1360 Words
~All heartbreaks and hurricanes~ CHAPTER FIFTY ONE Bentley King sat across Ethan, sipping a cup of coffee as he waited for his son to finally reveal the reason he had demanded to meet for. When Ethan had called him on the Saturday afternoon, demanding to meet him as soon as possible, the first thought he had was that it was about that secretary of his, Scarlett White. And if it was indeed about her, there were only two possible options, his son was going to drop the bomb on him and reveal that they were married already. Or it could be about his other son. For the lack of any other option, Bentley desperately hoped it was the former one. Not that he would ever allow Ethan to marry someone of Scarlett’s kind. He stared at Ethan, whose eyes were glued to the coffee mug in front of him, unblinking since he had gotten here. He was never to the one to confront his father. Until Scarlett. Bentley remembered how aggressive Ethan had gotten after he saw him talking with Scarlett and warned Ethan to stay away from her. How could Bentley let his one son fall in love with a woman with a horrid past, the cause of that being his other son? What was a father to do? While protecting one, he was at risk of hurting the other. After five more minutes of staring down at his coffee, Ethan finally looked up, his face a mask of calmness. And his eyes, the reflect of fire burning within him. “How long have you known Ms White?”Ethan asked, staring straight into Bentley’s eyes, his eyes daring him to lie. On the other hand, Bentley’s felt his worst fears come true, as soon as Ethan asked the question, he knew. He knew that Ethan knew about Sebastian. That he knew about what his brother had done to the woman he desired. Bentley cleared his throat, his eyes darting down for a second, a second long enough for him to find the courage to steel his heart and mind from whatever blows he was going to get. “Approximately four months, I believe.” He answered, careful not to reveal the turmoil going on inside his head. A muscle in Ethan’s jaw ticked. “The truth, father.” Bentley’s lips pressed in a line, turning down at the corners. “I ask the same from you, son. Cut the chase.” “Alright.” Ethan straightened, leaned forwarded, putting his hands on the table between them as little too forcefully. “You know what Sebastian did.” He wanted him to cut the chase, Ethan would do just that. He was tired of trying to keep himself away from Scarlett, he didn’t want to, and if he had to fight for her, so be it. He would give her the justice she deserved. His eyes followed every movement his father made, Ethan knew he was nervous. Not for him, nor for Sebastian. No. Nothing comes before reputation. Bentley King would die before he let even a small stain taint his perfect reputation. He was nervous for one thing only, that if what Sebastian did got out, his family name would be in tatters. Bentley shifted in his seat, though the movement was almost unnoticeable, Ethan noticed. He waited for him to speak up. Bentley took another sip of his coffee, cleared his throat once again. “Is your brother in trouble again?”His face was the perfect mask of innocence, but he wasn’t going to fool Ethan. “You tell me.” Ethan sent a chilling smile his way, taking his hands off the table and folded them in front him, leaning back to stare at his father. From outside, he looked calm and collected, like they were discussing the weather, but from inside, he resembled a raging bull, ready to pounce and destroy anything and everything in his way. He couldn’t believe his father. When Ethan first called his father that afternoon after leaving Scarlett’s apartment, the thought had just occurred in his mind. And as he started putting at the pieces together, he realized that Scarlett wasn’t appointed as his secretary to teach Ethan a lesson as his father had first claimed, because it seemed too foolish for a seasoned businessman to put his business in danger just to teach Ethan a lesson that he had already learned. At that time, Ethan was just suspicious about Bentley’s involvement with Scarlett and Sebastian, but as he stared at his father sitting across from him, looking the most uncomfortable he ever looked, Ethan was one hundred and ten percent sure that Bentley was well aware of what Sebastian had done to Scarlett. Ethan also knew that Bentley did exactly what he would have been expected of him, stay silent and pretend his son is perfect. He just couldn’t grasp why Bentley allowed Scarlett to enter their lives even after knowing who she was. Why would he risk his reputation and not get rid of Scarlett like he was expected to? When Bentley didn’t say anything, Ethan closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead with one hand, then looked at the man he called father. “Scarlett deserves justice.” His eyes flashed as he remembered the pain in Scarlett’s eyes when she had told him about her past in India, the fear in her eyes when saw Sebastian in his house, and most of all, the hurt in her eyes when Ethan had broke her heart. Bentley understood what Ethan meant, so he leaned forward, glaring at his son. “Family comes first. Always.” “Even when they are wrong?”Ethan’s voice raised a little as he leaned forwards and slammed his hands on the table, making a few heads turn. Bentley, calm as a cucumber, looked around and apologized, then glared at Ethan. “You are creating a scene.” “And you are defending a criminal!” Ethan snapped at him. He was fuming, his face was red and a vein in his neck pulsing as he tried to control his rising anger. “I am protecting my son.” Bentley was still calm, and Ethan hated his ability to always appear calm and collected no matter what the situation was. “At what cost? Who knows how many more innocent girls like Scarlett were trapped in his web? Are you just going to sit here and let him ruin innocent lives?” Distantly, Ethan was aware he was nearly shouting now, but he didn’t care. He was far too mad to care at that moment. He couldn’t believe his father. How can he just sit and do nothing while his son was out their running a goddamned s*x-racked and who knew what else! How could he be so cruel? And that too just to protect a f*****g family name? Ethan stood up, his chair screeching as it was pushed back and glared at his father. “You are a criminal, too, father. A bigger one than the one you are protecting right now.” With that, he stormed out of the restaurant, not once glancing back at Bentley. As Bentley stared at the door his son had slammed not even a minute ago, anguish spread across his face, betraying the strong façade he put up everyday. But just as it came, it was gone, his face once again portraying his hardheadedness, his eyes turned calculating as he pulled out his phone, calling his other son. Author's Note Hey, guys! I know it has been long since i last updated and there isn't much in this chapter, but the coming chapters will be interesting! This chapter was important that! I was suffering from a major writer's block and I had informed my readers who follow me on i********:, so if you need updates about my stories, follow my i********: @aakanxanaik
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