Birthday party

1288 Words
Candace Noah * * I brought out a black gown from the wardrobe . This will be perfect! I remarked I placed it gently on the bed and went over to the bathroom to freshen up I returned to the room wearing only my undies . I picked the gown from the bed and put it on.. * I stared at my reflection in the mirror. the gown was so clingy and brought out all of my body curves I guessed I added a few weight I plaited my hair into a loose bun and applied little make up Oh Candy! You are really beautiful The door suddenly flung opened and Max walked in holding his books Do you want to use a whole day to get dressed? he rolled his eyes I glared at him He sat on the bed and watched me quietly I pulled out a white sneakers from under the bed and wore it How do I look? I asked Max he smirked You look like a doll, I bet Chase won’t recognise you What do you mean? I frowned he laughed “I was just kidding sis , you look really beautiful.he remarked Thanks baby. I blew him a kiss You can give that to Chase . he retorted...... Are you going to sleep over at Chase’s again? I nodded Why? he frowned I won’t be able.... I tried to say but he cut me off Do you like Chase more than me? I stared at him in surprise Max! I called he sighed I am sorry, it is just that you are hardly at home I sat beside him on the bed No one can take the love I have for you. I assured him he smiled Can you ...... I stopped when I heard a car drove into the compound That must be Chase. Max announced while running out of the room to confirm I stared at my reflection one last time, grabbed my black bag and walked out of the room * I got to the sitting room just in time to see Chase greeting my mother I smiled he was dressed in an all red outfit and he looked cute as usual How are you Chase? my mom asked Fine ma. he replied flashing her a smile Chase! I called while walking towards him He looked at me and smiled You look beautiful! he remarked without taking his eyes off my chest What is he staring at? I wondered Chase! I called softly He looked at me and smiled We will be on our way ma. he informed my mum Alright! my mum nodded...... * Chase Delgado * * I drove over to the party venue listening and humming to Kira’s music I heard Candy signed I glanced at her What is wrong? Can you please change the music? She huffed Why? the music is nice “I don’t like it. She retorted Fine! I sighed. Which one should I play? “Play your song”. She said excitedly I smiled I changed the track to my song and she immediately started to sing along I listened to her sing and smiled She was so good! Would you love to perform a duet with me? I asked Are you serious? I nodded Yes yes yes, I will love to . She said wriggling In excitement Alright ... * We soon got to “Eagles hall” and I parked in the car lot I alighted from the car and rushed to help Candy with the car door Why did you do that? She smiled I don’t know . I replied trying hard not to stare at her curvy body Damn! She is so hot * I held her hands as we walked in . The reporters immediately crowded us “You are looking so handsome as usual. one of them remarked Your song “only you” is an international hit, when do you intend on releasing another one? Who is the lady beside you? Is she your girlfriend? another asked They kept on asking silly questions and I ignored all I held Candy hands as we walked in ..... * * Candace Noah * I stared in awe as we walked into the hall Are my dreaming? I wondered as i looked around The hall was filled with celebrities and other important dignitaries Yippee! I exclaimed aloud Chase looked at me and laughed Welcome Mr Delgado. A lady on white walked over to welcome us..or should I say Chase Thanks, Chase smiled You look handsome. She remarked smiling I scoffed Can you please stop flirting with my boyfriend? Candy! Chase called In surprise “Come this way please.the lady glared at me before leading us over to a seat at the vip section * Why did you do that? Chase asked in whispers as we sat down I scoffed Are you really asking me that? She tried to flirt with you Oh Candy! You are so impossible Are you..... I tried to ask but stopped when I saw the witch walked into the hall with two other celebrities She was dressed in a blue short gown and I must admit she looked so beautiful She looked around the hall and froze when she met my gaze . She whispered something to her friends before walking towards us What does she want? I frowned Who? Chase asked with his eyes fixed glued to his phone Kira! I scoffed he looked at me and was about saying something when Kira tapped him from behind he turned to look and smiled happy birthday Kira! he greeted while standing to hug her I scoffed Thanks, Kira smiled Crazy b***h! I cursed * * Chase Delgado * I sat down back on the seat after disengaging from the hug I am glad you came. Kira smiled It is nothing . I replied while staring at candy She was staring blankly into space Are you alright? I asked She looked at me and immediately looked away What is wrong with her? I wondered Do you mind being my date for the night? Kira asked while trying to sit on my laps What are you trying to do? I frowned and she immediately comported herself I am sorry, I just wanted to........... It is alright. I assured cutting her off Will you be my date? She repeated I scoffed Are you blind?Can’t you see I came with my girlfriend? I asked and she gasped in shock But I am your...... Baby! Candy called cutting her off I looked at her Can we please leave this party? It is so boring . she smirked Is that what you want? I asked and she nodded Fine! I sighed I stood up Happy birthday Kira! I pecked Kira who just stared blankly at us I held Candy hands as we walked out of the hall ........ * * Candace Noah * * I chuckled softly as we walked out of the hall That serves the witch right! how dare she try to flirt with my Chase in front of me Are you happy now? Chase asked staring directly at my face What do you mean? I frowned Oh candy! You are so damn Jealous What do you mean? I pretended I saw you ........ he suddenly stopped What is wrong? I followed his gaze and shuddered a little when I saw Nick and a man on suit walking towards us hi brother. he greeted when he got nearer. Why are you leaving the party when it is just getting started? It is none of your business. Chase retorted Oh I see! he shifted his gaze to me hi Candace! he smiled I felt his eyes roam around all over me and held Chase hands tightly Are you done staring? Chase asked coldly What do you..... He was about to ask but chase cut him off Have fun at the party! he held my hands as we both headed to the car lot ... * * Kira ??? * TBC
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