Chapter Twenty-Nine: Marcus POV

3456 Words

In twenty-three minutes, we’re crossing into Invictus Pack territory and straight away I can pick up Amelia’s scent. It’s perfuming the whole damn territory and has the hairs on our body on end. Ace falters for a second when her scent hits us but he forces himself to shake it off and keeps sprinting to our woman. Border patrol sees us but doesn’t stop us, so Jasper must have done as he said and let them know we were coming. Seriously, they do not want to get in my way right now. Her scent is everywhere and it’s messing with our head, so not knowing where to go, we go straight for the packhouse. The front doors are open and Ace leaps right in, letting me shift back into my human form. I can see a group of people down towards the back of the packhouse and I recognise some of them as ranked

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