*ROSA* Talk Xex or Duke's murder will be pinned on you," Damon stated with finality and the others nodded in agreement. "It was Gordan and I. We both visited Duke, but it was just to form an alliance. Duke had many beautiful daughters and I wanted one for my son. Gordon was there to speak about the horrible experience you caused him." Alpha Xex responded. "Lies! I did not accompany you to Duke's chambers, you are telling a lie Xex." Alpha Gordan defended, ruling himself out of the claim. "What lies? We all know you are still traumatized from Voluptas." Alpha Xex countered. "Don't you dare bring that up, you were not the one on medications for days. I did not visit Duke, Xex is only trying to pin his evil act on me." Alpha Gordan deadpanned. "And why would I do that, you are just a we