Chapter 28

2224 Words

Nathaniel and the Geigers are by now making their way back up to the house. Tanya’s heels are sinking into the lawn and both she and Eddie look hot and irritated. “Hi,” I say casually as they approach. “There you are,” says Nathaniel. “I haven’t seen you all afternoon.” “I was studying recipes,” I say innocently, and turn to Tanya with a polite smile. “Did you enjoy the party, Mrs. Geiger?” Too late I see Nathaniel making deathlike, finger-across-the-throat gestures behind their backs. “Thank you for asking, Olivia.” Tanya snaps her purse shut and dabs her nose with a tissue. “I’d rather not talk about the party, thank you.” Eddie makes an incensed spluttering sound. “You won’t bloody give up, will you? All I said was—” “It was the way you said it!” shrieks Tanya. “Sometimes I think

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