Ocean eyes

4842 Words
Alma’s pov I graduated! I turned eighteen like two days ago, at the birthday/graduation celebration for me and everyone that wants to come over to the Alpha's house and socialize and eat my mom’s food, so basically every member of the pack is here. From small pups to elders just having a good time together, it’s incredible. I couldn’t be happier living in this community. I wore the dress that mom had helped me pick out instead of Rosa, which still was acting weird on me. she didn’t reply more than she needed. When I asked her if she still was mad at me for taking Franco's side of the fight, that I didn’t, for the record. she just told me not to think about it, that we were okay again when we were not from the way she was snubbing me off every time I wanted to do something. It was white, shimmering, and glossy with a layered long wide skirt giving me a more princess look. A sweetheart neckline that showed off too much of my boobs for my dad to be comfortable with and tried to get me to change before getting an earful from mom that told him that I was an adult now and he had to let me try my wings to his disliking. Still, in the end, I know he always listens to what my mom is saying. They are the best of mates. I really hope my own mate is the same kind of man that my father is. He cried. I cried; mom cried. Everyone cried before we got out to greet the guest, making me reapply my makeup and smile at the big man, my father. If I was honest, I didn’t want him to let go. I still didn’t know if I should ask them about that day when they looked like something was going down, but it never happened again, and I tried to forget it. Dad had made me do a turn around the garden, greeting and talking to every Alpha and their son in the hope that they were my mate, but when we were at the last one, and nothing happened, he looked crushed even more than me, maybe I wasn’t supposed to be mated to an Alpha then? Stranger things had happened, I guess… it just felt weird… I know I was acting snobby, but none of the invited Alphas or their heirs was my mate. I felt like I had let down my dad and, most of all, our pack. I knew my mate was out there. I just did! I could feel him. He was here! Somewhere... “Look at that puta clinging on to Franco; doesn’t he have any standards these days?!” the hissing voice of Rosa made me turn my head and stare at her beautiful red dress and hair, all nicely done. I’m guessing for the guy laughing over by the table of food, talking to some girl from the pack looking good in that shirt he was wearing, almost making Rosas's eyes pop out of her head from how she was ogling him. I just stared at her, surprised; she was not taking her eyes off Franco, that had his arm around not only one girl but two, when he made a grin meeting my eyes and completely ignoring Rosa like she had been doing to me all this time since their last fight. “Rosa… just tell him you are sorry for what happened since you clearly are still in love with him. who knows, maybe he is your mate after all?” I decided that I would not make Rosa explain herself at my gathering. Still, I sure didn’t want them fighting over something stupid they both needed to get over. She looked at me stunned like she finally decided I was worth recognizing again with her big dark brown eyes and beautiful face to perfection. “He is not my mate Alma; you hear me!? I’m going to be mated to an Alpha. Look at me! I’m f*****g gorgeous, and I sure as hell are not going to settle for a Sigma, no matter how dreamy he is!” I took a surprising step back at her snapping at me, her wolf coming out of her dark eyes showing off the blackness inside us. “What?” I couldn’t understand why she was snapping at me because I was her friend, her best one, and suddenly, since she shifted, she acted even more like a b***h than ever! “I said I’m going to be a Luna and not some boring old Sigma mate that just sits around listening to some old s**t! I don’t care about the past, only the future, mine!” she growled, making sure it was low enough for me to hear but not anyone else when my chest hurt; she really didn’t like me anymore, did she?! “You stop that s**t right now!” I heard a louder growl when I turned my head seeing Franco standing behind me. He was alone and looked pissed at Rosa, who made a sneer seeing him. I thought she maybe still had feelings for him. Still, now I wasn’t so sure anymore. She didn’t back down when he told her to; if you loved someone, you listened to them. That’s what I learned from seeing my parents growing up. “Or what? Are you going to sing me to death, make me obey with your stupid dancing? Don’t make me f*****g laugh, Frank…” she smiled mockingly, stroking her red dress down her curves when he was about to lose it. I hated that Rosa was acting