To the Race Track

553 Words
Seeing that the situation was getting ackward, Shi Ru decided to say something, to ease the atmosphere. " little Xie, you would be attending the same school as your twin brother, though you won't be used to the situation in Mo city but mommy is here for you " Shi Ru said. " thanks Mom " Hong xie said, while eating her food. The air frozed slightly when Shi Ru heard Hong xie calling her mom. Her eyes were so red looking like she was about to cry from happiness. " little Xie, what did you say? " she asked happily. " thanks mom " still the expressionless girl answered with a straight face. Shi Ru looked at her husband joyously, making a face like 'see our daughter called me me' at him. seeing his wife's attitude, he turned his head away in jealousy, but smiled still. Atleast his wife was happy now. Seeing all of this, Hong Shen smiled secretly. " little sister, eat this " he smiled at her, putting food on her plate. " thanks "she replied codely. This was the first time somebody else from grandmother Wang was putting food into her plate. she was a clean freak though, but didn't hate the feeling of taking food from him. maybe all of this was because he was her twin. " mom, I will be in my room. I need to study" when she said this, she gave others the vibe of a cute rabbit trying to be stern. Before Shi Ru could reply, they heard Hong Shen chirping in. " little sister, you just came back home today so what are you studying for?? come out and play with me, I have missed you for a long time " he pouted. Hong Pu and his wife had thought Hong xie was studying to make them less disdain her but in reality, studying was her habit , an habit she was addicted to. It was like a medicine which could calm down her nerves. They felt both sorry and guilty towards her. they felt it was there fault for not taking care of their child enough, making her to be kidnapped. " sweetheart, you don't need to stress yourself and study, okay? if you cannot catch up with your studies here, mommy would understand. And not to worry, I would hire the best tutors for you " Shi Ru told her with an aching heart. " listen to your mom, she is right " Hong Pu added. Hong xie was too lazy to explain to them and just nodded her head, walking up to the stairs, wanting to go back to her room. Seeing this Hong Shen ran towards her. " little sister, come with me to play " she heard Hong Shen's voice again. she looked up only to see him making a cute gesture at her. " where "she asked expressionlessly. " to the race track " he said quickly, not giving her a chance to change her mind. " sure " Hong xie nodded. seeing that she had nothing to do at home for now, she would atleast go out with this annoying fly, which was pestering her. " make sure you guys come back early " Shi Ru shouted behind them, after seeing them walk off.
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