Chapter 8 - The Date

1974 Words
That whole morning, the only thing they did was joke around and laugh like there was no tomorrow. Rowie taught him how to manage the cashier. She also thought about Clyde and how to fix the foods and fill them whenever they ran out. She did not have a hard time teaching him because he learned them fast. It was not that hard either, though. Gloria left after an hour to check out her other business. And unexpectedly, well not really, the convenience store was filled with people. They were, indeed, female teenagers with raging hormones. They didn't even put any effort into hiding their grins and giggles as they watched Clyde. Rowie rolled her eyes while watching as the store filled with girls. The other girls sitting outside were glancing inside, watching Clyde's every move. She could not help but look at him as well. She could not really blame those girls. There were so many reasons for them to swoon around him. But she did not understand why she felt nothing but admiration. Clyde was indeed hot while carrying the box of goods, the sweat on his face did not affect his handsomeness. In fact, he looked hotter that way. But unlike the girls, she just found him admiring, that was all. "I am finished there. I will help you with that." When Clyde accidentally touched her hand, the girls groaned. Rowie noticed it, of course. She could feel the daggers behind her like they intended to kill her if Clyde was not around. "No, thank you. You just take this to the girls who ordered outside." She gave the orders to the girls who were waving outside. "Okay, sure!" He smiled. He was so nice, too. Rowie sighed but tried to smile in front of the customers. She calmed herself to prevent herself from shouting. Because even though the girls were irritating, they were still customers. They paid for the goods... and maybe for the service, too. Rowie and Clyde ate their lunch together. Customers were still present. Rowie couldn't help but sigh with satisfaction after drinking a glass of water. "That was so refreshing!" she beamed. Clyde chuckled. "What? It was fun working. Why is it that it looks like you have gone into a war or something?" "This is the first time that this store has been filled with girls. Thanks to the new part-timer and my partner!" she said as a matter of fact. "What? I did not do anything. I was just working," he said, wondering. "You may not know it, but almost every girl is here just to watch you carry the boxes like you are some kind of fictional character or a celebrity or something." "Is that so? Well, it is not like I am interested in them." He shrugged. Rowie raised her head to look at him, confused. "You are not interested? Oh, maybe you already have someone in your heart, that is why." She nodded like she was so sure. "Not really." Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion. She could not think of any reason. This was the first time she heard someone say that they were not interested in girls. Except for girls, though. And — Rowie's eyes widened. "Tell me I am thinking stupid." Clyde slowly shook his head. "Maybe not. Maybe yes." He was smirking and looking at her with astonishment. "For real? You are gay?" she hissed. She even looked around to check if someone was listening. When she was convinced that no one was, she returned her gaze to Clyde who was already a few inches in her face. Clyde lowered his gaze. He looked straight into Rowie's eyes, his smirk already gone. "Hmm. What do you think?" he asked with a serious face. Rowie blinked, unable to find her voice. She pouted. "Well, I can't judge you, right? I mean, I barely know you. Maybe you have a reason or maybe it's just you," she answered honestly. They stood like that for a minute before Clyde leaned back. He sighed and smiled at her. "Thank you." Clyde went back to his work while Rowie stared in the air. She was still doubtful, but she had a clue. Was Clyde just afraid to tell her because they only met just hours ago? She could not blame him if that was the reason. But she knew to herself that it was fine. She did not have any issues with gays. She was open about them. She could wait until Clyde opened the topic again. When that time came, she could tell that it was okay and he should not worry. She would keep it a secret too, if that was what he wanted. They went back to work. Good thing Clyde was still at his usual jolly and playful self. Rowie was happy. She thought that she had just found a friend in him. It really did not matter how much or how long you met someone. As long as you were both comfortable with each other and you knew that you could share some secrets with them, you could actually be friends. Clyde seemed to be a good guy. He was just afraid to admit something— scared of being judged by others. Everyone does. Rowie decided to do overtime. Clyde was already preparing to leave. He noticed the uneasiness on Rowie's face. It felt like there was something bothering her. She kept on glancing at the time like she was late or something. Clyde approached her. "Hey, I need to go." The shock in her face did not go unnoticed by him. Something was really bothering her. That was when Clyde had a second thought about going home. His aunt told him about Rowie having a hard time, though he did not know what that was. He