
The Alpha's Two Lunas


Alpha Nicholas thought his life had already been complicated when he found out his mate was Kiara a beautiful but prickly shifter that didn't want anything to do with him but when a beautiful broken girl ends up in his pack he is surprised when he smells her as his goddess chosen mate. He had never heard of a shifter having two chosen mates but before he can even figure out he needs to find out what happened to the beautiful fragile girl and who is hunting her.

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Chapter 1
 Warning this book contains abuse, s****l abuse, and adult themes POV: Angel Pain, it rolled across me in unending waves causing me to readjust myself on the thin mattress underneath me. With each small movement the pain increased causing a hiss to come between my lips as I turned to stare at the wall of my cage. My back was bare and the cool air of the basement eased some of the pain from the whip marks on my back. I tried to forget why I had the whip marks but like everything else I had endured here it was seared into my memories. Last night I had been chosen as one of the ten girls to be entertainment for the night. I wasn’t suppose to be there, I was suppose to be resting and healing for the special visitor who comes for me once every month. Alpha Reggie was gone for the night and somehow Ronald had convinced Beta Johnston for me to be upstairs for the night saying he just wanted me to serve drinks to him and his buddies and for the first part of the night that is what I did. He would snap his fingers and I would jump up and get drinks for everyone around the table then I would kneel by his chair as he ran his fingers through my hair. It was during the last order that everything went downhill. I was carrying a large tray of drinks and one of the girls pushed into me, I am fairly certain it was on purpose, the tray I was carrying flew out of my hands and all the drinks landed in Ronalds face. He jumped up with a roar, sputtering alcohol as he fixed me with a golden glare. I tried to run, to get to Beta Johnston, he was just as bad as the rest of them but he was under orders to keep me in good shape and I knew he would stop Ronald. Unfortunately I didn’t make it far before he grabbed me by my hair and flung me brutally to the ground. “Bitch.” He growled as he reached down and dragged me up by my hair. I didn’t look at him as he dragged me closer to him, rage vibrating off his body as he grabbed my chin painfully and forced my head up. “I am going to teach you a lesson about wasting alcohol and then I am going to f**k that pretty little mouth of yours.” He smirked as he ran his thumb over my lips and I had to clench my jaw to stop myself from biting off his thumb. He dragged me down the hall, a couple people laughing and encouraging him, but I did hear a couple people warning him against it. It wasn’t my abuse they were trying to stop it was for fear what the Alpha would do when he found out. Ronald didn’t listen as he pushed me into a room and I realized I was in the whipping room. I could already feel my mind shutting down trying to protect me from the pain that was going to come. I didn’t register when he put my hand into the restraints that hung from the ceiling letting me dangle there, my feet barely touching the floor. I gazed ahead almost unseeing but when he grabbed a certain whip off the wall my whole body started to shake. It was long and thick, made of pure silver with small hooks all the way down to flay the flesh of its victims. It was only used when the Alpha wanted to inflict the most pain before he kills someone, I was only use to the smaller leather whips that would still do damage but with my shifter healing I could heal with no scarring. The first whip brought a scream to my lips and my vision faded red for a moment but he didn’t give me a reprieve and he got six more strikes in before the door was kicked end sending shrapnel everywhere. “f*****g hell Ronald.” Beta Johnston roared as he took in my flayed back seeing his own life flash before his eyes. “She spilt my drinks.” Ronald tried to justify his voice slurring, to driven by the alcohol in his system to see he was in danger. “If Alpha Reggie doesn’t kill you then I will. The Dark one is coming to see her next week and he throws a fit if she has the smallest bruise on her and you just flayed her back with silver. She won’t heal in time and there is no way to keep it from scarring.” He yanked my hands from the restraints and scooped me up. It was almost like he cared about what happened but he didn’t, he was scared of the Alphas reaction and everyone in our pack was scared of the dark one even Alpha Reggie. I was dumped unceremoniously on a bed and the pack doctor was quickly brought in. He said there was no way it wouldn’t scar and I could hear the Beta curse under his breath. He applied a salve in hopes it would make it scar smoothly but that was all he could do. Afterwards I was brought back down to my cage and I haven’t moved since. That had been two days ago, last night no girls were chosen though I could hear loud noises above but the night off was a pleasant respite for the girls. Above I could hear the pack house coming to life and I knew they would be down soon to chose girls for the