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It was nearly two in the morning when they walked through the front doors of the Beverly Hills Hilton. The lobby was large with elegant lighting; dark wood-panelled walls, tall squared pillars surrounded by lounging couches and coffee tables. There were expensive area rugs on the floor and in the center of the vast room a towering gilded clock. There were wealthy businessmen and finely dressed women with little toy dogs in big bulky handbags. Maxine felt a little out of place, but Lucas seemed right at home. They walked up to the desk, and Lucas dealt with the night clerk. The young woman was polite and helpful. Lucas paid for two executive rooms at a rate of over five hundred dollars apiece. “Don’t you have cheaper rooms?” She asked. She didn’t feel comfortable with him paying so much for just one night. “We do.” The clerk said taking a flyer from behind the desk and handing it to her. Maxine looked it over and then pointed to the cheapest room on the flyer. “There you go here is a room for half the price.” She said showing Lucas. “Yeah, or we could stay in the good rooms for a little more.” “But it’s not a little more it’s a lot more.” She complained. “It’s just money.” He said handing over his credit card. “I can afford it.” He promised. “That’s not the point.” She said. “Then what is the point?” He asked leaning against the desk. The clerk still holding his card and waiting to hear which rooms they would be taking. “It’s a lot of money for one night.” “I still don’t see your point.” He nodded at the clerk and Maxine watched as she ran his card and handed it back with two key cards. They took the elevator up to their floor and stepping off they looked at the numbers on the cards. Their rooms were on opposite sides of the floor. They each went their own way. Maxine slipped her key card into the door and went inside. She flipped the light switch, and the lamps in the room came on filling the suite with a warm glow. Maxine went in letting the door close behind her. The room was large and spacious with a separate sleeping enclosure complete with king-sized bed. She stood in the living/work quarters furnished with desk, seating, a TV, and radio. There was a floor to ceiling sliding glass door that stepped out onto the balcony with a breathtaking view of the city. Maxine tossed her bag on the bed and took out her nightgown draping it over the bed. She took out her brush and ran it through her hair. She was going to have a nice hot shower and then go to bed. She would have just gone to bed, but after the night she had she needed to unwind, and a good shower would do that. It was the first time she had been alone at night in over six months. And even then, she wasn’t alone with Morris and Owen always parked outside. They were hard to shake. She had done so a few times, but it wasn’t easy. She had to admit she was enjoying their absence. It wasn’t wise for Lucas to keep messing with them but it was nice to have some real privacy. At least until they got a new car, and tracked his cellphone to find out where they were. She was surprised Carlos hadn’t called her yet demanding to know what happened to his tail. Though she was fairly sure it would be the first thing he asked when she walked through the doors tomorrow. He would be livid, at least until she told him how profitable the night had been. That should smooth his ire. The shower was delightful. The hot water relaxed her tense muscles. She let the water flow over her body and face as she stood under the showerhead. She thought about the night. About the gallery and the club. About Lucas and his smile. He still made her feel like a kid when she was with him. It was strange how easy things were with him. How he could make her laugh. She remembered how he had spared her the third degree from his mother by getting himself in trouble. She did feel a little bad that she had caused the fight. Maxine turned off the taps and ran her hands over her wet hair pushing it off her face. She stepped out and reached for the plush bathrobe. She pulled it on and tied the belt just as she heard a knock at the door. “Room service.” That was strange she didn’t order room service. Making sure the robe covered her she headed over to answer the door. Cracking the door open she found Lucas in the hall holding up a bottle of tequila and two glasses. “What’s this?” “A nightcap.” He said pushing his way in without waiting for an invitation. “I can’t sleep, yet I need to unwind a bit. Figured you were probably still up anyway.” He said walking to the desk and pouring them both half a glass. He placed the bottle on the desktop and picked up both glasses holding one out for her. “Where did you get the bottle?” She asked. “It’s the last call in the hotel bar. I bribed the bartender to let me take one of the bottles.” He said handing her one. Reluctantly she took the glass he offered and watched him drain his in one shot. It was amazing after drinking straight tequila all night he still seemed fairly clear-headed, whereas she was not. Her head had been spinning for over an hour now, and she had that strange foggy numbed feeling spread over her body. She lifted the glass to her lips and just as