Chapter Five

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Officer Andrew and officer Tom made their ways into the station with the same weary look on their faces.Andrew grudgingly answered greetings from subordinates as he made his way tiredly to his office while Tom felt too drained to answer anyone, he made his way directly to his seat and covered his face with his palms . Styles cautiously peeped into Andrew's office wanting to discuss with him but he could actually see how tired he seems. Before Styles could go back Kent caught his gaze 'Come in Styles' 'Chief, I didn't mean to disturb you as I know you have had a very disturbing day, we all….' Kent cut into his rambling 'I already have a nagging headache Styles don't make it worse with your rambling' ' I am very sorry about your headache sir' 'Can you get to the point ?' ' I am getting to it sir. The phones have been ringing off the hook all day, it seems a lot of people are interested in this new case of yours sir' 'And I don't know this?' ' I know you do sir but…' ' Get out of my office Styles before I shoot you' Kent cuts Styles off Styles scrambled out of the office but when he was at the door, Kents voice stopped him ' Styles wait' Kent sighed running his palm across his face 'Look I had very strenuous morning, I am sorry for lashing out at you that way' ' It's ok Chief, I understand' Kent only nodded. 'Please tell everyone to meet me in the conference room in three minutes' ' Ok sir' 'And ask Reign to see me immediately' ' Ok sir' Andrew keeps turning ideas in his head until Reign opened the door and only her blond head was visible. Reign is an officer that is liked generally at the station by everyone, she has this peaceful aura that kind of attract people to her. She looks peaceful and carefree but her colleagues knows how fierce she can be when it comes to work. ' You called for me sir' 'Reign please come in' ' Yes sir' Reign said standing rigid with respect. ' Sit down ' ' Thank you sir' ' I know you are already privy to the situation of things, I will need the best hands on this case. The gateman and the housegirl will be brought in soon, I want you to be the one to interrogate them' ' Yes sir' ' We need to handle this case carefully,else it's going to blow up in our faces, you understand that?' ' Yes sir' ' They will be here in ten minutes, don't leave any stone unturned,the people are interested in this case and…' He was interrupted by the knocking on the door ' come in' Tom stepped in, Kent gestured to him to sit down. ' As I was saying, let another officer join you for the questioning' ' ok chief' Reign stands up and is about to leave when an idea occurs to her ' Chief I heard Styles saying there is a meeting in three minutes' ' Yes' ' Won't you be listening in on the questioning' 'No, I trust you to do your job and I will get to listen to the recordings,just go and prepare' 'Ok chief' Andrew looks at Tom immediately Reign left them 'Are you ok Tom' 'I guess I will be fine' Tom sighs heavily ' walking this scenes doesn't get easy does it? Andrew watches Tom for sometime before he answers him in the same time ' One can never get used to it. We just learn to live with it' 'I guess' Tom shrugs 'We are meeting the others, let's go' Tom stands up and waits for Andrew to go out first. Tom can actually feel the nervous energy rolling off his boss, murder cases aren't very easy, especially one that involves a celebrity. Walking murder scenes is always like a vicious blow to the brain,you can never be prepared. After leaving the scene,the images come back in flashes and assault your senses as if they are out for vengeance. Andrew preceeds Tom into the confrence room , officers are already sitter waiting earnestly for them. Immediately Andrew entered they all stand to greet him. 'Have your sits please' He gestures for them to sit as he also sits himself ' It is no longer news to us gentlemen we have big case on our hands. It was first thought as an accidental death but the guys from the forensics discovered some signs that indicates struggle' There is low whispering and Andrew waits for everyone to digest the information before he continues. ' They are going in for autopsy, we should get the autopsy results soon, we have been able to contact her sister who also happens to be her next of kin, please I want everything we will be doing on this case to be kept a secret. In the mean time I want every hand to be on deck, I want everything you can dig up on the deceased, dirt, good deeds, everything. I will be addressing the press after this meeting. We should be expecting an influx of reporters before the end of this case. No one speaks to reporters except I order it, is that clear?' 'Yes sir' They all chorus. ' Now get to work, Tom come with me' Andrew and Tom made their ways out of the meeting to entrance of the police station. Tom can see different news van packed at strategic places on the street. Reporters holding microphones facing the camera while some patiently wait on the side walk. Immediately they spot Andrew they come running towards him, camera aimed straight at him with microphones almost hitting him in the face, all the while asking their questions at the same time. Tom was still too carried away observing them to swing into action immediately. But once he got himself he starts to create some space between the reporters and Andrew, while urging the reporters to calm down. Once they calmed down enough Andrew start speaking. 'Please I will appreciate it if you can ask your questions one after the other, thank you' 'Sir is it true that Mirabel Norman is dead?' 'Yes' Andrew answers nodding his head as well. There is a moment of murmuring that soon quiets down 'What is the cause of death' another reporters fires ' The cause of death is not yet known' ' Is it true that autopsy will be conducted' ' Yes we are assuring the general public that autopsy will be conducted' ' When will the autopsy be done' ' It will be done as soon as possible' 'Is the police suspecting anyone in this killing' ' We have not said she was killed, she died and we are going to look into it to assertain the cause of death' Andrew is gradually getting angry and Tom can actually feel that. With a glance at Tom, Andrew turns and entered the police station leaving Tom to send the reporters away. He decides to head to the interrogation room and see how far with them. Reporters have always got under his skin. They annoy him with questions that puts words in people's mouths.

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