Chapter 8 : Prince of Vorantia (Cóon -o Vorantia)

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Diana stood in the exquisite room, her entire frame shaking with rage. For some reason, her anger was hardwired to her tear-ducts - a humiliating tendency. She tried to force the angry tears back by gritting her teeth. The room could only be described as a cross between a warrior and a teacher. The left wall displayed books that touched the ceiling while weapons of every shape and size covered the right wall. Large French windows opened onto the night sky before which the powerful elf was seated, a curved mahogany desk in front of him. His hands were folded together, fingertips resting on his chin, his brow creased. The thin, bejeweled elf stood in a corner inconspicuously and beside him stood Broge, staring guiltily at the floor. Yes, she was angry at every one of them. Broge opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off. "No!" "You people have made me dance around long enough." Diana raised one finger in accusation. "In the last twenty-four hours, I've been attacked by a sabre-toothed monster, hurled into a different planet and manhandled like a criminal. Enough!" she shouted. "Everything I've known for all my life has been a lie. But now.... I WANT THE TRUTH!" The curtains behind the powerful elf started smoking. The others glanced up startled, but the powerful elf merely snapped his fingers and the curtains were restored to their normal state. "Please sit down, Diana." "I-" "Sit down, child and I will tell you everything." Diana reigned her temper in, taken aback by the calm response of the powerful elf. Besides, she didn't want to set the curtains on fire. He took a deep breath, seeming to gather his thoughts and smiled at her. "You are the spitting image of your mother, did you know?" She was not expecting this. "You knew my mother?"  "Introductions are needed here, aren't they? I am Cironir, the Principal of Realta Ban Academy of Elven Arts. This is Minister Jafral, the Prime Minister of Vorantia." He gestured to the inconspicuous elf in the corner. "Herdir Broge, you have already met." Broge's head hung lower when his name was mentioned. "And you, my child, are Diana, daughter of Celestia, the fairy of light." "And my father?" Cironir's features reflected concern. "I'm sorry I do not have that answer. The last time I met your mother was over a decade ago. She was a professor of Botany at Ciathain School for Fairies - specializing in healing. She would often take lectures at Realta Ban as a visiting faculty. Last I heard, she'd been working with the Davizean Health Organization on a classified program." "Isn't that what you've been calling me? Broge told me that the davizae are enemies of the elves and fairies. Then why was she-" Diana questioned. "There was a time the davizae were our friends." Cironir stood up and walked to the window gazing out at the horizon. "Rowan and Snow, the greatest fairies of our time, established Allohara centuries ago as a safe haven for the magical community - away from the persecution of the humans on Earth. The brotherhood of the fairies, the elves and the davizae was the cornerstone of our progress. A half century ago, however, the davizae began believing that the fairies were somehow stealing magic from them. The elves were accused of aiding and abetting them in this horrific crime. Fear was sown. And thus, the Great War began. There was bloodshed on all sides. Ten years ago, the davizae managed to poison the Gilir river that flows south, spreading across the fairy kingdom of Alfaeran. They all ...... "My mother.... she's ...." "I am very sorry, child. You are ......... the last of your kind." Diana struggled to wrap her mind around the idea. She'd never felt like an orphan, in the literal sense of the word. Grace Wilson had been her mother and Carson Drew had been her father - that was a universal truth for her. Despite the complications in her life, she'd never felt that she was without the security and warmth of parents. But she'd always wanted to know them, to know what kind of people they were, what had happened to them that made leaving her a necessity. Years ago, she'd even tried to investigate the whereabouts of her biological parents at the orphanage. When Mr. Drew had spoken of her mother, a glimmer of hope had resurfaced that she'd find her here. Diana sighed suddenly feeling much older. "About five years ago, I arrived here accidentally. There was a portal ...... a wormhole, that had opened up in the pond in our backyard. Can you explain how that happened?" I think I can answer that. The door to the room swung open and Diana turned around to see the beautiful, blonde elf enter. She carried her self with regal poise, dressed in a simple gown, but one that hinted at expensive designer origins. Her face was pretty, but pinched in a heavily made up way. But Diana could barely register her presence. For beside her was the boy. The boy. The boy she'd met years ago in the garden. He was older now - her age - but there was no mistaking him. She could never forget those emerald eyes. As he walked in, new emotions coursed through her - worry, tension, guilt, happiness?  "Rosa..." he breathed. He walked up to her gingerly, as though he were afraid she was not real, as though she was about to disappear in a puff of smoke. He reached with his hand, his marked hand, to touch her wrist, her mark. When he did, a thousand images flashed through her mind, the boy standing petrified into stillness while his mother sobbed uncontrollably, the boy kneeling in the garden staring at the intricate mark on his hand, the boy sighing while Broge shook his head in disappointment. With the images, emotions that had nothing to do with her, pulsed through her body, grief, guilt, amazement.... She wrenched her hand away. "It's true." He looked at her face with wonder. "You are Rosa." "What the heck is this?" Diana was still lost in the aftershock of the images. "My name is Silvanus." The boy spoke slowly, carefully. "I am the Crown Prince of Vorantia .... and you are- " "The fairy who can read his mind." The golden haired elf interrupted. Silvanus glanced up at her, surprised. A quick look behind showed Diana that the other adults were also staring at the lady with similarly startled expressions.  Cironir recovered first. "Diana, this is Her Majesty, Lady Zinnia, the Queen of Vorantia." The others stood up and bowed their heads ceremonially. The Queen ignored them, scrutinizing Diana as though contemplating whether or not to guillotine her. She got the feeling of a butcher scrutinizing a hunk of meat. Evidently dissatisfied, the Queen pursed her lips. "When you landed in our Rose garden, you did a powerful magic on my son because of which you can read his thoughts sporadically. And he can read yours." "What?!" "Well, what did you think? A link between the minds is not a one way street. The magic that happened was ancient, a bond forged between the innermost cores of your minds." "But-but I can't do that kind of magic! I'm not that p-powerful." Diana spluttered. She remembered all those weird emotions that she'd been feeling on earth, the disjointed thoughts beyond her reach - the ones that had felt detached from her.  They were his thoughts. "We don't know how you did it." She said firmly while looking at her son. "But you did, and here we are. You will not be able to read all of each other's thoughts. Like I said, it would be sporadic. But you will have to learn to control it. If you want to lead a normal life, that is." "Herdante." She looked at Cironir. "You will make sure that they both learn Lectio Animo." "Yes, Your Majesty." "As for you, Diana, you cannot go back to Earth for at least a few months, till we have ensured that there are no more ogradites on the prowl. You can join the Academy and learn about controlling your powers while you are here." It was not a question. She was definitely used to ordering and having the orders obeyed without question. But this arrangement suited Diana. The behaviour of the Queen and the others roused her suspicion. There was something definitely off here and she intended to get to the bottom of it. And the bonus was that, she would finally understand her powers. "You will have the guest room in the East tower. Broge will show you to your room." "I could take her, mother." Silvanus looked up with a hopeful expression. "You are a prince, not a servant." She said sharply. "Regardless, I wish to speak to you. Stay here."  Broge bowed once to the Queen and guided Diana out of the room. She could feel Silvanus's eyes on her as she left the room. "What? No metal shackles?" Diana raised an eyebrow at Broge. "I'm so very sorry for that. Truly sorry for the way you've been treated. You were my charge and I ruined-" Diana held up a hand and smiled. Broge seemed well meaning, despite his blunders. "No harm, no foul."   And besides, if she was to get to this secret that they all seemed to be in on, Broge would be the easiest target to break.
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