Losing Money

2021 Words

Third Person's POV "You paid twenty thousand dollars for a glass rose worth nothing. I'm not even talking about the other junk that you bought. Give me your credit card, young lady. I cannot trust you! I should have never let you go to that bloody charity auction alone. I didn't think that you were this stupid. I swear you and your mother were born without brains. We don't have this kind of money to spend every day. It is time that we stop spending unnecessary money. Our business is not doing good at this moment. It's that bloody Ethan Maverick. He's taking all my business away." Matthew Kruguer shouts. He is furious. He can't believe his daughter fell into this trap that those people sit for her. "Ethan was there last night. I had to impress him. When I marry him, we will be out of all

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