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The restaurant was fine, but Lucas had been in finer. Thanks to his upbringing Lucas and his brothers had eaten in fine dining establishments worldwide. He could not only speak fluent Italian, but he also spoke six other languages like they were his native tongue. He had the finest tutors and travelled abroad frequently since the cradle. All things considered, it was a fine restaurant for the area. Lucas sat across the small intimate table from Carlos with Maxine at his left. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was even lovelier now than she had been the last time he had seen her. She had become a beautiful woman. Her long dark hair pinned back elegantly. That designer dress draped her flawless form perfectly. He didn’t recall her having money so that only left Carlos. The man dressed well enough in his fine tailored white suit. It was certainly possible that he had money and must be treating her well. They had a wonderful meal, and Carlos made small talk. He did most of the talking, a man that loved the sound of his voice. Going on about his home back in Mexico and the expensive place he had here in California. He was flaunting his wealth which told Lucas he was a self-made man. Probably grew up poor and made his wealth later. He certainly didn’t come from money as Lucas did. When you came from money, there was no reason to gloat. Carlos had ordered the house’s best bottle of wine which was good but not nearly as nice as the wine from his father’s wine cellar, though Lucas partook anyway. He watched as Carlos poured the table another round. They had finished their meal and were considering dessert. The night was almost over, and Maxine had said very little, which was a shame he had hoped to reconnect with an old friend but instead found himself getting schmoozed by her boyfriend. The man wanted something that was clear, and Lucas was beginning to wonder when he would get to it. Then Carlos picked up his glass, took a sip and then said, “You must spend a lot of time at social engagements. You must know a lot of wealthy people. Movie stars, rock stars, and so on?” “I know a fair share.” He admitted. Here it came, the favour or the social climbing introductions. “I have a business proposition for you.” So, he wanted an investment. “I don’t invest.” He said trying to put a quick end to this line of questioning. “No, you misunderstand my intentions. I don’t need investors. What I need is a salesman.” “For what?” Carlos smiled and leaned back in his seat tenting his fingers thoughtfully as he tried to determine the best way to say it. “I provide a service to those who can afford it. A specific type of product for recreational use. I need a representative. Someone that can move in certain circles. Someone that can move the product.” It all made sense now. Carlos was a drug dealer, and he wanted Lucas to move his product because they didn’t run in the same circles. What baffled him was why Maxine was involved with this man. She had always seemed smarter than that. Lucas shook his head. “I can’t help you. The people I deal with don’t use that sort of service.” “Why not?” Carlos asked lighting a cigar. “Because you can’t drive stoned.” “But you know all sorts of people. Drivers, celebrities, businessmen, all of which use. I have faith you can do what I ask.” “I can’t help you.” Carlos didn’t seem pleased, but he forced his smile. “There is a lot of money involved. I’m offering you a chance to get in on the ground floor of something lucrative.” “I already have money, more money then I know what to do with. I don’t need yours.” “With this comes fine suits, fast cars, and gorgeous women.” “All of which I already have or can get for myself.” He said sitting up straight trying to make his position perfectly clear. “There is nothing that you could offer me that I don’t already have.” Then he stood up and took out his wallet tossing some cash on the table to cover his portion of the bill. “It was good to see you again Max, and a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lopez. Good-night.” Carlos quickly took out his business card and handed it to Lucas. “If you change your mind.” Lucas took the card and walked away. *** Carlos watched as Lucas walked away without a second thought. He was displeased with the way things went. Carlos did not hear the word “No” all too often, and he didn’t take it well when he did. “Every man has a price.” He snarled picking up his glass and draining it. “The trick is finding it.” He then looked at Maxine like he was considering pimping her out to attract Lucas. “I want into his circle. I have a lot of money riding on this. I’m sure he is my way on to the A-list.” “I think we should just find another way.” Carlos glared at her. “It’s not your job to think. I want Sanchez and one way or another he will come around. Even if I have to kill those closest to him.” He was stuck on this; perhaps Lucas could be useful after all. He could possibly get closer to Carlos’ suppliers then she had. The only real problem was going to be convincing Lucas to go along with it. Then again, she might have an idea. *** Lucas hit the clubs after dinner looking to unwind and hook up. As always, the party was hopping packed from wall to wall, and it didn’t take him long to fall right into the rhythm of the party. With a bottle of rum in one hand and two willing companions, no the dancefloor Lucas lived it up wasting away the night. At last call, he had the difficulty of picking just one to take home. They were both willing and eager, but his car only sat two. In the end, he had to choose, so he chose the one that offered to give him a blow job in the car. There was nothing better than speeding down the road with a pretty woman’s head in his lap. He wasted no time in getting her to the car and getting out on the road. She wasted no time unzipping his jeans and leaning over her warm mouth engulfing his rigid member. He was lost in the moment ripping down the road at ninety-two miles an hour. Suddenly a pair of flashing lights appeared in his rear-view mirror, and