she tipped it back Lucas placed his hand on the bottom of her glass tipping it even further coaxing her to drain the glass dry. The sly smile on his face told her this was only the first of many drinks to follow. Once her glass was empty, he refilled both and again shot his back waiting for her to do the same. Maxine humoured him and shot back her glass trying not to choke on the burning liquid. Lucas refilled both glasses and placed the bottle on the desktop. “I don’t know about you, but I can’t keep drinking like this.” She said watching him drain his drink. “My head is already foggy.” “Lightweight.” He teased. “Don’t you feel anything yet?” She asked finding it hard to believe the drinking hadn’t affected him too. He poured himself another glass and drank it down. “Oh, I’m feeling something.” He assured her. The heated look in his bright eyes was unmistakable, and the promise in his voice made her shudder. She was suddenly very aware that she was naked beneath the robe. The plush fabric was the only thing between her and his lusty gaze. She felt a great need for some courage, and she drained her glass. At this point, liquid courage would have to do. She then held out her glass her hand trembling. Lucas picked up the bottle and refilled her glass his gaze holding hers. The air between them was tense. He didn’t say a word as he watched her drain another glass. Lucas lifted the bottle to his lips and finished it off. Then he placed the empty bottle on the desk and took a step toward her. She felt sixteen again as he moved closer. Filled with apprehension and anticipation, wondering if he was going to make his move. She had waited eleven years for Lucas to make a move and now that it was about to happen she couldn’t believe it. He moved closer so close there was barely an inch between them. She was forced to tilt her head back to look up at him looking down at her. There was intensity in his eyes that held her captive. His strong hands came up and framed her face. His flesh felt hot against hers. He was going to kiss her she was sure of it and every second leading up felt like an eternity. She couldn’t speak, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t breathe. Then it happened his face lowered to hers, and his mouth brushed over her own. She could feel his warm breath caress her lips. The slightest contact made her quiver, and he hadn’t even kissed her yet. Her eyes fluttered shut, and he stepped into her, and his body made full contact with hers. Then it finally happened his mouth claimed hers in the softest kiss she had ever experienced. It was timid as if testing her reaction. When she didn’t pull away, he kissed her again with more confidence. His kiss deepened, and his tongue slipped past her lips. He tasted sweet like the tequila he had been drinking. It was as if a fire had ignited between them consuming them both. Her hands came up wrapping around his shoulders, and his hands moved down her neck, over her shoulders and down her back pulling her hard against him. Her hands moved down his chest and eagerly worked the buttons of his dress shirt open pushing the fabric aside to reveal his muscled form beneath the linen. He was marvellous beneath her fingertips. He was smooth skin over hard corded muscle. Lucas backed Maxine up against the wall, his kiss becoming more demanding. His hand moved down over her bottom and down her thigh pulling her leg up around his hip. She sighed as his hot mouth tore away from hers and blazed a scorching path down her neck sending shivers to her very core. She couldn’t believe this was happening. It was a dream come true. She couldn’t count the times she had fantasized about this. Even when she had been with other men, she had thought of him. Lucas was who she thought about to get through s*x with Carlos, it was the only way she could bear his touch; but tonight, she didn’t have to pretend. Tonight, she had the real thing, and it was just as intense as she had ever imagined. A pounding on the door startled them both back to reason. They held their breath and watched the door. Maxine could see the shadow of two sets of feet beneath the door. It could only be two people. Morris and Owen had tracked them down through the GPS on their phones. She looked at Lucas, and her heart almost stopped if they caught them together like this it would be the end of both of them. They would shoot Lucas and drag her back to Carlos so that he could shoot her himself. They couldn’t be caught, and Morris and Owen banged on the door like they would break it down, and they very well might. “They can’t catch you in here.” She whispered. “They’ll kill us.” “Don’t let them in.” “I have to they will break it in if I don’t.” She said pushing him away. She grabbed the empty bottle and the two glasses trying to figure out how to hide them. She tossed all three into the mini fridge and closed the door. That done she had a more pressing matter. What to do with Lucas? She looked at the closet. No, they would look there, and under the bed, and in the washroom. She looked out on the balcony and shoved Lucas toward the door and outside. “Shh.” She then closed the sliding door and pulled the drapes closed to hide him. Relentlessly Carlos’ goons banged