#Chapter 155 – Enzo got a table.

1600 Words

Lila’s POV “You got us a table? I said under my breath as we followed the waiter toward an empty table. “I figured if we are going to be here anyway, we might as well eat.” “You could have run that by me first,” I said, trying hard not to roll my eyes at him. Enzo shrugged at my words. “Would you have denied me?” I frowned, peering up at him. I probably wouldn’t have denied him. He was right; if we were going to be here spying on Connie and Tyler, we might as well get a table too, and have some food while we do that. Plus, I hadn’t eaten all day and I was admittedly starving. I didn’t answer his question though; I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was right. Our table wasn’t too far away from Connie and Tyler’s table. It was far enough away that we could

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