Concert goes wrong

1055 Words
Candace Noah * Glancing at Loretta through the rear mirror, she seems to be lost in thought . I smirked I was surprised by her sudden change of behaviour What exactly is wrong with her? Did I offend her in anyway? I wondered Candy! Chase called distracting me from my thoughts I looked at him Are you alright? he glanced at me Yes, I sighed Are you sure?i can drive you back home if you are not feeling alright. he probed I am fine baby! I assured while smiling Better!he remarked * * We soon got to the concert hall and Chase had to wear a disguise so as not to get recognised by his fans I laughed at him as he wore a huge dark sun glasses with a black face back How do I look? he asked You look like my bodyguard. I grinned he smiled We all got down from the car and Loretta took my hands into hers I stared at her in surprise What is with the surprised look? She asked Nothing. I replied while forcing a smile We walked past a crowd of journalist waiting outside and i smirked when none of them recognised Chase . * * The hall was filled up with people. Some carried a banner of Nick , some wore clothes with Nick name of it , others even painted his name on their body . This is Crazy! I remarked You can’t really blame them . Chase retorted while looking around Are you looking for someone? I asked No, I am looking for a better space . Can’t we go over to the front? There is no crowd there. Loretta suggested I huffed Can’t you read the warning post? It says out of bound to fans Oh! She exclaimed We can go there if you want to. Chase said while looking at his phone Really? I faced him he smiled Do you want us to? I nodded * We had to squeeze and push to get to the front This is so so tiring! I remarked But it is worth it .?Loretta squealed in delight You can’t go any further. A huge man on black tried to stop us And why can,t we? Chase asked while bending his glasses a little The man eyes widened in shock I am sorry sir Chase , I never knew you were the one .. Chase smiled It is alright, we just need a place where we can get a clearer view of the stage Come this way! the man led us to a longer bench at the front corner of the hall Wow! Loretta exclaimed as we sat down, I can’t believe I Just received a VIP treatment I smiled I felt so lucky to have someone like Chase love me ....... * * Chase Delgado * * Glancing at my wrist watch, I scoffed Why is Nick taking so long to arrive? Is he still practicing.... or will he make use of someone Just like he has always used me ? My phone suddenly beeped , it was a text message from Kira I clicked on it and read it “hi chase, where are you? Are you already at the concert?” I smiled I was about texting her back when the hall suddenly became rowdy The shouts of Nick filled the air Nick! Nick! Nick! the crowd kept on cheering as he walked in I watched him and smiled Let see what you have got brother ..... * * Nick Delgado * * I braced up before walking into the hall... Nick! Nick! Nick! The crowd chanted my name as they cheered me on I sighed Are you alright? My manager asked in whispers I glanced at him without uttering a word You can do it Nick. he encouraged I smiled * The crowd went wild when I stood on the stage I waited patiently for them to calm down before I started Hello everyone! I really appreciate you all for coming to my concert . I greeted while flashing a smile I love you Nick! You are my role model! Ride on! . They kept on screaming I smiled I blew a kiss and I smiled when I saw some girls trying to catch the invisible kiss Crazy! I Muttered * The instrumentalists started playing the instrument I said a silent prayer before I started singing I sang Chase favourite song “Only hope” * ?????????????? * There is a song that is inside of my soul * It is the one that I have tried to write over and over again * I am awake in this infinite cold * But you sing to me over and over and over again * So I lay my head back down * And I lift my head and pray to be only yours * I pray ......... I stopped when the crowd started booing Boo! Boo! Boo! They screamed in anger I dropped the microphone on the floor and stared blankly at them “Please bring back our Nick with the cool voice . Someone shouted What is with the frog voice ? What is he even singing? Is this how my music career will end? I wondered as tears streaked down my face “Get out of the stage! they began throwing things at me” I tried to run but a strong headache suddenly hit me Aarrrgh! I groaned while holding my heads but they continued booing My head started spinning and my vision became blurred I tried calling for my manager but it was too late I felt my self going down I landed on the floor with a heavy thud and immediately blacked out * * Chase Delgado * * The whole hall was in an uproar as everyone ran helter skeltar when Nick slumped I jolted up from the bench and ran as fast as I could to the stage “You can’t come up here. his manager tried to block me I held him by the collar and pushed him away Nick! I called while running towards him I bent down and held him to me “You can’t do this Nick, please open your eyes. I pleaded as tears rolled down my eyes” Call the ambulance, someone please call the ambulance. I yelled but everyone kept on taking pictures Damn! I cursed I checked his pulse and sighed in relief when I noticed he was still breathing Some please call the ambulance. I yelled again I have done that, They are already on their way. his manager informed I nodded Nick! Please stay with me, please stay with me ......;
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