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“You shouldn't have behaved like that Drake” Alex said with a helpless expression on his face. Right now the five children were seated on the floating chairs with them having various expressions on their faces. Roselle, Roseline and Drake had relieved expressions on their face. Alex had a helpless expression while Caroline still had her cold expression on her face. “I can't help it Alex. He's ordor was really suffocating” Drake replied back with a argumentative expression on his face. “But still” Alex continued still with his helpless expression on his face. But before anyone else could reply back to Alex statement, they suddenly heard a voice from up the stairs at their right. “It's alright Alex. It's not their fault, it was mine” When everyone turned to see who just spoke, almost all of them had a shocked expression as only Caroline suddenly sharpened her eyes. Right now the Pearce they were currently looking at is completely an opposite to the Pearce that went upstairs to take a bath. Pearce now has a glowing skin which reveals the stunning handsomeness he has on his face, a well kept green hair in the form on a ponytail and the neat military uniform that perfectly fits his stature. “The place you directed me to, was that really a bathroom?“ Asked a curious Pearce as he approached the five children who were currently on their feets. “Well yeah. That's an advanced technological bathroom they installed in their just a few days ago” answered Alex with a dazed expression on his face along with the rest except Caroline who still kept her sharp gaze on Pearce. But not long after, Alex snapped out from his dazed expression and asked. “Aren't you angry at us by the way we treated you earlier?“ “Why should I? Its my fault for not dressing decently after all” answered Pearce with a confused expression on his face. “But-” “You're right Pearce, I think we should go get some sleep for tomorrow. It is getting late” Roselle suddenly interjected as she grabbed Alex left hand. Although Alex was a bit irritated by the way Roselle acted, he quickly calmed down when his gaze met with her meaningful look. “That's true, but I don't really know which dorm to enter” said Pearce with an awkward smile on his face. “Just walk pass the doors of all the dorms upstairs and you will know where your dorm is” explained Roselle with a calm expression on her face. “Ok, thanks” said Pearce as he quickly went upstairs to find his room. 'He didn't even asks us if we aren't also going to bed' thought Roselle with an amused expression on her face. But that expression quickly changed when she noticed the gazes on her back. “I know what you guys are thinking and I must say, it looks like the smartest pair in this group is me and Caroline” said Roselle while having an arrogant smirk on her face. “What do you mean by that?“ Asked Drake with a confused expression on his face. But that gesture intensified the smirk Roselle had on her face. “Don't you guys notice the opposite attitudes Pearce has?“ Asked Roselle while slightly pumping out her voluptuous chest. “We notice that off cause. So how does that relate to you and Caroline being the smartest pair in the group?“ Asked Alex while Drake fell into a Daze by Roselle body movement. But what Caroline suddenly said made everyone to have a solemn expression. “That's because we also noticed that the qi Pearce was eminating when he came out of the bathroom feels similar to that of Powell” . . . . . 'Looks like this is my dorm' Pearce thought while staring at the door that his full name clearly written on it. When he got in, he only saw a simple bed and a table next to it. 'Well time for bed' Pearce thought again as he lazily crashed on the bed and immediately fell asleep. But he failed to notice that the military cloth he was wearing has suddenly changed into simple clothes. “Hey, wake up!“ “Hmm?“ Pearce lazily hummed as he tried to open his eyes. But when his eyes eventually opened, he found himself surrounded by an infinite void while staring at someone that looks exactly like him. “Who are you and where am I?“ Asked Pearce after rubbing his eyes for a few times to confirm what he was seeing. “Am you” Pearce's replica said in a chilling cold tone. But Pearce refused to believe him as he shouted. “How is that possible!?“ “I don't care if you believe me or not since you will do the former sooner or later” Pearce's replica spoke again in his usual cold tone. “What do you mean?“ Pearce asked with a confused expression on his face. “Don't you realize by now that am in your physical body?“ Said Pearce's replica with an annoyed look on his face. But that look worsened when he saw Pearce having a pondering expression on his face. “Oh you're right!“ Exclaimed Pearce with an enlightened expression on his face. 'Why did I end up with this dumb kid?' thought Pearce's replica as he shaked his head with his right hand on his forehead. But not long after, he said. “I want to make a deal with you” “What deal?“ Asked Pearce with a curious expression on his face. “Let's make shift on who will control the physical body” Said Pearce's replica with a mysterious smirk on his face. “And how does this shift work?“ Asked Pearce with a strange smile on his face. “I will be taking control whenever you want to battle or anything related to battle happens” Said Pearce's replica with the same mysterious smirk on his face. But what Pearce said next nearly made him to puke blood even if he doesn't have any in him. “Ok deal” “Wait, you accepted?“ Pearce's replica said with an incredulous expression on his face. “Yes I did. And that is because although I am naive at times, I am also observant which made me to know that you will be more suited for those kind of stuffs than me”.
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