night. The rest of the girls knew it also, I could hear a couple sobbing as the noise above got louder and I could smell the fear in the air. I curled into a tighter ball trying to ignore the sobs around me because there was nothing I could do to change it, it was inevitable. The door to the basement slammed open and several girls cried out as two pairs of footsteps stomped down the stairs.The only light in the basement, a small bulb that swung from the ceiling flickered on and several girls scurried to the back of their cages hoping not to be picked tonight. “f**k it stinks down here.” Beta Johnston grumbled as he walked to the center of the room. “Ok ladies, lets see who is coming out tonight. Which one of you is going to cry pretty for me tonight.” Gamma Levi’s voice cut through the silent basement and I started to shake. Gammas should be the emotional backbone of the pack. They could feel others emotions and calm and comfort others. Gamma Levi had turn his gift into a weapon, emotionally manipulating the women down here. He could make the women like what is being done to them even if it was painful. He could also amplify bad feelings and that’s what he liked to do the most, he couldn’t get it hard unless a girl was crying and shaking in fear. I could hear them walk to the cages on the other side of the basement and I tried to ignore the creaking of doors, soft sobs and the lightweight footsteps scurrying up the stairs. When they finally came up to my cage I held my breath willing my body to stay still. “Are we taking Angel?” Gamma Levi asked a note of excitement threading through his voice. “Not for awhile. Ronald beat her with the death whip and the alpha took his head for it and nearly my own for letting it happen. We were able to talk the dark one into coming later but he is not going to be happy about what happened.” I let out a sigh of relief to his words but stilled when I heard him coming closer. “Don’t worry little Angel, you will be back in service soon. When you are you are mine. Gotta make you answer for almost losing my head.” His voice was soft but filled with threat. “MMM maybe I can help. She is my favorite.” Gamma Levi’s power flowed over me like a vile oil spill causing my stomach to flip as I fought the rush of pleasure that filled it. “I look forward to it Angel.” Beta Johnston laughed cruelly before they turned off the light and stomped up the stairs. I shivered on my cot as I waited for my body to fight off the remnants of the Gammas power. Once I felt it was mostly gone I sat up careful not to disturb the scabs that were finally covering the whip marks. Trying not to whimper from the pain I grabbed the water bottle I was given for the day and took a small swallow. I had to make the water last as long as possible because withholding food and water was a common practice here for compliance. Even with the lights turned off I could see everything in the basement clearly curtesy of my shifter genes and I could see they had taken twelve girls leaving eight of us in the dark. The other girls were starting to move around whispering to each other as they started to relax. No one turned to me. I didn’t know any of their names, very few stayed long enough to make it worthwhile and the few that did had been beaten if they tried to be friendly to me. I was always alone. The door opened again to the basement sending the remaining girls scurrying to the back of their cages. One girl dropped her water bottle in the panic and I could hear her quietly cursing as she picked it up. I scooted to the back of the cage wincing when my back hit the rough wall behind me. The footsteps were much lighter than before and when the person turned the corner I gasped. “Tanner what are you doing down here?” I hissed at him casting a weary eye to the door above. Tanner, my brother, hurried over to my cage while also keeping a eye on the door. I hadn’t seen him in months while he was away at Alpha training and was surprised by how much he had changed. He had to be at least three inches taller, his shoulders wider, his sandy blonde hair was almost to his shoulder and his hazel eyes held a determination in them that I had never seen before. With all the changes he had over the last several months it made him look more like our father....Alpha Reggie. He reached into his pocket producing a ring of keys and started trying to unlock the door. “Tanner don’t” I squeaked quickly covering my mouth as I looked at the door above. He didn’t listen and he finally found the right one and swung the door open. “He is going to beat you again.” I whispered as I took as step back away from the open door. The last time Tanner had snuck down here with some food for me Alpha Reggie had beat him then made him beat me. “I am getting you out of here.” he hurried away not checking if I was following him . “This is wrong Angel. All of it. I knew it was wrong in my gut but going to the Alpha training has shown me what is going on here is illegal. Father is breaking at least 12 rules here and they are the big ones.” His jaw was tight as he said this while starting to pry the boards from one of the windows. “He will kill you.” I stammered as I slowly left my cage, every noise above causing me to jump. “Only if they catch me. I’m covered in scent neutralizer