Burnt Hair smells really bad!

1255 Words
Chapter 3 Burnt hair smells really bad. The mage came straight up to me, our eyes were locked. Dawn elbowed me in the side, s**t play human! Well that’s gone out the window, I think but I give it my best go. I did my best; I have no idea what on earth is going on face! But my ego was definitely taking a hit as everyone who knew us from school was here and they absolutely knew we were witches. Well the ones that were supernatural’s themselves too anyway. I’m so going to be called all the names under the sun tomorrow in class, I looked at Dawn from the corner of my eye as I notice her shift away from me as he approaches. Yeah go on save yourself there mate. Omg he’s making a song and dance about this I can’t take his moody slow walking anymore. “What do you want?” I’d had enough waiting this guy was really starting to pee me off! He seemed to stop mid step a bit shocked that I’d dared to speak and unfortunately for me this led to the scary vamp taking far to much notice of me too. Oh great, well done kasy. Just can’t keep your mouth shut can you! “You’re not fooling anyone little Witch.” He spits the word Witch like an insult, weird. “Hold up! You’re a Mage! So what can you have against Witches!” OK, this might not of been the best course of action.. I admit. When the steam starts coming out this rude weirdos ears... I know I’ve gone to far. He propels himself and tries grabbing me, thankfully we all spend a lot of time at school in sports teams. So I’m side stepping his old butt and scrambling over a table. He’s bloody quick mind and doesn’t miss a beat. He is straight after me! All I have to do is get to Dawn though, who has sneakily linked up with the other girls. Her outstretched hand beckons me and I vault off the table into a dead run. Giving me the extra advantage over the Mage. What we had all forgotten about was the vamp, he had not forgotten me though. I make it to the hall and suddenly he’s there in front of me. He wasn’t there 0.2 seconds ago. Vamps and their super speed! They really suck....ha bad pun! No time for jokes kasy... My arms start to windmill to slow myself down as I come to a sliding halt in front of the vamp, ugh he smells old like mouldy paper or something. He just stands there and looks at me, tilting his head like he’s a bird! But then I see he’s looking at my neck and I’m really freaking out! My heart skips a beat, this he seemed to know as he looks like he's now counting my heart beats! “Ummmm so, do you come here often?” I didn’t know what else to say! It just came out again OK. I don’t have much thought process between brain and mouth under stressful situations. It’s a disorder, I’m sure of it. It bought me a distraction though, everyone starts to laugh and then Dawns hand is there just to his side. The vamp is looking round like we’re all a bit thick and I take my opportunity. I grab Dawns hand and I feel the spell start to weave. Right before his eyes I begin to disappear. But he looks more curious than enraged, watching the spell crawl up my legs as they start to disappear. He's gone a full 180 from looking at me like I've lost half my brain, to looking impressed. “No don’t let her get away!” The Mage calls from over my shoulder. He’s trying to pin me, but his hand goes right through me. He seems more upset than the Vamp that I'm disappearing, the Vamp just looks way to curious now! The Mage starts to chant. He’s rushing to throw a spell. Aiming at me to stop it, but he doesn’t realise he’s battling against five not just one. Layla flicks her hand just as it dissappears and a tiny fire ball lands on the Vamps shoe. His eyes go so wide he looks like a bug! Ha sucker! OK I couldn’t help the bad pun then, it’s a disorder I’m telling you. The only things that will actually work on Vamps is a stake or dagger through the heart, but they move so quick that’s near impossible. Decapitation, I mean anything dies if you cut off its head though. But fire they hate, they burst into flames so quickly, downside to being really old. They got paper for skin, old musty, crusty, dusty Vamp skin! Ugh Gross. Now the Mage, is still spelling and from the looks of his grey magic. He went to the dark side a long time ago, I’m pretty sure its not a nice spell he’s about to throw my way. If it hits me it’s going to hurt a lot. If not kill me. Looking down a good half of me has disappeared, I try to look at Dawn. But the girls are mostly gone already I’m the last one to go. It’s Seth’s eyes that I meet, though he is stood in the shadows around Layla. As he protects her retreating form, they are so going to get married! It’s obvious to everyone how much they like each other. Seth sticks his hand out, telling me to pause and so I do. Then he makes a ducking motion with his head, these movements are tiny from our Hybrid friend. But enough that I can understand what he is telling me to do. I nod my head a fraction. All concentration on Seth, his fingers start to count. It’s getting hot behind my ears! The Mage has the spell done and I’m right it would fry me alive. I keep my eyes on Seth’s fingers, my only hope to get out of this. That reality hits like a brick, but I’ll shout at myself later. Right now it’s survive or die and time slows in the way that many things happen at once and you can feel them all. Seth’s last finger goes down, he then uses his Vamp speed and is gone. I had myself poised to duck down, so I duck as quick as I can. The heat of the spell starts to go over my head, I can’t look or my eyes will burn I’m sure of it. I keep my head down I can feel my flesh and a lot of my hair burning. The stench is awful, his power feels dark and deadly. The Vamp had moved to get the flames off of his shoe. But he comes back into the line of the spell, I can feel the heat hit him too. He instantly bursts into that insane speed they can reach, to get out of my line of sight and away from the destruction of the spell. The Mage screams in denial, but the girls are already pulling me away. Adding extra power from themselves to drag my form to them quickly. I’m lucky to have them at my back, I wouldn’t be half as cocky if I didn’t and I know it. The last thing I hear is the Vamps outcry of rage at the Mage!  Thank the goddess I’ve disappeared.
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