Chapter 4 - Hello Again! (Jethro)

492 Words
“I told you not to look for me! You blatantly ignored the simple instructions I gave you!” I barked. My anger mainly stemmed from fear. I couldn’t afford to lose Arthur. I had already lost my mother. “You are a moron, but I still love you. You are family, and family abandons no one,” Arthur spoke with a pained smile. “Oh, what a day this is! Imagine all we can accomplish with two servants!” the hideous man exclaimed proudly, interrupting our conversation. I have an idea to get us out. “Are you hungry?” I asked with a tiny smile. “Starving. I could eat a dozen horses and then some—my belly aches for smoked rabbit and mead. Alas, none of us are adequate cooks. Especially not Isaac, I would rather die than try his meals,” the man said with a frown. “Sheath your tongue, Saber, lest I sheathe it myself. You are not a leader, and I would not hesitate to toss you to wild dogs. You are only alive because of the Jadehoods,” Isaac shouted, making him cower like a kitten. “On a different topic, my brother and I are excellent cooks!” I exclaimed with a pounding heart. I had a plan to get rid of the brigands and escape this hell. I knew deep down this was dangerous, and yet I felt exceeding courage. “We are the best cooks in all of Colmer,” Arthur chimed in. I wouldn’t go that far… “Do you believe these words?” Saber asked Isaac in a tone of disbelief. “No, but we must give the brothers a chance. We trust you to cook for us. Bring us all manners of wildlife. We hunger for rabbit stew with herbs. If your ‘stellar cooking’ impresses us, you will both be rewarded with all manners of riches and will earn our respect,” Isaac spoke with a growling stomach. “Our heart’s desire is not the riches of the world, but joy. Mother Yuna commanded us to serve everyone, even the most wretched of all. We only desire her acceptance, for when we are to return to the dust with the worms, our riches will have no significance,” Arthur spoke with a brilliant gleam. “You are a noble man. It fills us with joy knowing we have you and your brother. I pray to Yuna that your hunting goes well and that you will fill our stomachs. Fetch them their bows, Saber!” Saber hesitantly gave us two longbows and murmured about how we couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn if we tried. I stood up with Arthur, and we wandered into the forest to find food. Our fate depended entirely on the success of this journey. Failure was not an option. Protect my brother and me and forsake us not, Mother Yuna.
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