the sirens sounded. “Oh shit.” He said pushing the girl back into her seat and zipping his jeans up. Lucas pulled over to the side of the road and waited for the officer to approach his window. Lucas rolled down the glass and prayed the officer wouldn’t smell the booze on his breath. The officer reached the window and flashed a light in his face. “Licence and registration.” The officer demanded. Taking out his wallet, Lucas removed his ID and pink slip handing them both over. The officer looked at his licence and then back at him. “Have you been drinking Sir?” “No.” He lied. The officer eyed him closely and then the girl at his side. Then he walked back to his cruiser for what felt like forever. He returned to the car and then said. “Sir I’m going to need you to get out of the car.” That was never a good sign. Lucas stepped out and closed the door. The officer turned him around and pushed him down over the hood of the car pulling his hands behind his back to handcuff him. “Lucas Sanchez you are under arrest.” “What for?” “There is an outstanding warrant for your arrest. You’re coming with me.” A warrant? What the hell for? “I haven’t done anything.” But the officer wouldn’t hear it. He walked Lucas to the back of his car and locked him in the backseat before calling for a tow truck. Then he arrested the woman he was with just for being with him. She wasn’t impressed; the night had not ended the way either of them had planned. They waited twenty minutes for the tow truck to arrive before the officer drove them to the nearest precinct. Although instead of booking him and taking him to a holding cell they took him to an interview room and locked him inside. It was a long time before the door finally opened and in walked two men in bad suits. A federal badge on their belts. They took the seats across the table and stared at him hard. “You got quite the driver’s abstract, don’t you?” The balding tub of lard on the right piped up. “Look at all these driving infractions. One more and the judge is going to take away your licence.” Lucas knew as well as they did where he stood. He wasn’t a fool. He had been pulled over enough times but never arrested. “Of course, there might be a way around it.” Suggested the tall, gangly one on the left. “If you’re interested? After all, it’s a little hard to drive for a living without a licence.” “Let’s get to the point what do you want from me?” The room went quiet for a moment, and then the door opened once more and in came Maxine Perez. “We want you to work for us.” She said tossing a file on the table in front of him. His gaze drifted to the DEA badge clipped to her hip; things made more sense now. He knew she was too smart to be caught up with a guy like Carlos Lopez. “In exchange, we’ll wipe your driving record clean.” “And if I don’t?” He asked already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from her own lips. “We’ll take your licence, and you’ll have to think up some stunts to do on foot.” Lucas laughed at himself. They thought they had him in a corner. “I’ll take the fine. I’ll have my licence back in under a month. Integrity is a little harder to earn back, and in my social circles if a man doesn’t have his integrity, he’s got nothing.” “Lucas-” Maxine began. “Don’t Lucas me. Don’t come at me like you know me. I don’t see you for eleven years, and you come in here trying to strong arm me.” He snapped glaring at her. “I’m a Sanchez; nobody pushes us around.” Maxine opened the file in front of him pointing at the picture of Carlos. “Carlos Lopez is a major cocaine dealer bringing in his product from Mexico and Cuba. He’s a kingpin trying to branch out here in the States. He’s got the street market cornered but what he wants is an in with the big spenders. The kind of people you know.” “I don’t know anybody that’s into that scene.” He paused in thought, that wasn’t entirely true, he knew quite a few people that polluted their bodies with some sort of substance. “Correction, I don’t associate with anyone from that scene. I can’t help you.” Maxine frowned. “I hate to break this to you but Carlos has his mind set on recruiting you, and he doesn’t take no for an answer.” “Well, he’s just going to have to,” Lucas said confidently. Maxine smiled. “How’s your family?” “Why should that matter?” “Because if Carlos can’t recruit you, he will force your hand by killing the people you love. He’ll probably start with your mother.” Lucas was no longer laughing. “Should you work for us you could get police protection for your family and help us bust a major drug ring. You would be making a difference in the world.” “I don’t care about the world. You keep that bastard away from my family.” He said. “What do you want me to do kiss his ass?” “We want you to go back to him and take his offer. See if you can’t get close to his suppliers.” “Why don’t you do it? You’re the cop.” She looked annoyed. “I’ve been trying for two years, Carlos has been proving difficult, but we think you will have more success, and I’ll be there every step of the way to protect you.” “Don’t worry about me, sweetheart. Worry about protecting him. If he touches my family, there will be no place in this world that I won’t find him and kill him. Of that, I promise you.” “You’re going to call him back and tell him you want the job.” “What is my reason for changing my mind?” He asked. If she had this whole thing, all figured out he wanted to know. “You tell him your folks have cut you off. That you no longer have access to your trust fund money and you’ve reconsidered his offer.” She said. “And you think a smart man like Carlos is going to believe that crap?” “He will because he wants to,” Maxine told him with complete confidence. Lucas searched her eyes for any hint of misgivings. “If I do this you will keep him away from my family?” “Yes.” “And you’ll wipe my driving record clean?” “If you like.” “I get to keep my license?” “Yes.” Lucas thought for a moment. She had him in a hard spot. What could he say? “Alright. I’ll do it.” “You won’t regret this.” Maxine smiled. “I already do.”
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