Chapter Twenty-Seven: Amelia POV

1813 Words

Inside the pack hospital, I notice I’m dripping blood through the corridor, but there’s not much I can do about that. I follow Chris’ saltwater taffy scent and before I make it to the room, I can hear his screams. Using the wall for support, I make my way into his room and see Doctor Richard looking down at Chris with a pale, horrified expression; Vitali is watching in anguish and nurses are hovering in the doorway unsure what to do. “Why the f**k aren’t you helping him?” I grit as I enter the room. “Amelia, I’ve told you, you have to get to the bunker,” Vitali says with worry. “I’m not leaving while Chris is like this!” I shout at him. I glare at Doctor Richards. “Why are you just standing there?” I demand. “Alpha, I… I can’t help him,” he says in a pained voice. My chest tightens “

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