"Thrills and chills," I said and rolled my eyes in response to his threat. "Why are you so mean to me, Summer? What have I done wrong besides being ridiculously good looking?" Tony tried to look innocent. "Your mere existence irks me," I replied. "Could it be because you secretly have a crush on me and this is just to cover up your yearning for me?" Tony inquired. "God, you are such an egomaniac. Do you think every girl in the world wants you?" I asked. "Of course not. I am just messing with you because you are too easy to annoy. I know about your cute little crush on that brainiac Anthony," he smirked. "I was even going to help you with that but now I changed my mind and now it is operation sabotage." What the hell...whatever, ignore him Summer and he will go away. "Well since my t