Chapter 12: Meeting With Mates

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(Ember POV) I entered in the building of Robinson's group of industries and headed straight to their office. I knew where their office and meeting room was, so I didn’t bother to ask the receptionist. Different thoughts were running through my mind and Skyline was also looking excited to see her mates. “You are so traitorous, Sky! You didn’t bother to talk to me in the past years and you are behaving like a love-sick puppy,” I said to her when the door of the elevator closed. “Gah! Look who is accusing me? I am not the one who abandoned you but it is the other way around,” She said in a sad tone and I realized my mistake. “You are right, Sky! I was very wrong to lock you away like this. I am sorry! I will find a proper day to go for shift and then i=I will allow you to run as well,” I said and she yipped in my head. “It was not your mistake. I have never thought that our family will tied the knot of us with such a devil. I will never forgive them for this,” She said and I can feel her pain. “Same here. I will also not forgive them for this relation,” I said and with a ding sound, the door of the elevator opened. My heartbeat increased even I was mentally prepared for the encounter with my mates. “I am scared, Sky!” I said to her because she can clearly feel my worry and fear as well. “No need to be! I am with you and if they tried to force you into this bond, then we will kick their a*ses,” She said and a smile appeared on my face. “Yeah! We will definitely do,” I said before opening the door of the office. They were both present in the meeting room with their heavenly looking faces, but I will not fall for their charms. “Good Morning, Miss Conner!” One of them said, and I gave them a tight lipped smile before closing the door behind me. “Good Morning, Mr. Robinson,” I answered, and walked toward them. ‘Don’t trip, Don’t trip, Don’t trip,’ I was chanting these words like a spell in my mind. Their handsome faces were enough to make me trip on my own feet, so I was trying my best to focus on the matter at hand. Finally, I reached for the seat and take a seat in front of them. They were in a similar-looking tuxedos and It become quite hard for me to differentiate them from one another. “Thanks for coming on such short notice. My name is Archer Robinson and he is my twin brother Lucian Robinson,” One of them said and I nodded. I was in awe after taking in their appearance. They both stood at 6’3 with their tanned complexion. Their bulging muscles were enough to tell me that they were both well-built. I can guess by the aura that they are high ranked wolves, Maybe Alpha or Betas. Their eye color was so mesmerising that I can stare into them my whole life. Their eyes were a combination of glassy blue and bottle green color. They turned green near the iris but the edges were glass blue. They have a sharp jawline with a bit of stubble on it. Their pointed Roman emperor like noses was enough to make their appearance stand out from others. “Focus, Girl! Focus,” Skyline’s voice pulled me out of my la-la land and I cleared my throat to wash the embarrassment. Shit! What will they think that I am checking them out? Damn! I shouldn’t do this. “I guess! You already read the investment proposal file, so you can ask questions if you have any?” I stated in a professional tone and they nodded before opening the file and starting to discuss a few things before finally agreeing to the plan. “I will ask my lawyer to prepare the papers and we will soon inform you about it,” Lucian said and I nodded. I noticed that Lucian's eyes has a more blue color but Archer’s eyes gave a more bottle-green look. “We have one more condition to discuss before this contract,” Archer said and I arched my brow before turning my attention to him. “You have to shift your office here until the project ends,” He said and I was shocked to hear his condition. “What? This is not possible. I can’t do this, I have my own company to run. How will I manage everything from here?” I asked in a bit harsh tone because I didn’t like his last condition. “If you are saying this because I am your mate then you are totally delusional to think that I will accept this condition without any objection,” I answered, and Lucian shook his head. “You are about this! We are not saying this because you are our mate. We are saying this because your company has a mole in it, which is leaking your most confidential information to other companies. We want to find that mole as soon as possible because if not, then our company also has to face the damage,” He said and I think about this for a moment. “Don’t take us wrong but We put a lot of hard work in our company to earn a big spot in the business world and we will not put our work in any kind of danger because of a little investment plan. We will show you the proper plan through which we will catch that mole but you have to trust us for this,” Lucian said, and I nodded before looking towards my file. “I need two days to think about it. I will inform you about my answer after 48 hours,” I said and looked at them but there was no any worry or anxiousness on their faces. “Sure! You can take your time to think about it,” Archer answered, and I nodded before getting up from my seat. I came out of the meeting room and I wanted to facepalm myself. Who asked me to embarrass myself like this? What will they think that I am so desperate to mate with them? Sh*t Ember!!! They didn’t even mention our mate bond and I thought; They are trying to get closer to me. I definitely need some time to relax my mind. Otherwise, I will go insane soon. I have to remain careful around them. I was glad that they didn’t mention our mate bond or try to force me in this bond like all the other high ranked wolves. Maybe, They were not that bad. No!!! I shouldn't think about that...This could be a trap as well. I have to remain keep my guard high around them.
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