on the door. Maxine tightened her belt and ran her hands over her face and hair hoping to look innocent. She crossed the room and opened the door. She barely had the time to back up before both men barged in and started searching the room for Lucas. “Where is he?” Morris demanded, opening the closet door. “Where is who?” She snapped. “Sanchez.” Owen snapped coming out of the washroom. “It’s three in the morning I would guess in his room sleeping.” “What were you doing?” Morris asked looking her over. She pulled the robe closed tighter and glared at him. “I was having a shower and getting ready for bed.” Both men looked at her bag and nightgown laid out nicely on the bed. She was thankful they hadn’t made it that far. Her things all over the floor wouldn’t have supported her lie. Morris looked at her with a scrutinizing glare. “Check the balcony.” He ordered. Maxine’s heart almost stopped as Owen crossed the room and opened the drapes and sliding door. He stepped out onto the balcony and looked around. “There is no one out there.” He said coming back in. She couldn’t believe that. Where had Lucas gone? “I’ll go check his suite,” Owen said leaving the room and heading down the hall to Lucas’ room. Morris stepped out into the hallway watching Owen. Maxine used this time to step out onto the balcony. She didn’t see him anywhere. Where was he? She leaned over the railing and down at the ground below. She saw nothing. Well then, she was baffled. *** Lucas stood on the balcony as Maxine shut the door and drew the drapes. He listened quietly as the two men searched. He couldn’t be caught out here. Lucas looked around. He needed an exit plan. The ledge along the building led from one balcony to the next but it was very narrow, and they would see him anyway if they came outside. Besides he couldn’t move across it safely at a reasonable speed. No, he had to think of something else. He leaned over the rail and studied the balcony beneath the one he was on. It was a good ten-foot drop, provided he didn’t fall and hit the pavement six stories below. “Check the balcony.” He heard one of the men inside order. He didn’t have time to debate it. Lucas climbed over the railing and crouched low. His hands are holding onto the bars tight he lowered himself down and dangled over the balcony below. What he did next was critical. One wrong move and he was a stain on the pavement. He swung his leg rocking his body back and forth. It was getting hard to hold on. His hands were slipping. He swung wide and let go dropping onto the balcony below as he heard the glass doors above open up and someone came out. Lucas pressed flat against the glass doors hoping he couldn’t be seen by the man above. “I’ll go check his suite.” The man above said going back inside. Lucas rolled his eyes and sighed silently. He couldn’t catch a break. He turned around and very quietly slid the doors open and slipped into the dark room. He moved quickly and silently through the suite noting the woman sleeping in the bed. She snored and rolled over. Lucas made it to the door and quietly opened the door stepping out into the hallway and breathing a little easier. He ran to the other side of the floor and burst through the door to the fire stairs. He rushed up the stairs to his floor and cracked the door just enough to look into the hallway. Morris was still standing by Maxine’s door looking his way. Owen was coming down the hall and was almost at Lucas’ room. He took his key card out and held it ready. He needed a way past them. He saw Maxine step out into the hallway and looked down to where he was. She must have noticed the fire door was cracked because she screamed and jumped. Both men turned to see why she had screamed. Lucas bolted for his room and slipped the key card into the lock he opened the door and went inside shutting the door quietly. Leaning against the door, Lucas listened. “What?” The man closest to his door asked. “I saw a spider.” He heard Maxine lie. “Stupid women.” The guy by the door muttered. Then he knocked, and Lucas looked around his room. He ran into the bedroom and tussled the blankets then he shed his shirt and slacks leaving them on the bedroom floor. There was another knock, and he headed to the door in his shorts trying to look tired. He took a breath and opened the door. “What the hell man it’s three in the morning I was sleeping.” He snarled. Owen looked him over and then barged in and searched the room looking at the bed that looked slept in. He looked Lucas over in his short the clothes tossed carelessly on the floor. “Have you been in here all night?” Owen asked. “It’s 3:00 am where the hell else would I be?” Owen didn’t say another word he left the room and started walking back to Maxine’s room. Lucas stood in the doorway looking down the hall at Maxine who was breathing easier seeing him in his room. “Happy?” She asked as both goons stood by her door. “Can I go to bed now?” Morris nodded. “We’ll be out here.” He told her. “Well then, won’t I sleep better?” She rolled her eyes and shut her door. Lucas went back inside his own room shutting the door. He supposed he should probably go to bed. He wasn’t getting any loving tonight.
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