Chapter Seven

4333 Words
Rhoyda: I was nervous as hell. Natasia and I were able to convince my mother that I was staying the night over there instead of hanging out with Sukuna. However, my sister knew the whole deal. As soon as I got off the phone with her, my sister texted me. Cezi: You’re with him still, aren’t you? Me: No… Cezi: Don’t lie to me… Me and you are closer than that… Me: How close? Cezi: Close enough for me to know that you’re nervous about being in the same bed as him… I was the same way with my boyfriend… Me: What should I do? I know he’s going to want to do something… Cezi: Tell him you want to take it slow… Me: I guess… Cezi: I’ll cover for you, okay? Me: Thanks, sis. I put my phone back into my pocket and turned around. Everybody was laughing, drinking and having a good time. I walked over to Natasia and Mika, keeping my eyes on Sukuna. He was laughing with Leo, Collin and Liam with a drink in his hand. He was flashing that smile that just made my heart f*****g melt. I bit my lip just watching him and he caught me fast.  “Lusting, aren’t we?” Mika asked me with a smirk on her lips. “Is there anything wrong with that?” I asked her. “No, but why you didn’t f**k him on the first day?” “Um, they just met in person for the first time.” Natasia told her. “So?” Jasmine joined in. “He’s your boyfriend, you say.”  I shifted my eyes to Jasmine, who had a huge smirk on her face. Rolling my eyes, I looked back at Sukuna, who was watching us the whole time. When our eyes met, he licked his lips and oh my f*****g god. He was making me feel some type of way.  “Rhoy?” Natasia called my name. I turned to face her and she just smiled at me.  “Um, you know you can go to him, right?” She told me. “Nobody is keeping you over here.” I nodded and walked off, heading over to Sukuna. I wrapped my arms around him and he held me tight. I rested my head against his stomach and I could just hear him laughing on the inside.  “What are we watching?” Keisha asked. “Hell, I don’t think we’ll be watching anything, but okay.” Liam joked. “Hell no, we’re not.” Sukuna chimed in.  “Well, let me show you to your rooms.” Leo clapped his hands together. We followed him up a couple flights of stairs and he pointed to each room saying names as he went. He got to the last door in the hall and he turned to Sukuna and I. “You two can have this room.” Leo smirked.  “Okay.” Sukuna said. I just nodded my head and watched Sukuna walk into the room. Taking a deep breath, I walked in behind him and closed the door behind me. The room was beautiful. Maroon walls with a small hint of black in them. There was a big queen size bed on the right side of the room and a 65” inch TV mounted on the wall. Sukuna sat on the bed and nodded. “This bed is soft as hell.” He said. I walked over to him and sat down beside him. I bounced on it a little bit and Sukuna was right, the bed was cushion-y.  “It is.” I told him. A knock came on the door, then it opened up.  “Hey, I’m ordering a scary movie.” Leo told us. “Are you guys down to watch it?” “What is it?” Sukuna asked.  “Well, we can watch whatever you guys want to watch. There’s Green inferno. There’s Candyman, Halloween, Saw…” “Ooo, which one of the Saw movies?” I asked, very curious. “All of them.” Leo shrugged. “Can we watch all of them?” Leo chuckled. “Like I said, I don’t think we’ll be watching the movie, but okay.” Leo left the room and Sukuna got up to lock the door behind them. When he came back to the bed, he turned his attention to the TV. “I’m going to turn the TV on, okay?” He said. “Okay.” I told him. Sukuna touched my arm and I had caught a chill from it.  “Baby?” He called me. I looked up at him and he chuckled. “It’s okay. I won’t hurt you, if that’s…” “I’m fine. Just a little nervous.”  He nodded before he turned to the TV. While he was dealing with that, I kept staring at the bed that we were going to share. My mind just kept playing this future, intimate moments that were going to happen between us. I could just imagine me screaming his name as he’s f*****g me. Oh my god, why was he making me think about that s**t now?  “Rhoyda?” Sukuna called my name.  I looked back at him and he smiled. “I’M STARTING THE MOVIE!” Leo shouted from the other room. Sukuna walked over to the light on the wall and dimmed it to perfection. He then began to remove his clothes in front of me. I sat on the bed, looking in another direction until he snapped his fingers in my face.  “Damn, what’s wrong with you?” He asked me. I shook my head and my eyes became mesmerized as they began to lust over the sight of him. He bared it all for me. From his head to his feet. f**k, he even let his hair down and the curls were so silky and smooth.  “Say something.” He told me. “I...I...I can’t.” I sighed. “You’re so f*****g sexy.” He moved closer to me and he pulled me up off the bed.  “Let me see you.” He said as he sat down where I was sitting on the bed. “Show me everything.” I stood before him, nervous as ever. He wanted to see all of me. Slowly, I lifted my black dress up, showing him my bra and panties matching set.  “Everything.” He said. “Um…” I bit my lip, anxiously. He got up and stood in front of me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. His hands snaked their way to my bra strap and they unhooked it. I gasped as Sukuna removed the straps and pulled them from my body. I covered myself and he smiled before his hands moved to my panties. “Sukuna…” I gasped again. He kept his eyes on me as he pulled my panties down, revealing my shaved v****a. He then let his eyes swallow my naked body whole, taking every bit of me like he was taking a picture to memorize everything. “You’re so beautiful.” He told me. “Thank you.” I told him. He grabbed my hand and helped me onto the bed. I sat down and he sat down beside me. His hand caressed the side of my arm, sending another chill down my spine. I laid down on the bed and he just stared at me. He laid down, but he put his arm around me. He pulled me closer and I just kept staring at him. “Sukuna?” I called his name. Sukuna looked up at me with a blank expression sitting on his face. I grabbed his arm and forced him on top of me. When he got on me, he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him, digging my nails into his back. The way he gasped into the kiss turned me on. I parted my legs, giving him access to my part. Sukuna kissed me on my lips before he moved to my neck. He grabbed my locs in his hand as he sucked and licked on my sensitive spot. “Oh my god, Sukuna!” I moaned out loud in ecstasy.  The way his mouth felt against my neck was driving me insane. And his c**k hardening against me was not helping at all.  “Su...Sukuna..” I whispered his name. “Sukuna, please… Just… Just do it, baby…” He didn’t say anything, but he positioned himself, giving us space between us. He grabbed his c**k in his hand and he pressed against my entrance.  “It’ll hurt, but only for a little bit.” Sukuna told me. Before I could ask him how much pain was going to be there, I felt something huge enter me. I tilted my head back and moaned at the top of my lungs. Sukuna placed his lips against my neck once more. As he kissed me, I could feel him moving inside of me.  “f**k, SUKUNA!” I shouted. The pain from the beginning had subsided and I was beginning to feel what he was talking about.  “Are you ready?” Sukuna asked me.  “Oh f**k… Oh my god… “ Sukuna wasn’t the American Average at all. He had some growth on him. He was a lot bigger than LIam as well.  “Rhoy?” Sukuna called my name. “YES!” I shouted.  “Are you ready, baby?” I closed my mouth and nodded. He positioned himself again and he pushed in more of his c**k. Another gasp escaped from me with a little tear streaming down my face. Sukuna stopped and looked at me. His thumb wiped the single tear off my face and he sighed before he tried to get up. “No.” I begged him. “Please Sukuna, don’t stop. I’ll get use to you. I promise, baby.”  “I don’t want to continue if it’s going to cause you more pain.” He told me. “I might as well just stop.”  He was really going to leave, but I didn’t want that. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, trying my hardest to keep him on top of me. “Don’t leave.” I begged him again.”Sukuna, just f**k me.” I pressed my lips to his, sucking on his bottom lip. The moans came out again as Sukuna began to thrust his c**k in and out of me. He kissed my cheek, then moved to my neck again. My eyes rolled almost the back of my head and I bit my bottom lip. Hell, I was trying to be quiet, but with Sukuna and his thick, long length of c**k penetrating and hitting every bit of my walls, I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed the pillow above my head, tugging and breathing hard. “Release me.” Sukuna told me. I unwrapped my arms and leaned back up, pulling out of me.  “Turn around.” He instructed. I got up and turned around, getting on my hands and knees for him. I felt him get behind, guiding his f*****g c**k into me once more. Then, he placed his hand on the back of my neck, forcing my head down onto the bed. When he thrusted, I immediately grabbed the sheets and blanket beneath us. I screamed into them as I felt my baby f**k the life from me. He slammed his hand on the wall, moaning and gasping. Oh my god, I thought to myself.  “Yes, baby.” Sukuna moaned. He used his free hand to smack me a couple times on the ass, causing that stinging sensation. That s**t turned me on as well. f**k, why did I find my new kink? Was I weird for wanting him to grab my neck and spank my ass again until we both released to each other? Sukuna leaned down as he wrapped his arm around me, gripping my breast tightly with his hand.  “Mmmmm..” I moaned. “Say it.” Sukuna whispered. “You only said it once today. I want it more than I can keep count.”  When I didn’t say it right away, my ass was spanked again. I hissed as that stinging sensation came back, but on the other cheek.  “Sukuna, I will.” I moaned. “It just hasn't come to me, yet.”  Smack! “Uhhh, damn it!” I moaned out loud.  I loved how he demanded that I call him ‘Daddy’. Hell, I loved calling him that. He basically was. He took my virginity orally and vaginally. He was already Daddy as is. When he smacked me again, his hits became harder than the one before the next one.  “Say it.” He told me. He took his hand off the wall and placed them both on the sides of my waist, pounding me harder. I placed the sheet in my mouth and mumbled my loud cries.  “Now, Rhoyda. Be a good girl for me and say it. Who am I, baby?” I lifted my head up and nodded my head. “Daddy.” I whispered. Smack! “Oh my god!” “Louder, Rhoy. Who am I?” “You’re daddy, okay?” Smack again. f**k, I could feel my thighs getting wet from my juices. He just didn’t know how much I was turned on from his dominance. “Sukuna, you’ll always be Daddy.” I moaned to him. “I better be. I don’t want you giving that name to anybody else. That’s my f*****g name.” A knock came on the door, but we ignored it for a good while. Sukuna had all my attention. I didn’t care who was in the house or who was even listening. It was all about him and me. 30 minutes later, I slapped my hand on the wall in front of us and I almost screamed when I felt myself ready to c*m. “Are you cumming?” Sukuna asked me. “Yeah…” I told him. “When?” “Oh my god, now!” My breathing was patterned out and it was heavy at that very moment as I felt that good ass orgasm escape from between my legs. My body shook against him and he pulled my locs back, forcing my head to go back. “That felt good?” He asked me. “Mhmm.” I whined.  He pulled out of me and I turned to face him.  “You didn’t c*m?” I asked him. “Later.” He told me.  He got off the bed and got dressed. I got under the blanket to cover myself up. Another knock came on the door and Sukuna sighed before he acknowledged it. “Yeah?” Sukuna asked. “Hey, you want to smoke?” Leo asked on the other end of the door. “Yeah. I’m coming.” Sukuna turned to me and tried to kiss me, but I pulled back. “You’re mad?” He asked me. “Why do I feel like you didn’t enjoy it?” I asked him. “I did.” He pecked me on the cheek before he turned and walked towards the door.  As he walked out the door, I felt f*****g lonely. I knew he wasn’t going to leave me, but I felt like he did. When he walked out the door, Natasia, Mika, Jasmine, Keisha and Nancy walked in. “Oh, is somebody joining the Anti-virgin club this evening?” Mika asked me. “You had s*x?” Natasia asked me. I nodded and Keisha sat down on the bed beside me.  “Well, how was it?” She asked me. “It hurts.” I told them. “It always does.” Nancy said as she leaned against the closest door. “Was he big?” I bit my lip and nodded my head. “What’s wrong?” Natasia asked. “He didn’t c*m, but I did.” I told her. “That’s not bad.” Mika told me. “Then, what does it mean?” Natasia chuckled. “Your night is not over.” She stated. “Actually, I think he’s just begun.” “I guess.” I sighed. “Did you like it?” “He’s…. Dominant in the bed.” “I hope you like that.” Mika said. “I don’t like soft guys.”  “I did. I loved how he was in control.”  Sukuna walked back into the room and we all got quiet. Leo, Liam and Collin followed in a few minutes later. I watched as Sukuna began to roll up a blunt. “Dude, you had weed on you?” Leo asked as he sat on the floor in the room. “Are you a seller?” “My men sell it for me, but I do take pinches off my stuff if I want some for myself.” Sukuna said.   Sukuna didn’t really say anything to me. He was talking to everybody else. It made me wonder if it was for everybody else after they had f****d? Why was it always an awkward thing?  “Um, I need to get dressed.” I told everybody. Sukuna put the blunt in his mouth before he lit it up with the lighter that he retrieved from his pocket. He inhaled deeply and once he removed the blunt from his mouth, a trail of smoke followed it. “No, you don’t.” He told me. I looked at Natasia, whose eyes got wide after he said that. “I’m not done with you.” He added. As he pushed more smoke from his lips, he turned his eyes to me. I was able to see those dark red eyes while the others couldn’t. He gave me that look that every dom would give their sub. It was that ‘you’re not getting out of it’ look. Just knowing that he wasn’t finished with me just made my lady parts throb. Sukuna leaned over and he kissed me deeply. His tongue entered my mouth, gently.  “Are you done with the blunt, dude?” Liam asked Sukuna. Sukuna nodded his head, not taking his lips off mine. Before I closed my eyes, I saw everybody get up to leave. The door closed and Sukuna pushed me down on the bed once more. He pulled the blanket off me, making me bare everything.  “You want more of me?” He asked me during the kiss. “I only want more if you’re going to c*m this time.” I said back to him. He flashed a smile into the kiss, then he took my bottom lip in his mouth and he nibbled on it.  “f**k, I’m getting wet again.” I whined. “Yeah?” “Yes, Daddy.” He pulled away and got off the bed, removing all his clothes again.  “Off the bed.” He told me. I got off and I stood in front of him. He turned me around and pushed my head down onto the bed. “You’re going to take all of me.” He told me. When he told me that, he guided himself back into me for that second round. I moaned, gripping the sheet in my hand, balling it up into my fist. He thrusted into me hard, hitting my spot every f*****g time. I shook my head, not ready to c*m again. I reached back to grab his hand and he pinned it up like I was being handcuffed. “Sukuna, wait..”  “I feel you, baby. I know you’re about to cum.” His gasping and breathing heavily made me realize that he was close as well. He dug his nails into both my sides as he began to pick up speed. Wanting him to c*m with me, I kept calling him ‘Daddy’ every f*****g time a moan escaped me. When he cursed out loud, I knew it was working. However, he did everything he could to make me c*m before him. The sudden increase in speed and the constant smacking on the ass was driving me there. It was the continuous of these things that f*****g just made my body release a stronger orgasm.  “f**k, DADDY!” I cried out loud. “Shit.” Sukuna breathed out. He rode both of our orgasms out and I f*****g loved it. He slumped over on my back for a moment. Then, he pulled out of me and laid right next to me on the bed. I got back on and sat down beside him. I kept my eyes on him, waiting for him to say something.  “Are you always quiet after s*x?” I asked him. He chuckled, then looked at me.  “Are you really asking me that when you’ve been quiet since it happened?” He remarked.  “I just don’t know what to say.” “There is plenty for you to say.” We stared at each other before he motioned with his fingers for me ro come closer to me. I laid down on him and he held me tight. “You don’t have to be nervous about us f*****g. Everybody f**k, baby girl.”  “Do you like sleeping with me?” Sukuna got up and I removed myself off him, laying on the bed. He turned to me and sighed. “I enjoyed it, baby.” I nodded before turning on my side.  “You think it wasn’t enough?” I shrugged. Sukuna laid beside me. His arms snaked around me and he pulled me close to him. “Did you like it?” He asked me. “Yes.” I told him. “I loved it.” “Look at me.”  I turned my head and he was just staring at me. His eyes had changed to a jet black color instead of that normal crimson color I was used to. “Your eyes.. They’re black now?” “They always change.”  I turned onto my back that time, still staring at those black marbles of his. It was as if he was trying to look into my soul.  “Do they scare you?” He asked. I shook my head. “They’re… Mesmerizing.” I told him. “It’s like you’re trying to search my soul.” “Ha.” He leaned down and kissed me, repeatedly. Then, of course, his phone rang. He cut the kiss short and got off the bed. He walked over to his pants and grabbed his phone from his pocket. He pressed the green button on it and held it to his ear. “Hello?” He answered. “Where at? I’m close by. Make sure you stay on him and he better not leave. That’s an order.” Sukuna hung up the phone and he hurried up to get dressed. “Are you okay, baby?” I asked, sitting up again. He didn’t answer. He just hurried up and got dressed. I got out of the bed and was about to get dressed as well, but he stopped me.  “Enjoy your friends.” He told me. “I’ll see tomorrow, okay?” I sighed, but nodded my head. I was trying to figure out what was going on and why he was in a rush to leave. Did something happen at his job? He kissed me before he grabbed his suit jacket and left the room. I hurried up and got dress, then I rushed after him. I hated that he was leaving me. I didn’t want to be 3rd wheel at that f*****g sleepover. Ugh, I thought to myself. Sukuna walked out of the house and I ran after him like a child would run after their father. He just stepped one foot outside and I wrapped my arms around him. “I don’t want you to go.” I told him. “I want you to stay here.”  Sukuna grabbed my arms and I was forced to release him. “I’ll be back, baby. I have business to handle.”  “When? Baby, what are you going to do?” He caressed the side of my face with a smirk on his face. “Oh baby, you don’t have to worry.” He told me. “It’s not harming anyone.”  His eyes turned red when he said that. Then, he continued to his car. Just that look alone bothered me.  “Sukuna?” I called him. He didn’t reply. He got in his car and started it up. “Sukuna?!” “Rhoy, what’s wrong?” Natasia asked me. I turned to her and shook my head. “I don’t know.” I told her. Everybody rushed out and Leo, of course, walked to Sukuna’s car. I watched as the two exchanged words and then, Sukuna pulled away from the driveway. Leo walked over to me and I waited for him to tell me something. “He told me to tell you to calm down.” He said. “You don’t need to worry about anything.” “He’s going to do something, Leo.” I told him. “I already know it.” “Girl, he’s a boss, remember?” Mika asked. “What did you expect?” I turned to face her. She would say something to me at the wrong time. Ugh, she was f*****g annoying. I wanted to know what happened, but Sukuna didn’t tell me anything. Shaking my head, I rushed back into the house. I wanted Sukuna to tell me something and I was going to blow his damn phone up to get what I wanted.
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