#Chapter 148 – Connie’s accident

1346 Words

Lila’s POV I didn’t like Connie, but I never wanted something terrible to happen to her. Not like this. There was a void in Enzo’s eyes, and I knew something was seriously wrong; he had just gotten terrible news and my heart ached for him. I stared at him for a moment, wondering what could be wrong. Connie was missing; I wanted to go and find her, but he told me that his Beta was dealing with it. I hated that.  Why wouldn’t he let me go out and look for her myself? I was infuriated that he was trying to protect me from all things danger. “Enzo…? I asked once it was clear he wasn’t going to say anything. He finally looked at me, meeting my eyes. “Connie is in the hospital.” “What?” I gasped. “Why? What happened.” “She got into an accident.” “Oh, my goddess. We have to go

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