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Maxine was packing when she looked out the bedroom window to see a black and white Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster pull up out front. The top was down, and Lucas was getting out of the driver’s seat. He was dressed in a black double-breasted designer suit that looked as if it had been tailored just for him. He wasn’t wearing a tie, and the top buttons of his shirt were left undone. It was a very relaxed formal look. She looked down at the little green dress she was wearing. It was strapless with a V-cut skirt. Maxine shut the suitcase and walked over to the dresser where her handbag sat. Also, on the dresser were individual packets of product. She picked up the pouches of cocaine and tucked them into her bag. “Are you ready?” Carlos asked coming into the room. “Do you have everything?” “Yes.” She smiled tapping her handbag. They were going to LA which was quite far away so they would be spending the night in a hotel after the party. Carlos didn’t like it, but he was accepting it surprisingly well, although she was sure that Morris and Owen wouldn’t be too far behind them every step of the way. Carlos brushed her hair back off her shoulder with a smile of his own. He kissed her softly and rested his forehead against hers. “Just remember if you touch him I’ll kill you.” Maxine tried to pull away, but he gripped her arms like a vice stopping her and forcing her to look at him. “I will find out.” Maxine pulled away again, but he didn’t release her for a moment, then he let go and she made her way to the bed and picked up her suitcase. She left the room and started down the stairs. She wasn’t sure where Morris and Owen were but the rest of Carlos’ goons were hanging out in the living room. The doorbell rung and Maxine answered it to find Lucas on the other side. She felt an odd giddiness at the look he gave her. It was one of those wow moments. He recovered quickly, but she had still seen it despite his now cool and collected demeanour. “Good you’re ready.” He took her suitcase from her hand and tossed it into the trunk. Carlos appeared in the doorway watching Lucas close the trunk. Lucas flashed one of his winning smiles and walked up the steps to greet Carlos. “Evening.” He said pleasantly. “You know last night there was a Rolls parked outside my place. It took off when I walked towards it.” Again, he smiled. “You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?” He asked knowingly. “Because I can’t stand being followed. See it gets on my nerves, and that’s never a good thing.” Oh God was he actually threatening Carlos? Well, it shouldn’t surprise her. Lucas was never known for being smart, he was known for being gutsy, and he was going to get himself killed. “Perhaps you are just paranoid?” Carlos suggested. “Maybe, but it doesn’t mean I’m not right.” With that, he headed back to the car and opened the door for Maxine, and she got inside. She waited for Lucas to join her and they drove off the property. Once she was sure they were safely away, she shot him a nasty glare. “What was that about? I thought I already told you he would be having you followed. Why did you confront him? Are you looking for a bullet between the eyes?” “He’s not going to shoot me.” “How can you be so sure? I’ve known him for two years, and he threatens me every day. What makes you so damned special?” “He threatens you I thought you were his girl?” “I am that’s why he threatens me. He doesn’t like me looking at another guy let alone talking or touching.” “Yet he let you come with me.” “But we’re not alone.” He looked in the rear-view mirror at the car following at some distance trying to go unnoticed. “We can be.” He said reaching for the gearshift. Maxine placed her hand over his to stop him. “No, just pretend you don’t see them.” “But I do.” “Even if you lose them they’ll catch up later. All he has to do is track the phone I gave you. They’ll show up outside anyway.” Maxine looked down at her hand over his. The simple touch had invoked an odd sensation making her belly flutter. Good god, she felt like a kid again. It was deplorable. She was an adult, and she still could not fight this stupid schoolgirl crush she had on him. She didn’t even understand it. She didn’t even like him he was arrogant and frustrating, and he didn’t listen. He didn’t take anything seriously. He was going to get them both killed. She pulled her hand away and sat back in her seat looking over the wood grain and leather. It was a nice car. “How many of these things do you have?” “What?” “Cars. This is like the third one I’ve seen this week.” “I have about twenty.” “Where do you keep them all?” “In a storage warehouse near my place.” “That must cost a pretty penny.” “Sure does.” “You just have the cars?” Lucas snickered. “No. I got eleven bikes. Three skidoos, not in California obviously but up north in Aspen. I got four seadoos up in Malibu at my parents’ beach house. I got some ATV’s between here and Nevada.” “You have a house in Nevada?” “Sort of. It’s actually my folk’s place they bought it five years ago. Someplace secluded in the desert just south of Vegas. It’s a blast to go ripping through the desert.” He smiled at her as he headed out of Oceanside and started north to LA. “So, tell me how