Chapter Nine

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Rhoyda: When Sukuna left, I decided to question Mika about her kitchen visit.  “What did you say to Sukuna?” I asked her once the conversations died down. Mika lit a blunt up and raised her eyebrow at me. “I didn’t say anything.” She told me. “I just went to get a soda like I said.” “Rhoy, what are you saying?” Natasia asked me. “I find it funny how you want to get a soda when my boyfriend said that he was going to get one.” Mika took a hit of the blunt and passed it to Leo before she glared at me. “No offense, sweetie, but nobody wants your man. Your stanky ass p***y has been all over him this very evening.” “Shit.” Collin said. I glared at her for a second, then a chuckle escaped my lips before I grabbed Mika’s drink and threw it on her. Mika screamed as she jumped up, then she lunged at me. We fell to the ground, rolling around, trying to gain the advantage on each other. When I was able to get on her, Mika grabbed my locs, pulling my head down.  “Rhoyda, stop!” Natasia shouted. I felt a couple pairs of hands grab me from her and pull me off. Mika jumped up and tried to attack me and Leo grabbed her before she could reach me. “Mika, stop!” Leo shouted. “Get off me, Leo!” Mika shouted back as he took her to the side of the room. I snatched away from Natasia and stormed towards the door. “Rhoy, where are you going?” Natasia asked me. “Please, don’t leave.” “No, I’m f*****g done!” I shouted as I opened the door and walked out. “I’m f*****g done!” I shouted as I left Leo’s house. I was done at that point. Everybody could just kiss my ass at that point. Mika, Jasmine, Keisha, Natasia, Leo and everybody else in their little f****d up crew of theirs. I walked down the street, heading towards my house. At that point, I wanted to be alone. Or better yet, I wanted Sukuna. I’ve only been with him for a few days and I feel like I’m complete with him. I wiped the tears from my eyes, already feeling like I was having a f****d up night.  “Sukuna, where are you when I need you?” I asked, sniffling as I walked in the cold weather.  I heard a loud car engine behind me and I turned to see who it was. A guy pulled up next to me and it was not Sukuna. “Hey baby.” He said to me. “Why are you walking out so late?” I turned and decided to power walk to the house. There was no point in talking to the guy. He was not my boyfriend and I felt it was disrespectful to be communicating with any guy that wasn’t Sukuna. “Excuse me, baby. I’m talking to you.”  “I’m not talking to you.”  As I walked away, a hand suddenly grabbed me from the back and pulled me away. I turned to face the guy before me and I tried to pull my arm away from him, but he wouldn’t release me. “I’m talking to you, girl.” He said to me.  “I have a boyfriend.” I told him.  “Where is he? Your boyfriend let’s you walk around this late? You must have a dog for a man or something. Is that what you like? Men that treat you like trash?” As he was talking me, another car pulled up and I felt that sudden relief as I recognized it already.  “Let me go.” I told him. “My boyfriend doesn’t like when another man touches what’s his.” “Ha! I’m not scared of him. Matter of fact, where is he at? I don’t see him anywhere. I think you’re lying about having a f*****g boyfr-.” Sukuna’s fist was fast. I didn’t even realize he was by him until I seen his thick knuckled fist connect with the guy who grabbed me. The guy released me fast before he hit the ground. Sukuna kept his eyes on the guy without saying another word.  “What the f**k, man?!” The guy shouted in pain. He turned to the side, spitting out a couple of teeth along with a long string of blood. “My f*****g teeth! You knocked out my tooth!” Sukuna ignored him as he folded up the sleeves to his suit jacket. “Who the hell are you?!” Sukuna lifted his head up and smiled. “I’m sure she told you she had a boyfriend, right?” Sukuna asked him.  “Why would I listen to her?” The guy asked.  “And that’s exactly why I willingly removed some teeth from your gums. Maybe now, you’ll take her seriously.”  The guy tried to get up, but Sukuna kicked him back down.  “Come on, man!! I’m just trying to leave!!” “Oh now you want to leave?!” “Please man, I’ll leave!! Ouch, my f*****g mouth!!” Sukuna walked closer and I grabbed his arm. He turned to me with anger in his eyes and I already knew my ass was grass, but I couldn’t let him harm him anymore. He already knocked a couple of his teeth out.  “Baby, please?” I begged him. The guy got up, quickly and he rushed to his care. Once he got in, he zoomed away from the street as fast as he could. Sukuna watched him leave and when I tried to touch him, he snapped his head back in my direction. His eyes were glowing red like he was angry about something.  “Sukuna, let me explain.” I begged. “I’m out, handling business and I get a call from Leo. He tells me that my girl started a fight at his house and left.” “Sukuna, I was angry about Mika and-.” “I DON’T f*****g CARE ABOUT MIKA! I TOLD YOU, NOTHING f*****g HAPPENED!” I jumped and moved back. He has never yelled at me before, so I knew I had f****d up that night. Sukuna shook his head at me and grabbed the keys to his car. “Get in the car.” He told me. “I’m taking you home.” I wanted to say something, but I didn’t want to argue with him anymore that night. So, I walked over to his car and got in on the passenger side. He drove the car away from the street and I rested my head against the door, sliding looks at my boyfriend. As much as I wanted to get mad at him for snapping at me, I couldn’t. He turned me on that very night. The way he acted with that guy was very manly.  “Why couldn’t you just stay at the house?” Sukuna asked me. “I didn’t have to sock that guy if you were f*****g there at Leo’s house.” “I’m sorry. I was just angry. After the fight with Mika, I was just going to head home.” Sukuna looked at me and sighed before he turned  back to the front window to keep his eyes on the road.  “When I told you nothing happened, you should’ve believed me and moved on.” I shook my head at him. “Mika’s a f*****g whore.” I told him. “I know her more than you do. I know she didn’t just go in there to get a dr-.” My phone rang and I grabbed it,looking at the caller ID. Natasia’s name was flashing on my screen. I was going to ignore it, but Sukuna stopped me. “Talk to your friend.” He told me. I sighed before I answered the phone and placed it to my ear. “My goodness, I’m happy you answered.” Natasia said. “Where are you?” “With Suk- I’m with Dai.” I told her.  “That’s good. I’m sorry about the fight that happened here at Leo’s. Do you think Dai can bring you back?” I shook my head. “Dai’s pissed off. He’s taking me home.” “Try to get him to take you back to Leo’s. I want to talk to you in person.” I glanced at Sukuna and sighed when he didn’t even bother to look at me. “He’s angry, Natasia.” “Geez, what happened?” “Besides me leaving the house, he seen a guy trying to grab me and lost it.” “Did he-?” “No. He socked him.” “Wait, really?” “Yeah.” “Get off the phone.” Dai told me. “You’ll see your friend in a minute.” “I have to go.” I told Natasia, then I hung up.  I hung up the phone and sighed.  “I felt your sadness.” Sukuna told me. “That’s how I was able to find you.”  “I hate when you leave me.” I told him. “It’s like a part of me is missing and we haven’t known each other that long. It’s hard being away from you.” “The fact that you think that I don’t miss you, angers me more. But, baby, I work.” I wiped the tears off my face and nodded. “I know and it’s going to have to be something I get used to.” “Yeah, you do.”  I folded my legs in his seat and looked out the window. “Do you want me to take you ro your mom’s house or can you be a good girl and apologize to Mika for thinking that?” I rolled my eyes, but nodded.  “I’m serious, Rhoyda.” He told me. “Okay.” I told him.  He nodded and did an illegal U-turn on the street, heading back to where Leo stayed. Once we got there, Sukuna parked the car and I got out. I turned to him and he motioned me to go to the house. When I hesitated, Sukuna sighed. “Now, Rhoyda.” He said.  I turned and walked back over to the house. The car door slammed behind me and I felt the presence that Sukuna was with me. We got to the front door and Sukuna knocked on it. Natasia answered the door and once she saw me, she bombarded me with a hug. “How did you find her?” Natasia asked him. “I was on my way over here and there’s a certain way I go.”  Leo walked to the door and he exchanged handshakes with Sukuna. “You found her, good.” Leo said. I rolled my eyes at them both before I turned to Sukuna. “Where’s Mika?” Sukuna asked them. “Upstairs in her room.” Leo told me. “Go in and sit on the couch.” Sukuna told me as we both walked past Natasia and Leo. “I’m going to go get her and you better not move.” I sighed as I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Natasia and Leo walked over to me.  “Are you okay?” Leo asked me. “Yeah.” I told them. “Thanks for calling him for me, Leo.”  “What are friends for?” “I just can’t stand her. She’s always going after somebody’s boyfriend or husband.”               “Regardless, she’s your friend. She talks s**t, but she has her good days.” “I don’t consider her a friend; you guys do.” “Well, you’re both our friends. So, you guys are going to need to figure out something.” “Hm.” Natasia smiled at me and we all waited for Mika to come downstairs with Sukuna.
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