Bug Bites

2411 Words

Syr's eyes widen in surprise when she felt a soft taste like beer on her lips. She tried to push Ryuu away by placing her hands on Ryuu's shoulders but Ryuu is not budging and even deepened the kiss as a response to pushing as if she's sure that the kiss will make Syr change her mind.  Syr is losing all her conscience and sanity to the kiss. The kiss is sucking her soul. She can feel her earlids getting heavier and heavier in every spark that she's receiving from Ryuu. And when it totally closed, despite her resistance, she lost it. Syr started reciprocating the kisses and snaked her hands in Ryuu's nape instead, pulling her more, wanting to feel Ryuu all over her. It's actually pretty awkward for Syr. Ryuu is her first kiss so she doesn't have any idea how do people kiss each other. She

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