is your family?” “I don’t know.” She confessed. “I haven’t talked to them in years.” It simply wasn’t safe. The less contact she had with them, the better off they were. “Because of the job?” She nodded. “That must be hard.” This was the first undercover job of her career. She had volunteered for the gig, but she hadn’t realized just how hard and lonely it would be. “The last time I talked to them my father was being transferred to a base in Florida, my mother was having by-pass surgery, and my sister was having her second child.” “How long has it been?” “Two long years and counting.” She sighed. “I really need to bust this guy. I can’t be doing this the rest of my life.” “What do you plan to do after this?” “A nice desk job.” Lucas laughed. “Where is the excitement in that?” “I’ve had enough excitement.” “You’re just doing it the wrong way.” He teased. “I’m going to show you how to have fun the right way.” “I’m not riding a bike off a cliff.” She was only joking, but she saw a spark of consideration in his bright eyes. “That might be a great stunt. I’ll have to work it out in my head.” Maxine laughed. “Does your mother still have a heart attack every time you make a jump?” “She doesn’t come to my shows. If she did, I’m sure she’d have an aneurysm. She can’t handle it. Every time I see her she tries to talk me into a new career path.” “What career?” “She wants me to be a mechanic.” It sounded like a rather reasonable request. She didn’t know for sure, but she would bet money that Lucas worked on his cars and bikes. She couldn’t imagine him letting anyone else touch his vehicles. She remembered he use to tinker with everything; he had even been grounded once because he got curious at sixteen and took apart his mother’s Jaguar. He had put it back together successfully, but she had still been mad that her engine was laying in pieces all over the driveway. “What’s wrong with being a mechanic? I bet you could make a lot of money building those ten-second cars.” “Ten-second cars,” he laughed, “listen to you. You a gearhead now?” “I’m not completely clueless. I paid attention when we were kids, and you were talking shop with Nick. By the way, how is Nick?” Lucas shrugged his shoulders. “I haven’t talked to him in seven years.” “Why not?” “We had a falling out.” That surprised her they had been best friends when she knew them. “What happened?” “He went after this chick I wanted. He knew I was into her, but he went after her anyway.” He sounded like he was still bitter. “I would have never done that to him. Obviously, I was a better friend than he was.” She could vouch for that. Even after she and Nick broke up, Lucas had kept his distance, and she had been fairly sure he had liked her too. “I have a question.” She said hesitantly, the butterflies fluttering in her belly. She really shouldn’t be asking or even going where she was about to go, but it had been bugging her for eleven years. “If I hadn’t moved away… I mean if Nick and I hadn’t…” She couldn’t even get it out. It was a stupid question anyway. Lucas seemed to know what she was referring too but he didn’t answer her he just smiled, and the car went quiet. Throughout their trip, Maxine noticed Lucas repeatedly look in the rear-view mirror to check if they were still being followed. “How can you deal with this so calmly? Doesn’t it bother you that we’re being followed?” “It used to, but I suppose like anything if it happens enough you just get used to it.” “Well, I have no intention of getting used to anything.” He said as they reached the city limits. “You don’t have a choice.” “There is always a choice.” She didn’t know what he was thinking of doing, but when Lucas got that determined look in his eye, it couldn’t be good. Twenty minutes later they were pulling up out front of the art gallery. There were red carpet, lights, and cameras. “Before we go in there I need to know what am I selling and just how do I pull this off?” He asked coasting to a stop. Maxine opened her handbag to show him the numerous individual bags inside. “It’s cocaine. They go for a hundred dollars per ounce. I have a pound. The number to that cell phone I gave you is written on each bag for future business. There’s no name, and it’s untraceable, so you don’t have to worry about a narcotics cops using the bag to track you down. Just be careful who you deal with on the phone.” She snapped her bag shut and took a deep breath to steady her nerves. “Are you ready for this?” “No, but I suppose it doesn’t matter.” He was about to get out when he paused and looked back at her. “Does it ever bother you that you’re moving drugs?” “All the time but I’m not after the users I’m after the suppliers. The only way to get to them is to play your position and hope to move up the ladder.” She didn’t know how to make him understand that the ends justified the means. They could not do it and save one person who would probably get it from someone else, or they could stop the supplier and save thousands by putting an end to the flow of merchandise. “The more you move, the faster you’ll go up the food chain.” Lucas opened the door and got out. He walked around the car and opened Maxine’s door offering his hand to help her out. She took his hand and stepped out into the bright lights. Lucas tossed his key to the valet. All the