and I took the keys from Gamma Levi.” He gave me a small smile before turning back the boards. “You need to go north, the Blue Moon pack border is there. Their Alpha is said to be fair and has actually tried to get the royals to check out what is going on here but somehow nothing ever happens. The first wolf you see you ask for sanctuary and you tell them all what is happening here.” “I can’t.” shaking my head as I realized he wasn’t going to be coming with me. “You have to Angel, I am years away before I can challenge him for the pack. He has something planned for you. I always hear him and the Beta talking about you and some sort of blood magic plus there is that Royal asshole who is always coming by he stares at you like he wants to eat you. I won’t let them kill you.” He said bitterly as the last plank fell from the window. “Come with me.” I whispered as I took a step closer to him but not touching I couldn’t put my scent on him. “I can’t. I need to fix this here and I can do better if I know your safe and he can’t use you against me.” he reached out like he wanted to hug me but he quickly dropped his arms knowing he couldn’t. “If he catches me.......” I trailed off as a shiver of dread to over me. “He won’t. I already got the guards off the northern border. No one will see you.” I stood there for a minute doubt keeping my feet glued to the pavement under me. It was the breeze that come through the window that got me to take a step forward, I hadn’t felt fresh air in 5 years and just the feel caused my wolf to stir. “Ok.” I said shakily as I looked at the window then to the other girls in the cage and guilt ran through me. I turned to my brother and he already knew what I was thinking and shook his head. “Sorry Angel there isn’t time and a larger group would draw attention.” I nodded though it didn’t sit with me well. “We won’t tell.” one of the girls said bitterly, a dark hair beauty that had only been here for two weeks “ Just tell everyone what is going on here.” I nodded again as I stepped onto the table and pulled myself through the window frame. “I love you Tanner.” Tear came to my eyes and I looked into his hazel eyes hoping I would see him again. “I love you too.” He said softly as he gave me a sad smile before he closed the window and started putting the boards back I sat frozen against the brick wall, fear rooting me to the spot. Inside the pack house I could hear the men getting rowdy and the soft cries of one the girls and a shiver ran through me. Above me the night sky clear and I looked like every star was out to celebrate my freedom. I changed quickly to my wolf relishing the feel of air through my fur. It had been years since I had I been out in the fresh air with grass under my paws. My wolf was just as weak as I was, years trapped in a basement, not allowed to run with the pack had taken a toll but being in wolf form would be quicker even if it was a wounded emaciated wolf. I ran towards the forest waiting at any second for the alarms to sound but nothing happened. The night was peaceful and just like Tanner promised the north side was guard free. I ran and ran, for how long I wasn’t sure but my wolf was starting to lose steam so I rested by a small creek switching to my human form to give my wolf a break. I wasn’t sure if I was heading north anymore but I could see the top of a small hill that a man a long time ago told me was the way to freedom. Just the thought of him brought me a little peace, he was one of the few men in my life who didn’t want to hurt me or want something from me. One night he was telling me where safety was and where his pack was and the next he was gone never to be seen again. My thoughts were broken by the sound of a long howl, followed by several more coming from the direction of the pack house. “No, no, no.” I whispered as I shifted back to my wolf and started running again. My heart felt like it was going to beat of my chest as I pushed myself even harder. I had put a lot of distance between myself and the pack house but whoever was chasing me was uninjured and had probably eaten a good meal recently. My only hope was that I close to the border or I wasn’t going to make it. I pushed myself as fast as my tired broken body would go but I could already feel my legs start to give out under me. The howls were closer and I tried to look back to see if I could see them but with my attention off the terrain front of me I tripped on a root and found myself flipping through the air before slamming painfully into the forest floor. Pain radiated through my body and it was to much for my poor wolf who quickly retreated leaving me shivering in my human form on the ground. “Ouch.” I muttered as I tried to stand but legs wouldn’t cooperate and I slowly sink back to the ground. Twigs cracked to my left and I scooted back firm against a tree as three wolves came into view. They were giant dark gray beasts much larger than my little white wolf, they looked even bigger than my fathers wolf. They approached slowly, ears back, teeth bared, a warning growl emanating from them but I wasn’t afraid of them. I had made it to the border. “Sanctuary.” I barely whispered before my father and his pack came crashing through the trees.

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