“No, thinking it over,” replied Jean emphatically, “I don't believe he did. He said everything as if he'd learnt it all by heart and, for some reason, was wanting to overwhelm me all at once by making out he knew so much about me.” She looked at him anxiously. “But what do you think he's going to do? Do you think he'll tell anybody?” Larose spoke thoughtfully. “Not if he gets what he wants,” he said. “Then he'll keep quiet for a while, but only as long as it suits him.” He shook his head. “He seems to me the kind of man who'd never let anybody out of his clutches once he'd got them there.” “Oh, how dreadful!” exclaimed Jean. “And what do you think he'll try to get out of me.” Larose smiled confidently. “He won't get anything at all out of you, Mrs. Hilary,” he said. “I'll see to that.”