cameras were overwhelming, but Maxine was a pro at faking confidence. She laced her arm with his and Lucas escorted her up the red carpet and into the building. They blended right into the finely dress crowd of fashion icons and LA’s elite. There were people of all ages from the seasoned art goer to the younger trendsetters who were far more likely to be the party type and potential clients. The real question was which ones to approach, but she supposed that was why Carlos had wanted Lucas so badly. He would know who would buy and who wouldn’t. Maxine noticed Lucas scan the room silently taking note of who was in attendance. He took two glasses of champagne from the waiter passing by and handed one to her. She took a sip and looked around. “So, what do you see?” She asked casually. He turned to her with a smile. “See the brunette in the corner? The one in the red off the shoulder dress.” She nodded. “She’s a model. You can find her on Vogue and at coke parties. She never eats, but she’s always first in line for…” He casually sniffed and rubbed his nose. She understood his subtlety. Lucas then placed his hand at the small of her back and ushered Maxine toward one of the pictures mounted on the wall. He nodded at the group of young men ten feet away downing drinks and laughing. “Those three like the nightlife. There are certain clubs in LA where a guy with enough money can get a little blow and pleasurable company.” “Do you go to those clubs?” She found herself asking. “Are you kidding?” He scoffed. “Baby I don’t have to pay for it.” He said with a sly smile and a wink. “Then how do you know about these clubs?” “Anyone who is anyone knows about those clubs whether they go or not.” Maxine looked around and spotted one guy that looked strung out right now. “What about him? “Actually, he’s clean as far as I know.” “Are you sure? Look at him tremble.” “Yeah, he’s on drugs, but it’s not coke. He’s got some sort of disorder the drugs make him shake.” Maxine cringed. She felt lousy for thinking the worst, but it was her job to look for the worst in people. She never thought that she could misinterpret what she saw. “Four potentials already you’re better at this then I thought.” She teased. “Six.” He said quietly nodding at the door where another couple came in. They were a little older than the others but probably not more than thirty-five. “One of LA’s power couples. She’s a charity organizer, and he’s a high-priced lawyer.” Maxine was surprised. “Are you sure?” “Oh yeah, she skims off the top, and he can be found in the local slums with a pound of blow and a sixteen-year-old prostitute. Everyone knows but it’s one of those things no one talks about.” “How do you know so much about so many of the people here?” “My family is not the sole seller of gossip magazines. Besides people love to talk if you listen you can find out anything about anyone.” “Do you know them personally?” “I know them well enough to know to stay away from them, but yeah I could make some introductions if you want.” He said draining the last of his glass and handing it to a passing server with an empty tray. As the night progressed Lucas and Maxine made the rounds. He introduced her to a few of the guest and discreetly made some side deals. Within the hour he had moved six bags and had established himself as the man to come too. He had a natural knack for it. He was friendly and charismatic and above all people trusted him. He was making friends all over the party and had even received an invitation to an after-party at one of LA’s trendy nightclubs where he could move more. They moved around the party making small talk when Maxine heard a familiar voice. “No way is that Max.” They turned around to see Lance smiling back at them. “Max Perez!” “Hello, Lance.” He looked just like Lucas right down to the same outfit and the same lazy lack of tie. Had his hair not been longer they could have been the reflection of each other. Lucas shook his head. “We really need to call each other and coordinate when we go to these things,” Lucas said looking Lance over. “You’re always copying me.” Lance teased. “But I’m more interested where you found Max.” He said hugging her hello. “What’s it been like ten years?” “Eleven.” She corrected him. Lance’s lips curved in a sly smile. “Are you two on a date?” “No.” They both answered immediately. “It’s just two old friends getting reacquainted,” Lucas assured his brother. “Really because it looks like a date.” “I have a boyfriend.” She said. Lance snickered. “Things never change eh? He’s still looking, and you’re still taken.” “It’s not like that.” Lucas snapped. “Oh please, why are you playing? We’re adults now, and you’re still playing high school games.” He scolded Lucas and then leaned into Maxine as if to tell her a secret. “Lucas always had a thing for you. He used to do all that crazy crap to show off. Get you to notice him.” Lucas shoved his brother annoyed. “Shut up. That’s not true.” Maxine tried not to smirk as she watched the boys squabble like they used to. “Oh please, he still does crazy s**t to impress the ladies.” Lance snickered. “Has he taken you to a race yet?” Maxine couldn’t fight it anymore she laughed and cast Lucas a playful look. “Well as it so happens he has. He won too.” “Yeah, he always wins. Nobody drives