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I was fourteen the first time I heard about the Contini family. They were the biggest mafia mob in New York, ruthless and feared by all. At the time, it was ruled by Elio Contini, father to both Dominic and Roman. For some reason, after he died, Dominic was pushed aside despite being older and Roman became Don. Roman was nothing like his father though, he ran many businesses but still managed to do them legally. He owned the biggest restaurants, casinos, hospitals and strip clubs, amongst others. He was said to have good looks, unmeasurable pride and a huge temper. He was not one to be messed with. “You’re THE Roman Contini?” I heard Alice ask, slowly pulling me back to the present. “I thought you’d be taller.” Roman attempted to seize her hand roughly but I substituted mine instead, pushing my little sister gently out of his reach. His hold was firm and sharp, I could feel my wrist getting numb with each passing second. I raised my head to look at him, like really look at him. His black suit hung to his body in a tight fit, revealing lines of muscle whenever he flexed, even a little bit. He had on an expensive gold watch, the type I’d only seen on tv. His posture was straight and perfect, he was tall with strong broad shoulders and a thick jawline. I had always imagined the famous Roman Contini would be in his late thirties with hard features, maybe a couple of scars and fake gold tooths, but the man standing in front of me was only a couple of years older, his brown eyes glowed, complimenting his tanned skin. The only hair on his face were from the bits that fell off the messy bun on his head, it looked like he had decided to hold his hair up at the last minute. Roman was said to be the devil, but I couldn’t see it. Sure, he was intimidating but he was also so beautiful. He twisted my arm behind my back and pulled me into his chest, my hair flung into his face in the rush. He let go of my hand and stepped closer, closing any remaining interval between us, the smell from his aftershave the only evident that he was behind me. “Do you have any idea who I am?” His whisper came unexpectedly and I shivered, like a cold bath on a cold morning. His thick Italian accent showered down on me like dew, refreshing and radiating heat. I nodded slowly, “You’re Roman Contini.” I said softly, taking in a gulp. “You’ve heard about me?” “Yes.” My voice was still so low and shaky, even I was finding it hard to believe I had said words. But he heard me, he grabbed me by the throat and I heard a gasp right next to me. It was probably Alice, regretting ever opening her mouth in the first place. “You know what I’m capable of?” I nodded again and he let me go, I sighed in relief. “Get the little one and let this one go.” I whimpered, turning around to face him. My voice still very low. “No.” “I’m starving.” He ignored me, smiling at the toddler hanging on the lady’s hip and leading them through the front door. “No.” I tried again, this time louder. “I won’t let you take her” Roman didn’t turn to acknowledge me, he continued on his way as Giovanni, the big guy, grabbed Alice. Roy and Luca joined him, I watched as she screamed and struggled. “Please. Wait.” I tried to fight them off, but kept getting pushed to the ground. “Why are you doing this?” My question must have stunned him. Roman turned around so quickly, you’d have thought I was a child saying a curse word and he, a parent that did not approve. He proceeded to go on a rampage of curse words, all in Italian. “Alexandra…” He called out, his voice calm and raspy. “I knew your father, he was not a very good man.” “Tell me something I don’t know.” I said, still resting on the floor I had been pushed unto. “But what does he have to do with anything?” He snorted, obviously tired of having to explain himself. It was obvious he was not a very patient man, but he was still determined to justify the reason for his actions. “He owed me a lot of money, something I can’t get back now that he’s decided to off himself. But don’t worry, before he died, he made arrangements of how I could get it all back.” I stood up, dread slowly creeping up on me, my heartbeat suddenly slowing down as I asked my next question. “What did he promise you?” He stared straight into my eyes, unblinking. His lips formed a small smile and mine quivered. “Your sister.” I began to shake my head, this had to be one big dream. “Don’t listen to anything that crazy man said, he was delusional.” “He wasn’t when he sold your sister, I have a video and paperwork to prove it.” He said with a finality that meant the conversation was over. As he turned around to walk into his mansion, I panicked. Unable to shake the feeling that if Alice went through those doors, I would never see her again, it would be the end of everything and I was not about to be separated from my sister. “She’s just a little kid.” I tried to reach into what little heart he had, if he had one. “I’m begging you not to do this, please. I’ll do anything.” He didn’t stop, the servants were now starting to break the line and move on to carry out their many other different duties. “She’s all I have.” I kept trying. Giovanni and Roy already dragging a struggling Alice in, as I trailed behind them, unwavering and determined not to let her go. Luca walked past me, his eyes full of pity as I wept bitterly. “You should just quit now.” I heard Roy’s girlfriend say behind me, her words holding no emotion. “Wait, take me instead.” I screamed, my body vibrating in anguish. My forehead held beads of sweat and I felt sick to my stomach. “Take me, you piece of s**t. I’ll take her place. Do you hear me, Roman cunt?” As soon as the last words left my mouth, I felt something hard collide with my head and immediately, I hit the floor. I wasn’t sure if it was my tears or the blow that blurred my vision, but what came after was darkness.
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