could not help but worry about her. She looked vulnerable to him. It made him want to protect her. "Oh right. Take care on your way home." Rowie smiled. Clyde stared at her, trying to read her mind, but failed to do so. She looked away and tried to focus on the outside, but Clyde's stare was so distracting. "Do you need something else?" she asked, getting more and more conscious of Clyde. He was making her unconscious. "I know it is none of my business. But you seem to be in deep thoughts. Do you have any problem? Do you want me to work overtime as well?" Rowie smiled, appreciating his kindness. "I am okay. I was just thinking about something." Clyde stared at her, again. She sighed in defeat and said, "I was wondering if my —ahm..." She searched for the right word to say. "Date? — If he is still waiting for me. I am an hour late, though." Clyde nodded and smirked. "Why don't you go, then? I will cover for you today." "What?" Rowie's eyes widened. "No! You do not have to do that. I mean..." "You are going to let your date wait? Or, are you going to ditch him? Come on, that is rude." "But—" "Look, I am trying to be nice despite the fact that we have only met this morning. If you are still doubtful, count this as a favor. Pay me back when I need your help in the future. Deal?" She thought about it a little. When she saw the determination and the encouraging look on his face, she gave up. Sighing in defeat, she said, "Okay, deal." With those words, he smiled. She pouted in return and walked straight inside the changing room. Rowie almost forgot about the movie with Shintaro. She was so focused on working that it slipped out of her head. Thinking about him, waiting for her, she could not help but worry and feel guilty. This was the first time that she was going to be late. She did not really mean it. There were so many things that were occupying her mind but she couldn't think of anything to say as an excuse. "Good luck on your date." Clyde smiled and waved his hand to her. "Thank you." Wearing her jeans and a red blouse, she walked out of the store. Some girls were still hanging outside. It was not that crowded, unlike an hour ago. That was a relief. Clyde wouldn't have to deal with so many fangirls by now. She took a cab to go to the movie house. She didn't want to be late any further. It was almost two hours from the time planned. The sky was starting to get dark too and the rain was threatening to pour. Can we still watch the movie? Rowie wondered. When the cab stopped, she headed out and entered the movie house. There were still so many people inside, but she doubted that the movie was still ongoing. She didn't give up, though. She almost ran while searching around, hoping to see Shintaro with those many people. As time went by, her hope of seeing him got blurry. It was impossible. It was impossible to find him with this crowd. And it was impossible for Shintaro to wait for her for almost two hours. She sat on an empty bench to rest. She wiped the sweat on her forehead and sighed. It was really impossible. I let an opportunity like this slip. It is my fault, though. I didn't appear on time. It is too late, Rowie sighed. She stood, ready to go home when he saw Shintaro from afar watching her. He seemed confused and unsure whether she was really here or not. Rowie didn't know what to do. She felt guilty, yet she was still hopeful. She was still looking forward to having a date with this popular guy. But right now, she was not sure if it was still possible. "Hey," Rowie could only mutter. "I... ahm... sorry I was late." Shintaro was silent for a moment. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to feel either. "I don't have an excuse." Rowie scratched the back of her head. "I just... thought that it was not really a good time to be going to a movie with someone. I hope you understand." Rowie wanted to shut her mouth and stop talking, but she couldn't help it. Part of her mind was telling her that it was time to stop: It was time to stop dreaming of dating someone. But another part of her didn't want to give up. She didn't want to forget everything that was happening. "I understand," Shin muttered under his breath. "You are right. Maybe we are not really for each other. Maybe this is just an infatuation, and it will soon be forgotten." Rowie's heart ached. It was like needles pricking her heart slowly. She wanted to say something. She wanted to say that he was wrong, but she didn't have the courage. "I guess what we feel is just temporary," Rowie said. "But it was nice meeting you." They fell silent afterward. No one said a word. They just stared at each other while people were starting to look at them. They were just standing in the middle of the crowd like statues until Rowie decided to leave. "I guess this is a goodbye." Shin bit his lower lip. "I guess so." And without another word, Rowie started to walk away. Shin clenched his fist to prevent himself from stopping her. He even had to grit his teeth and convince himself that this was the end. He lowered his head and chose to see his feet glued on the floor. He sighed. "You are really helpless, Shintaro," he whispered to himself before walking away. Just like the usual, he went to The Midnight Bar to drink the night away.
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