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«We have arrived» Pearce said while being in an ethereal state while using his physical eye to stare at white colored pagoda-like building right in front of him. ‹It seems some buildings can never change no matter how time flies› Pearce thought while also staring at the building right in front of him with a wandering look on his face. But he quickly came back to his senses when he heard someone calling out to him. “Welcome to the Herbal Hall esteemed guest” When he looked towards the source of that greeting, he saw a petite liitle girl who wore a white colored gown that has a leaf shaped emblem at the left side of her undeveloped chest. She also has a long and sparkling brown hair which she tied all back to make two ponytails. Coupled with her pair of her dark red eyes, makes her to look like a cute approachable girl. “My name is Alexander Christabel but you can just call me Christabel. I will be attending to whatever you need in the hall sir” Christabel said with a charming smile while staring with a expectant gaze at Pearce who stood right in front of her. “Do you have herbs that is used for the improvement of the body and qi?“ Pearce asked in a bland tone. “Yes we do sir but the later aren't much” Christabel replied with the charming smile still on her face. “Then take me to where they are kept” Pearce said as he began to walk into the building. 'He didn't even look at me' Christabel thought as her smile flickered a little while she chased after Pearce who was about to enter the building. But both Pearce and Christabel failed to notice that at a distance away from where the herbal Hall was located, a hooded person is seen standing behind a small tent as he spoke on what seems to be a communication device. “He has good gone into the building boss” Said the hooded person. “Good, get your guys ready to ambush him when he gets out of the building” replied the one who was referred to as boss by the hooded person. “Yes boss” said the hooded person before suddenly vanishing from that spot. When Pearce and Christabel got into the building, they saw various people either staring, picking up and buying herbs in the hall. “Wait… isn't that Kyler Pearce?“ “Of cause it's him, don't you see that cold look on his? Who else has that kind of face except him?“ “Sshh!!, Be quiet. You don't want to face the wrath of him do you?“ “…” While hearing what others in the hall were whispering about, Pearce just kept a straight face as he followed Christabel going deeper into the hall. But Christabel instead had a confused expression on her face as she thought to herself. 'What are they talking about?' “We have arrived sir” Christabel said as she stopped right in front a showglass that has various kind of plants and ginsengs in it. After also stopping in front of the showglass beside Christabel, he began to inspect the herbs in it. But not long after, his eyes began to sparkle as he calmly said to Christabel while pointing at a an area in the showglass. “I would take these three” The three herbs Pearces' replica is reffering to are a 50 year old Ashwangandha, a 30 year old Rhodiola and finally what attracted Pearce's replica the most is a 5 years old golden ginseng. 'These are just common herbs' Christabel thought with a slight disappointment on her face as she said. “That will be 150 battle points in total sir” “Ok where can I pay?“ Pearce's replica said as he quickly asked the main Pearce inside him. “You can pay it in here sir” Christabel said as she brought out what seems to be a ATM card from her pocket. «Ok thanks» Pearce's replica quickly said to the original Pearce inside him as he began to pay for the herbs. ‹He actually thanked me› Pearce thought as a surprised expression formed on his face. “Thanks for the patronage sir. Hope you can come by next time” Christabel said with a calm smile on her face. “Hmm” Pearce said as he quickly walked out of the herbal Hall. «It seems we are being followed» Pearce's replica said to Pearce while going towards the new recruits dormitory. «So what are you going to do about it?» Pearce asked with a hidden smile on his face. «You should know by now» The replica said with a meaningful smile on his face. After that, both Pearce and his replica laughed an evil laugh as Pearce's replica suddenly made a turn into a dark alley. “Huh? They turned?“ A youth said with a confused expression on his face. This youth had four people who were standing behind him as they all looked at him with respect. “So what are we going to do now boss?“ One of the youth following him suddenly asked with a confused expression also on his face. After pondering on something for a while, the youth which was called boss suddenly had a resolute expression on his face as he ordered. “We still follow him. I don't believe he can beat up all five of us” And so, the five youths followed Pearce and his replica into the dark alley. But when they got there, they couldn't see Pearce anywhere. “Where did he go?“ One of the youths said as the confused expression he had before came back on his face. “Search for him!, He must be hiding somewhere” said the boss after being silent for some seconds. While going deeper into the alley, the four youths at the back started searching at every nook and corner in the alley. 'Dark Zone' The replica said while staring at the five youths at a seemingly open area in the area. «What spell is this?» Pearce suddenly asked with a curious expression on his face «This is my personal spell called Dark Zone. It allows me to become invisible at a short period of time» The replica answered with an evil grin on his face. «Can I use this spell if I want to?» Pearce asked again as a meaningful smile came on his face. «Of cause, we are both in the body after all» The replica answered before he began the plan both him and Pearce devised while in the alley. 'Dark s***h' The replica thought as he suddenly went through one of the youths who were busy searching for him. “AARGH!!“ Screamed the youth before he fell flat on the floor. “What was that?“ The boss exclaimed with a vigilant look on his face. “Let me go check” one of the youth beside the boss suddenly said as he ran towards the source of that scream. “AARGH!!“ Not too long after the youth went towards the source of that noise, another scream rang out. “Everyone!! quickly run out of the alley” The boss said before he began to run out of the alley. But right when he could get out of the alley, a dark straight line suddenly ran through his neck. As soon as that happened, the boss suddenly stopped running as he just stood motionlessly. “Boss?“ Said one of the youths with a frightened expression on his face. But that fright quickly turned into despair as he saw his boss's head suddenly slide of his body with his blody spraying out everywhere as he lifelessly fell flat on the floor. Not long after, the two remaining youths who were completely in despair heard a cold and chilling voice all around the alley. “Three down, two to go”
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