Did I do the right thing?

2030 Words

Christopher's POV I do not know if I have done the right thing. Was my decision too impulsive? Perhaps I should leave this whole thing because if I have a girlfriend, fiancee, or wife, my enemies will have something against me. If I have children, I will be vulnerable. However, I cannot stay single for the rest of my life because of my enemies. I long for a family and a warm body lying beside me every night. I long for somebody that I can love and cherish. I know I have not treated Elizabeth well, but I wanted to taste her to see if she one day will become a great Donna. I admired her for her strength and her loyalty to her mother. I know I have not treated her right, and I was heartless towards her sometimes. I do not understand why I was cold towards her. I know I like her. I always had

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