Chapter 7 - A Gamble (Arthur)

624 Words
“You are beyond manipulative,” I murmured as we walked towards the red triangle. “No, I just like a nice adventure,” Jethro said casually while shrugging his shoulders. “At the expense of everyone else! I’m younger than you by two years, and yet I’m the one who always has to save your hide. If mother had seen who you grew up to be, she would h-” I began shouting in pure rage before Jethro pinned me to the nearest tree and put a hand over my mouth. “Do not speak of our mother! You know not how much it hurt to lose her. I-I miss her so much sometimes. They say time heals all wounds, but this one is beyond repair…” he said with a shaky voice. I could tell Jethro never really got over our mother’s death. He removed his hand and told me to follow him with a sigh. We wandered for what felt like years before finding the location on the map. Only problem was that there was no treasure. This was beginning to feel like a cruel joke of some sort. “Hey, genius, where’s the filthy treasure?” I asked, annoyed. “Somewhere,” Jethro said with a sheepish smile. We looked all around us and could find nothing useful. Then, just as we were about to turn back, I felt something cold and metallic touch my leg. I jolted and looked at what it was. To my surprise, it was a lever. “Step back a little,” Jethro said excitedly. “Don’t you dare pull it!” I shouted angrily, only for him to ignore my warning. The ground beneath us collapsed, and a staircase rose from underground. The stairs were entirely rusted and looked like they would fall apart at any moment. “You’re going first,” Jethro said apprehensively, nearly shoving me forward. “Of course I am…” I murmured. I climbed down the staircase as carefully as I ‌could and feared that it would collapse. I hated my brother more than anything at that moment. I got down to the bottom and gestured for him to do the same. His eyes widened, and he slowly climbed down, whimpering the whole time like a puppy. “So, where’s the door?” I asked curiously. “It might be below us.” “Don’t be ridiculous!” I scoffed. Jethro brushed away dust with his foot, and we saw the faint outline of wooden cellar doors. “How do you know all these things?” I asked, jealous of his skills. “I’ve read tales about treasure hunters and followed their advice. A treasure is never hidden in plain view. To find one, you must be creative.” “You do realize there’s probably something or someone guarding it, right?” I asked anxiously. “So what? I can handle whatever is down there. Give me a dragon, and I’ll slay it,” he replied in a haughty tone. Whatever you say… I opened the doors, and the stench of decaying flesh struck my nostrils like a chariot. The smell was so foul that I physically felt sick. “That smell is horrendous!” Jethro exclaimed with an emerald green face. “Looks like we’re not the first ones who tried to get that treasure,” I said, shaking my head. “But we’ll be the last,” he said excitedly. “What do you mean?” I asked, confused. “We’re getting that treasure tonight!” he said excitedly before jumping into the cellar, falling four feet before hitting bottom. “One of these days, I’ll kill you myself,” I said with a disappointed sigh.
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