The shocking truth.

1079 Words

Ethan's POV I wanted Marissa tonight, but she went to her computer and showed me what was happening with my brother. We are watching him talking to himself in two voices. I have never seen Nathan like this. This is a side of my brother. I never knew. When we were younger, and after the accident, I knew Nathan had changed. He has tried to provoke me. But this is shocking. This is a side I have never seen of my brother. It is like he's fighting himself. Can it be true that a chip is implanted in his brain? Is somebody else controlling him? If so, we need to find out who. " You know, I'm the best hacker in the world, and if there is a chip in his brain, I am sure I can intercept it. You can talk to him even if I block it for a few minutes. He seeks help but does not know who to ask or trust

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