like she didn’t care about us anymore, Franco or me. Her best friends! “How about I make you f*****g obey with my wolf, Omega?!” he growled when she made a surprisingly hurt face hearing him call her that, and I did a shocked intake of air; I had never heard him call her that, never. This was bad, so bad. I was just about to try to make peace between them like I always did before this got out of hand when Franco got pulled back hard. all eyes followed the biggest wolf in our pack, growling mad at the guy on the floor, still not sure what happened being tossed like a ragdoll by Rosas older brother. “What the f**k did you call her, you fucker!?” TJ's booming voice echoed over everyone at the party when I stared at him in shock and awe. Omg! TJ was a beast standing in a suit when he growled more, locking eyes with Franco and staring right back before he got up fast and growled aggressively at the big guy one head taller than him. Every wolf around us was on edge, the heavy feeling of shifts just waiting to see what would happen since dad had invited more than one Alpha today! “Tiago, he said Omega to me. Kill him!” Rosa was furious, and I gulped because TJ loved his sister to death, unlike my brother. They grew up alone with their grandmother when their parents died in a rogue attack when I was a pup, just like them. TJ growled more when Franco smirked like he wasn’t afraid of him now that he had gotten his bearings back. He was way too cocky, always had been, and got beat up a lot when he was a pup for picking fights with the wrong guys, just like he was doing with TJ right now! “Alright, let's take it down a notch!” I heard dad's dark voice calming me down right away, he always knew what to do, and if anyone could stop TJ and Franco from killing each other, it was him. “This is a celebration, a gathering, and there are f*****g rules! Do you want to fight? You take it outside in the training yard, just like everyone else; you got that, pups!” His eyes were black when I did a proud smile seeing how dad just handled everything with such ease. He could blow up. He could be freaking exiled them for starting a fight here and now, but dad didn’t; he just told them to go work it off in the yard. He was an amazing Alpha! Both guys just stared the other one down, not breaking eye contact for a second when Franco finally snapped his eyes to my dad and bowed his head, gritting his teeth like he really hated to do that when TJ followed, looking stern and grim keeping their distance walking outside away with Rosa at their tails, still being pissed about what Franco had said to her. I was just about to take out my phone and start asking Rosa what the hell she was on, seeing that she and her brother had almost ruined my night. She was my friend, but if this was the other way around, she would have killed me for stealing the spotlight from her. “Alma!” I turn my head, frowning when I hear dads voice in the distance. He is talking to some Alpha he wants me to meet when he stands with mom. I sigh and put my phone down fast in my clutch, hating that I was worried about Rosa and Franco. She for getting so hurt when she got called Omega and Franco, praying he still was alive when TJ looked like he was going to shred him into pieces over what he called his sister. I walked over fast. I don’t want to disappoint dad more than I already had, not meeting my mate from one of the Alphas and my two best friends making a fool out of him and this pack; I was going to kill Franco if he wasn’t dead already! I stopped when dad had a stern look on his face frowning. Mom tried her best to smile while leaning on Dad’s arm, glued together when they talked to the couple that wasn’t facing me; that was weird. Dad didn’t have that look unless…. Santiago. I made a deeper frown. Great! Could this day get any better?? I didn’t even know dad had invited him, and I didn’t care. He was only good for one thing: making sure I was miserable and letting me know how much he hated me. I would say hi, meet whatever skank he was doing these days, and then I would find Rosa and ask her why she was so aggressive against me. Two minutes tops! Holy moly. My knees started to feel like jelly when his dark piercing eyes met mine. I didn’t even know what was happening?! I felt like the ground was giving up on me like I was having an earthquake inside that nobody else was feeling. He was just as tall and muscular as dad was, not as bulky but leaner with a dark suit on. he was stunning…my heart had stopped inside my chest. “Mate.” It was a whisper that left my lips, but nonetheless, he seemed to have seen it and was looking like he had just lost everything, and I was feeling the same way. Omg. Omg. Omg. No freaking way, no, that’s not possible! This must be one of his cruel tricks, making