Feelings 2

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Candace Noah * * There was a long silence between us after Kira left the studio . Did he just call me his girlfriend? I wondered as I played with my hands shyly not knowing what to say or how to react “Candy! he called playing with my hair I looked up at him and met his gaze What are you thinking about? he asked smiling I am not thinking, I am just surprised”. I corrected Surprised about? he gave me a curious look “About you calling me your girlfriend”. I replied and he smiled “I guess I should ask you in a proper way . Will you be my girlfriend Candy? he asked “Yes. I responded excitedly He pulled me into a hug “ I am sorry for hurting you, i am sorry for making you cry and I am sorry for not picking your calls. he whispered into my ears” I disengaged from the hug and stared at him in surprise But I was the one who hurt you”. I insisted No candy, it wasn’t really your fault”. He assured Then why were you angry? I asked “I guess it was because I was Jealous”. he smiled I don’t want you to get angry or jealous again”. I pouted “I won’t. he promised Will you be chanced after class? he asked Why did you ask? “I want you to go with me to the airport , I need to pick my parent. Will you be chanced? he repeated “Sure”. I replied and he smiled I need to get to class”. I informed and he nodded * * I walked out of the studio smiling and stopped when I met the angry gaze of Loretta I completely forgot she was waiting outside What were you doing in there since? She frowned “I was taking to Chase”. I grinned Oh right! She rolled her eyes “I am sorry for keeping you waiting”. I apologised “It is alright”. She assured me. how did it go? “Chase asked me to be his girlfriend”. I squealed in excitement Wow! She exclaimed, I am so happy for you “Thanks friend”. I beamed Was that the reason Kira was angry? She asked “What do you mean? I asked “When Kira came out from the studio, she looked very angry. She explained” “ why would she be angry? I wondered * * The class was noisy when we walked in as most of the students were playing their musical instruments We walked over to our seat and sat down I stared in awe as a girl played the violin How I wish I can play the violin. I sighed * I felt someone tug at my clothes and turned to look I smirked when I met the gaze of barbie Where were you both during the practicals? She asked “It is none of your business”. I retorted and she scoffed “I can see you already skipping classes”.She drawled. And what will you do about it? I glared at her “I can report you to the school authorities”. She threatened “Then go ahead. I dared her”...... * * *’. Kira Montes * * I paced up and down the empty classroom thinking about Chase words it must be a joke... I mean... how could Chase date a commoner?how could he choose a poor scholarship student over me? I loved him hoping he would love me someday but he betrayed me by loving that b***h. What is her name again? ........ Candace Noah Noah?..... wait a minute! Is Candace the girl my father talked about, is she the daughter to my father’s driver...... I really need to find out * * I scurried out of the room and headed to the administrative block I walked in ignoring the greetings of my so called fans “Is my father on seat? I asked his secretary and she nodded * I pushed the door to his office opened and walked in “Dad. I called “What is wrong Kira? he asked looking up at me What is the name of your driver’s daughter? I asked ignoring his questions “Why are you interested in her all of a sudden? he asked “I just want to know her more about her dad”.I faked a smile “Fine! he signed, her name is Candace Noah”. he replied “So she is the one. I scoffed “ * Chase Delgado * I glanced am my wristwatch, it was already past 6 My parent would soon arrive at the airport * I walked out of the studio and headed to Candy’s class It was past closing and the school was almost empty What was she still doing? I wondered * I stood at the entrance of her class and smirked when I saw her and two other girls trying to play the violin I cleared my throats and they all looked at me Oh my gawd! I heard one of the girls exclaimed while the other girl jolted up excitedly and ran towards me Chase! She called smiling , it is nice finally meeting you . I am Tiffany and I really love you and your songs Thanks, I muttered Can I get your autograph? she asked with a puppy eyes “Sure. I replied laughing and sighed on her clothes Can I get .......... “Enough of that barbie. Candy warned walking towards us And why would I listen to you? the girl glared at her “Because he is my boyfriend . She scoffed and the girl gasped in shock Can we go now Chase? She frowned I nodded “Fine! Let us go Loretta”. She signalled to the girl beside her and they both walked out of the classroom I followed behind them smiling * * Candace Noah * * I bade Loretta and ran over to join chase who was waiting patiently in his car I opened the car doors and hopped in “You can go now”. I frowned What is wrong with you? he asked staring at her face Nothing, i replied without looking at him Candy! he called softly, did I offend you in anyway? I looked at him and scoffed “Please talk to me. he leaned towards while caressing my face I don’t like the way you talked to Tiffany. I blurted out He stared at me for a while and laughed Are you jealous? I asked Why won’t I be? I retorted, when she was clearly trying to be flirt with you and that....... do you love me? he asked cutting in Of course I do, I replied “Then you need to trust me, you need to believe me I was about to say something when I felt his lips on mine he kissed me briefly and smiled “That is how I feel about you, so please don’t feel insecure anymore...... * * TBC
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