Chapter Six-2

1918 Words

“Andrew? I could try him,” I said, realizing that I would have to do the legwork on this. It was my problem, or dilemma, not hers, after all. “I've gotta go,” she said, looking at her watch. “I just wanted to stop in and say hi. Oh, and I got that job.” “What job?” “Waitressing, for now, at Tom's Hideaway. Later on I'll be helping in the kitchen, but I need to get some training on that, first. My dad got my car up and running again, so I've got wheels now.” “Well, good luck!” I said, cheerful for her. “You'll do good.” “Yeah. I need to go and get ready for tomorrow. I have to iron some things. You know?” “Right.” “Enjoy your vampire,” she said on a chuckle, moving toward the door. My mouth stretched into a eek sort of face. The mention of Stefan coming to see me made me nervous. I

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