I lay in my boxers in the Cabin, it feels like a thousand degrees in here. Being a wolf, and it's mating season, doesn't help. Noah walks in, dressed perfectly, hold out a shake for me. "Thanks." I grab it, and push up, taking four big gulps. "Oh god why doesn't this effect you?" "I had a mate, once you have one it doesn't bug you, I don't get another one, doesn't bug me." "God i'm going to die!" "We'll head up to Laramie tonight so it'll be cooler for you to shift while i got after my nephew when the sun sets." Oh shut up. "What exactly am i doing?" "I'm going into the pact mansion, so i need you to go after his mate. The brown wolf." Why did that make me jealous? "Yeah I can do that. It'll be fun to pretend like i'm not dying of a heatstroke." He chuckles. "I have a hotel bo