like Lucas.” “Don’t you have a girlfriend to harass?” Lucas asked. “She’s in Morocco on a photo shoot. Do you like the exhibit?” He asked her. “Oh yes, you’re very talented. I heard you were in the fashion business now, but I didn’t realize how good you were with a camera.” “There are my boys.” A female voice cut in. Maxine looked over to see Eve and Damien Sanchez approach. They were a little older now, but they hadn’t changed a bit. She was still stunningly beautiful, and he was so handsome with the same dark, brooding looks like his sons. Were not for their eyes they would have been the spitting image of their father. Eve embraced both her boys with a kiss and stepped back into her husband’s loving embraced. It had been eleven years, but Lucas’ mother made her nervous. Eve’s gaze raked over Maxine with an uncertain smile. “And you are?” Maxine felt Lucas’ hand at her back as he reintroduced them. “Mom, don’t you remember Maxine Perez? She used to hang out with us back in high school.” Eve looked at Maxine closer. “You boys used to hang out with so many girls I can’t tell one from the other. Which of my boys did you date?” “Neither,” Maxine said clearing her throat nervously, “I was dating someone else at the time.” “She was the military brat Nick was dating,” Lucas explained. “Sorry I don’t remember you.” Maxine didn’t really expect she would. She had only been in their home a handful of times for a very brief period. “Are you here with Lucas or Lance?” “Lucas.” Eve frowned. “I was hoping you were Candy’s replacement.” “Cindy.” Lance snarled. “And I’m not replacing her. I like her.” “You can like someone else.” His mother said. Lance rolled his eyes. “Don’t roll your eyes at me the girl is a gold digger.” “She is not,” Lance argued. “She’s a nice girl.” “She’s a hoochie.” His father finally spoke. “I know hoochies son, and you got yourself one. She’s the kind of girl that jumps on the first fat wallet she can find.” “You don’t like any of the girls I see.” “Because they’re all gold diggers.” His mother stressed. “Lucas has a thing for Max.” He said deflecting the attention off himself and on to his brother. “Hey, don’t make this about me,” Lucas warned. “Have you two kept in touch?” Damien asked cutting off his wife’s interrogation. “No, we met up again at my last show,” Lucas said. “And you thought you would hook up again?” Eve asked. “We’ve never hooked up,” Lucas answered. “Isn’t this a date?” “No.” They both answered. “She’s seeing someone else,” Lance added fanning the flames and getting a glare from Lucas. “Oh son, don’t start chasing taken women.” His father warned. “Trust me it never works out.” “It’s not a date. We’re just friends.” Lucas stressed. “What do you do Max?” Eve asked. Maxine was sure she must look like a deer in the headlights. What was she to say? She couldn’t tell them she was a cop and she couldn’t tell them she was a drug dealer. She had to think of a lie, and she had to think it up quickly everyone was staring. “She’s an event planner.” Lucas lied. “In fact, that is why we’re together she’s helping me plan my next stunt. I’m going to drive a bike over a cliff.” He said happily, both his parents stared at him like he was insane. His mother, in particular, looked like she was going to faint. “I haven’t worked out the details yet.” “You can’t be serious?” His mother gasped. “You’ll kill yourself.” “You always say that, and I’m always fine.” Lucas sighed. “I know what I’m doing.” Maxine looked up at Lucas as surprised as the rest of them then she realized he had said it for shock value to distract his folks from asking her any more questions she couldn’t answer. It was kind of sweet. “I never do anything until I have it worked out completely and I can do it safely. You would see that if you ever came to any of my shows.” “And support your choice to kill yourself?” His mother snapped. Lucas’ brows drew together with aggravation. “Why not? You support Lance and Justin’s photography, Dominic’s art, and Brandon’s studies, why can’t you support me?” He yelled drawing everyone’s attention. “Lower your voice.” His father warned. “Everyone is looking.” “Let them look. Why not me?” He repeated holding his mother’s stern gaze. “Because they don’t make me sick with worry. Every time the phone rings late at night, I’m afraid. Afraid that it’s the call that is going to tell me something went wrong. That my son is dead. That you miscalculated the jump or that you were going too fast to handle the turn. You put me through hell and why? For some momentary adrenalin rush? If you keep this up one day, I will be burying my son.” She yelled back almost in tears. A whispered hush went around the room as everyone waited to see what happened next. The tension between mother and son was thick Eve struggled to regain her calm and fight back the tears in her eyes. Lucas looked just as worked up. Mother and son had been at odds for as long as Maxine had known them. She didn’t think Lucas was going to change and she couldn’t imagine his mother ever accepting it. This was a fight that could not be resolved. “This night is over,” Lucas said and headed for the door. Maxine felt awkward as she watched him leave. “I should go too he’s my ride. It was nice to see you all again.”
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