
1272 Words
Candace Noah * * I went over to the bathroom after the ...erm ..What should I call it? ... hot romance... I enjoyed every bit of it and never wanted him to stop , I was just too shy to admit it . But am I really ready to loose my virginity? I really don’t know * I filled the bathtub with warm water and got into it . I sat in the tub as I watched my labia properly The door to the bathroom flung opened and Chase walked in What are you doing here? I asked while trying to cover my boobs He chuckled he walked over to the sinker to wash his hands Oh! I almost forgot I peed on his hands I waited for him to leave the bathroom before I continued bathing ..... * I returned to the room when I was done freshening up I met Chase on the bed with his eyes closed Is he sleeping? I wondered I went over to his wardrobe, opened it and pulled out a red pyjamas I hurriedly put it on and joined Chase on the bed Chase! I called while staring at his face Yes.he muttered with his eyes still closed I smiled I leaned on his chest and kept on drawing circles till I fell asleep ........ * * Kira Montes * I pushed the door to the sitting room opened and walked in I smiled lightly when I met my dad still awake, he was busy with some files. hi dad! I greeted Kira! he called while looking at me , why are you here by this time? I thought you were having an all night party I huffed I got tired of the party Tired? Why will you get tired of your own party? It is Chase dad. I retorted as tears streaked down my eyes Kira! my dad called softly, why are you crying? What did chase do to you? Did he hurt you? he asked while pulling me to sit beside him He hurt me dad. I continued crying What exactly did he do to you? My dad probed he ignored me dad, he left my party before it started , he did all that because of a b***h. I retorted he scoffed Are you for real? Is that the reason why you are in tears? I sniffed You need to snap out of your childhood fantasies Kira . he advised What do you mean? I frowned You need to accept the fact that Chase is not meant for you. Never! I screamed , Chase is meant for me I stood up from the sofa What has gotten into you? Do you think you can force someone to love you? My dad frowned Good night dad! I bade and headed upstairs to my room Kira! Kira! Kira! I had him called I scoffed What does he mean by childhood fantasies? I love Chase and I am sure he love me too . I just need to put that b***h in her place. I am going to make sure Chase sees her for who she really is, a gold digger . * * Chase Delgado * * I woke up to find Candy leaning on my chest . I smiled I glanced at the wall clock, it was 7;50 She was sleeping so peacefully and I had no intention of disturbing her I placed her head gently on a pillow before getting off the bed. I pulled off my clothes and went over to the bathroom to freshen up . I returned to the room and smiled when I saw her still sleeping Candy! I called while tapping her gently She stirred in her sleep and mumbled some words without opening her eyes I chuckled * I opened the wardrobe and pulled out an all black outfit I hurriedly put it on I picked a black boot from the shoe rack and wore it I sat on the bed and was about tying the shoe laces when I heard candy sighed I turned to look at her and met her gaze Good morning! I greeted Morning! She smiled shyly how was your night? I continued Fine. She replied playing shyly with her hands What is wrong with her? I wondered I stood up from the bed Join my downstairs when you are done. I instructed She nodded I walked out of the room and headed to my mother”s room ... * * I pushed the door to her room opened and walked in I smiled when I saw her reading her bible Good morning mom! I greeted while sitting beside her She looked at me and smiled lightly how are you feeling? I asked her She placed her bible gently on the bed before picking her book from the drawer beside her She scribbled down some words into it before placing the book gently on my laps I widened my eyes in surprise as I read what she wrote down “ I was about to enter your room last night when I heard some weird sounds” I stared at her without knowing what to say She snapped her finger in front of me and I knew she wanted me to say something Oh mother! Can we please talk about something else? She shook her head She dragged her book from me and wrote into it again Do you love her? She wrote Yes mother. I replied and she smiled ......... * My phone suddenly rang indicating an incoming call I checked the caller , it was candy Mum I need to go now. I informed and she nodded I pecked her before leaving the room * I headed downstairs and smiled when I saw candy seated on the sofa Where were you? She frowned Are you ready? I asked while ignoring her questions She nodded Good! I remarked, let us go .... * I sang one of Nick’s song , No! one of my song as I drove over to the music school Wow! Candy exclaimed , your voice is so similar to that of Nick I smiled How is that possible? She continued I don’t know . I lied She sighed I wish to go to his concert but I don’t know how I will get there I glanced at her I can take you there if you want. I offered Really? She asked excitedly I thought you won’t be going Why won’t I? I smirked. he is my brother and I really want to hear him sing Haven’t you heard him sing before? She probed I shook my head How is that possible? she continued I smiled You wouldn’t understand Candy, you really wouldn’t understand * * Nick Delgado * I threw my phone on the bed after going through it The whole media was all about my concert.. I sighed In two days time, I will sing for the first time I will sing with my own voice Chase get ready because once I am done with the concert, i will cut off those wings of yours ..... * * Nick and his concert? Oga ooo * TBC
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