coming from this direction,” Enzo said, motioning for me to follow him. We went in the directio

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