me believe he was my mate. There was no way! I started to shake and just stood there frozen on the spot. My soul was calling me to get to him. Get closer, have him, taste him, and everything else I had denied myself for him. He was gorgeous! He had long black hair that I bet fell over his eyes when he didn’t have it styled. He looked at me with those deep dark brown eyes, rich chocolate over a handsome straight nose, and a jawline sharp as a cliff's edge. He looked just like dad, and still nothing like him at the same time. I just didn’t know what to do anymore, and I don’t think he did either when he suddenly straightened himself and gave me a look of shutting my goddamn mouth. Like he even needed to! I wasn’t going to be the one who told mom and dad that their pups had imprinted on each other! I saw my mom frown and suddenly realized I had been staring at Santiago for way too long, longer than a sister should stare at her brother, gawking at his appearance, that’s for sure. I put on my best fake smile and walked over the last part to my parents, my … brother, mate, whatever the hell he was?? I didn’t even know how to handle this at the moment. “There you are, Princesa. Are you alright?” Dad looked worried when I finally arrived, earning a frown from my brother that I was trying so hard not to stare at. “Yes, dad, I’m fine, just got a bit too hot with all the people around.” I didn’t even know I could lie as fast and good as I could, a new low for me, and the part that my older brother was my mate. Dad’s eyes softened as soon as he heard my answer, and mom made me stand by her side when I finally dared to look at Santiago. He was looking angry, and I was angry too! I didn’t want to be his mate; it was unnatural and disturbing and…. He had the deepest eyes I had ever seen, like pools of a deep dark ocean that I could drown in…. he gave me a slight smirk when I finally snapped out of my daze. He must think I was the silliest girl he had ever met. I stared back at him with anger in my eyes as well; if he thought I was happy about this match, he was mistaken! “I said, this is your brother’s mate, Christy. Alma, are you even listening?” I blinked a couple of times before even trying to have an answer. All I heard was mate and brother, and I ignored the girl in front of me, smiling like she had a reason to do it. I stared back at him; my older brother saw my confusion and gave me a slight smirk showing off those dimples, making him even more attractive to me; dammit! “You are…. His mate?” I said the words very slowly and sounded like I was just learning how to speak again when the girl nodded happily and leaned further into Santiago, who smiled at me, happy when his arm was around her; it made me want to just rip it off and kill her on the spot, I hated her! “It’s about damn time, son. finally, maybe I can let you take over so I can retire with my beautiful mate.” Dad’s voice broke my line of sight from my stupid brother, who just looked like he had everything he ever wanted to stand there with his fake mate when I had lost mine. My mate, future, and brother are all gone in a blink of an eye. “Well yeah, dad, it finally happened; I found the one that was made for me.” His voice sounded like dripping honey on cold steel when he looked into the eyes of his supposed mate. She was all cooed up against him, smiling like a damn i***t. She was beautiful, and I wasn’t going to deny that. Oh god, I hated her even more now! I was trying to catch my breath and wanted to push her away and be in Santaiago's arms. That was the truth. I hated myself, no. I loathed myself for feeling this way about the same guy that had made my life a living hell growing up, always hating me. “Alma, are you okay, baby? You don’t look so good….” Mom's anxious voice made me turn to her, and I nodded. I wasn’t feeling fine, and I never would be again. “I…I just… I’m going to lie down….” I didn’t look at any of them when I hurried past the mated, happy couple and felt the concerned stares of our parents that made me run faster. It wasn’t until I slammed the door to my room that I started to cry. Oh my god…………… I just glided down the door and sat on the floor crying my heart out, knowing that everyone was in the backyard, at the party, and couldn’t hear me. I promised myself I would cry over Santiago, just this once. He was my mate and had betrayed me even before I knew he existed. Tomorrow I will forget about him. he has a chosen mate. Let’s face it, even if he wanted me, we couldn’t… we just couldn’t… I prayed to the moon goddess that he would mark her fast, breaking the bond between us so that I could maybe have a second chance mate, just like my father had with my mom. I don’t know how long I had cried when I felt myself being pushed over and lying on the floor, staring