Taking to Nathan

2106 Words

Marissa's POV We are awakening for the doctor to call us to tell us that Nathan is ready to talk to us. I know he must feel relieved to have that person out of his head, but I still do not know what to do with the chip. I want to ask him what he knows. I know I have to destroy the chip and the satellite I am using to control the chip. I know it won't be easy, but I must do it. I will need the help of Ace. Ace knows more about this new technology than I do. I must get a hold of Ace because I need his help. However, that is a problem for later. I have to talk to Nathan first and know what he knows. Every little bit of information he can give me will help me. I need to know with whom we are dealing, and I need to know I am sure that he will know most of them. Damon must have mentioned their

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