Marissa or Elizabeth?

2040 Words

Third Person's POV Christopher and Ethan have arranged to meet again. Ethan wants to determine whether Christopher is telling the truth and if his mother-in-law is in the hospital. It's not that he does not trust Christopher, but we need to ensure that Christopher is honest and not pretending to be his friend when he's not. Ethan decided to go to the hospital himself. It walks in and asks where is Mrs Cromwell's room. Most of the personnel in the hospital know who Ethan Maverick is. They escort him to her room, to Ethan's surprise. Marissa is sitting next to Mrs Cromwell's bed. What is she doing here, and why is she sitting next to a woman's bed that she does not know? As he walks in, Ethan can see that the lady in the bed must have just undergone an operation. "Marissa, what are you doi

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