back at the dark eyes that had found me again. I wanted to look away, I really did, but they were mesmerizing. Staring at me with the same fascination I felt for him. “Hello, Alma.” He sounded so cold when he said my name, and not like his eyes were, longing to have me just as much as I wanted him. I shudder at the thoughts of him and me together; it was just plain wrong. I sighed and got up without him helping me; he didn’t move a muscle once he had closed the door behind him, leaving us both in darkness. “Just get out, Santiago.” I didn’t even want to hear it, not right now, not that he rejected me! I just found out my mate was my older brother. Give me some damn space! “That's not the way to greet your older brother, is it?” I choked on the words that he was spitting out. A part of him was mad at me, just like I was at him over something that none of us could have foreseen or had any saying in. “Whatever.” I rolled my eyes at his jaw clenching and dark eyebrows furrowed together. If he was going to reject me, why did he need to make a show about it?? I was standing with my arms crossed under my chest, and he stared at the neckline of my dress, licking his lips without even realizing he had done it. I suffocated the small moan that was about to get out. Being so close to him, all alone, feeling his scent driving me crazy, was dangerous! “you brat! you almost ruined everything I been planning for two months!” He took a step closer; I felt my breath get ragged by the closeness he was giving me. A slight shiver went down my spine, making me have goosebumps all over my body in the light dress I was wearing. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, brother.” I said the words cold, warning him not to get any closer. All I gave in return was a smirk before suddenly gripping my arms in his big hand and pushing me up against the wall behind me with a small thump making me yelp in surprise over his aggression. “Oh, so that’s all I am to you... Here I thought I was your mate….” He had leaned into my neck. I moved my head, trying to escape, but I didn’t want him to let me go. No, I wanted him to do more, to have more of me, of everything. “For f***s sake, Alma! Stop making it so damn hard rejecting you!” he hissed when I turned my head over, and our eyes met for the first time just inches apart, staring into the other one’s soul. It felt like I had never experienced anything like this before… “I’m…I’m not doing anything….” My voice was a whisper. I didn’t even know how I could form words or talk back to him at a time like this; it just happened. He gave me an amused smile, and his eyes were dark, darker than I had seen before when he leaned in closer, and just when I thought he was about to kiss me, he pulled away and let me go. “You’re disgusting, do you know that? I mean, come on, your own brother. Dad will have a heart attack knowing his favorite child is a slut.” His voice was cold. I stared at him; he truly was disgusted by me. I also felt the wetness between my legs just by him being near me. Oh crap. “Don’t tell him, for goddess’s sake, Santiago! don’t tell him; I’ll do anything you want!” I had fallen on my knees, begging him not to tell our father. I didn’t like the smile that suddenly crept up his face, making him look as dangerous as I knew. I took a deep breath when he finally answered me with those deep, dark, punishing eyes gleaming with victory. “I won’t tell him what a dirty little slut you are if you suck my dick.” My eyes widen with horror. He wanted me to do what?! I looked at the big bulge above my face and back at him, was he freaking serious right now!? “No way, I’m not doing that! I have been saving myself for my mate!” I shouted at him quietly when his hand found my chin and tilted it up, making me look directly at him and his evil dark eyes. “Well, you’re in luck, sister. You have been waiting all along for me...” He lets out a dark chuckle when he releases my chin, and I curse at him. I usually didn’t, but when my older brother was freaking blackmailing me into sucking his d**k, it felt like the right time! “Oh, such a dirty mouth all of a sudden; put it to good use, babe.” His hand was on my nape, pushing me forward to his crotch when I turned my head away. No freaking way. He was insane if he thought I would do this! “Very well, then let me just go and tell dad that his precious princess got wet from me... I flinched at his cunning voice, which sounded so awful, like I really wanted this by choice and not that I was mated with the worst man in the world. The goddess was indeed punishing me. I wonder what I had done to deserve this fate. “Fine.” I gritted my teeth through the entire answer. He looked at me with surprise that he covered up for about two seconds before giving me his asshole