Chapter 144 Jasmine Takes A Shot

1010 Words

Facing Julie as she stood in the doorway, Laurence suddenly realized that Julie was no longer the girl she had once been. She had changed totally. She was calm now; cunning, clever, and strong. She had once been a pushover and he had had complete control over her. Now though, he had absolutely no control over her. Facing her now, he felt both fear and trepidation. He had tried to win her over to his side, but she had easily seen through his words and discerned his true intentions. “Fine,” he told her, “If you must go, then go.” Once Julie was gone, the rest of the attendees left, one after the other, until the only people left were Jasmine, Laurence, and his assistant. “What now?” Jasmine cried. “You said this was for my benefit, but now that Julie is dropping out, how is it to my benefi

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