Chapter Twenty-Four: Amelia POV

4533 Words

The last few days have been the hardest days of my life. I did my best to stay away when Jasper and Marcus were leaving. I knew watching Marcus leave would be more pain than I could bear right now. I know I’m doing the right thing, but the right thing doesn’t always feel good. Since he left, every day has been harder than the last. I try to focus on what I need to do and bury the hurt, but nothing lessens it. All I can do is stop it from showing on my face during the day, but at night I let the tears out. Every night I’ve cried myself to sleep, letting myself feel the icy cold that has latched itself around my heart and the empty space inside me where the other half of my soul was meant to be. If this is how I feel now, I can’t even fathom what rejection will feel like, no wonder it kills

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