smirk that he had kept on since I saw him. My hand was shaking when I found the zipper on his suit pants; a part of me wanted to puke, and the other part was excited. I hated that part and wished I could let that small piece of me die instead of doing this. I yelped in surprise when his d**k sprang out from his boxers, almost hitting me right in the face when he let out a burst of genuine laughter from my shock; it was beautiful. Hearing my mate’s laughter made me hate myself more. I wanted to die sitting on my knees with his d**k in my face realizing he had the most beautiful chuckle in the world, even when it was evil and menacing. “Let’s go, babe. I don’t have all night; I got a mate to return to...” He took hold of my hair, and I whined from the pain searing my scalp from his rough handling of me; when I took a deep breath and did it, I opened my mouth and took him inside me. It was a weird feeling, having a man’s d**k in my mouth all hard and twitching, and I looked up at him, my sadistic brother, who seemed to be in a state of shock from feeling my lips around him. Tiny electric tingles made my mouth feel like it was on fire. I loved it, not even knowing what was happening to me. He started to move my head with his hand, impatient for me to figure out how to do this on my own. I snatched his hand away, annoyed that he was still hurting me. “Stop doing that; it hurts!” I sneered at him, and to my surprise, his hand found its way to my hair. Still, this time he caressed my scalp leaving me almost breathless from the pleasure it gave me. I had never felt that comfort before, not even from my parents, making my whole being at peace. I didn’t even know I had closed my eyes, leaning into his hand even more, when he kept stroking my hair with his fingertips before abruptly stopping like he had caught himself doing something terrible and gave me a light smack on the back of my head making me flinch, breaking me away from my state of grace. “All better. now, don’t think that our deal is off just because I stroked your hair.” I opened my eyes again, seeing him staring at me intensely, and I sighed. He wasn’t going to let me off the hook, was he? He made a growl when I started again, moving my hand and head faster, feeling the grip of my hair getting harder and small grunts that made me happy, and I didn’t know why I wasn’t hating this. I made my mate happy, and that was enough for me when he had closed his eyes now and just leaned back, making me feel myself getting turned on as well and made a moan that I didn’t stop when I felt his d**k twitch in my mouth hearing me, I had no idea what I was doing, but Santiago seemed to love it. I did it faster before he stopped me with his hand, and I felt the strange liquid inside my mouth from him. I wasn’t even aware that something so disgusting could taste so good, making me hotter when I took my finger and swiped up the c*m that had escaped my mouth and licked it off right in front of his equally shocked and turned-on face. I gave him a slight smirk, and his d**k was rock hard again, like he didn’t just explode in my mouth one minute ago. “s**t, Alma… I want to f**k you so bad….” He seemed more to be talking to himself when I was still on my knees and got up from them slowly, his hard-on still out in the open when I started to back away. He just said he wanted to f**k me, and I knew I would let him if we didn’t stop this now. “Please, Santiago, I did what you wanted ….” I was so confused. The part that knew this was wrong was duller, but it was still there. Still, the other one, the one that screamed at me that he was my mate, she wanted this, everything, even if he took my virginity right now up against the wall, I would love it. His eyes suddenly got hard from being affectionate to me. He started to zip his pants and stuff his shirt back into place with me still shaking with a swollen mouth and puffy lips after destroying my mouth with that big c**k of his. “that’s good enough, for now….” I was shaking my head. No! that wasn’t what he had said before I agreed to do this. “We had a deal; I did my part!” I was so pissed at him; of course, he screwed me over! he still was the same bastard that left for college, like I didn’t know that Santiago slept with every girl he came across, and it was breaking my heart! “New deal, babe, while you were enjoying my d**k so much, I wanted to get a memento of my sister on her knees.” I watched in horror as he pulled out his phone and showed the clip on me with his d**k in my mouth! Omg no, he didn’t, he freaking didn’t! He smirked, put his phone back in his pocket, and walked away from me, standing there like a damn fool, still trying to grasp what had just happened. My brother was my mate, Oh Goddess…
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