Chapter 2

1290 Words
Leka pov, Half an hour had passed, yet he had not came.. After standing for half an hour my legs started to ache.. Therefore I started to walk with the thinking that I could sit on the stone under the tree which was little distance away from me.. A expensive car speedily past me while I was walking.. The thought occurred to me that he might be in that car.. He was working as PA in a company how could he come in such an expensive car.. Therefore, I get rid of that thought and were continued to walk.. Suddenly I heard hari voice behind me, "Leka madam.. Where are you going ??.. Sorry I was late.." By hearing his sudden voice, I turned and looked at him with a smile.. He look still same as he was on our wedding day.. His oily black hair which he was combed neatly like school boy, his big spectacle which is perfectly hiding his thick eyebrows and his brown eyes, his slim nose, his average lips, his thick black mostache, his oval-shaped face, his well toned body which he hide inside his suit neatly.. As I was looking at him shamelessly, I heard his voice again.. "Leka madam.. What are you thinking while looking at me ??" I felt my face were blooming with redness in the embarrassment of being caught by him.. I moved my glance to road to hide my embarrassment from him.. Why does he calling me as madam ??.. Has he forgotten that I am his wife ??.. With these thoughts, I told him firmly.. "Hari.. I am your wife so don't address me as madam.. Call me with my name or other name which you like.." "But madam" he begin to say something but after seeing my angry glare he stopped it and told me again with a smile, "Okay leka.. Wait here.. I'll be back in a minute" I nodded with a smile.. He ran and got into that expensive car and drived it and parked near me and told me to get in.. I got in the car with doubts.. To clear my doubts I asked him in confused tone, "Hari.. Whose car is this??" "Oo.. ho.. This is my boss car.. He ordered me to bring it from the workshop on the way to office.. Therefore I thought to drop you in home first then I would go office.." I nodded and asked him while looking at him, "Where do you work now ??" "I'm working in your father company as PA for Ramakrishan sir who bought your father company" he replied me with forced smile.. I nodded and looked outside scenery and wiped away the tears that came out of my parents memories.. I should not cry, my father would always say that he couldn't bear to see my tears.. I have pretended as crying many times to make me father to accept my wish.. From today onwards I am going to live according to my father wish.. Smile Leka.. I told myself and smiled with watery eyes.. The car was going into some slum area and I was looking it with confusion.. Why hari brought me here ??.. As I was immersed in my own thoughts, I heard hari voice.. "Leka.. Get down from the car.. We have to walk a little distance from here to go home" I nodded with smile and got out of the car with difficulty.. I didn’t feel difficult when I got in the car but it was so hard for me to get out of car with my injured leg but somehow I got out of car by holding the car door tightly.. I got out of the car and looked at him who was already looking me with some unknown emotion.. I smiled looking at him but he just give me plain look and start to walk fastly.. I limped and tried to walk fastly to match with his pace.. No matter how hard I tried, I reached home 10 mintues later after he reached.. I heard his angry voice at the instant I stepped inside the home.. "Can't you come fastly ??.. I was going to be late for the work because of your turtle walk.. Stay here, don't go out.. I will come back at evening.." Before I could apologize to him, he left the house angrily.. My eyes moisted after hearing the his mocking words in the way to insult my disability.. "Leka.. He have all rights to get angry to you.. Because of you, he was going to be late for office.. You have to understand him.." my mind tried to convince me.. Yes.. I have to understand his situation.. He got angry in the tension.. I have to apologize to him when he comes home in the evening.. With these thoughts, I started looking around the house happily.. It is a old ramshackle small house with hall, kitchen and a bathroom.. Everything was tiny in size, anyway its perfect for us.. Its our home.. Mine and Hari home.. Our sweet home.. We are going to fill this home with love and happiness.. The house seemed to be unused for several days, and spider webs and dust could be seen everywhere.. Therefore, I start to look for broom to clean the house but he don't have any necessary things in the home.. When I was wondering what to do then I remembered the money I got in the prison .. After locking the door, I start to go out to buy necessary things but I do not know where the shop is.. So I knocked on the door of the next house of our's to enquire about shops which are near our home.. A middle aged woman opened the door and asked me doubtly after giving disgusting look, "Who are you??" " Hello akka (sister).. I am hari's wife who is staying in the house next to you" She give me confusing look and told me, "Who is hari ??.. I don't know any hari.. Go away from here.." After saying this, she tried to close the door.. Somehow I managed her refusal and asked her about shops.. She told me the route to go market area after giving me doubtful look.. I start to go by the route she told and bought all the things like cleaning items, vessels to cook food, vegetables and grocery.. And I bought a pillow and bedsheet for him as a result of spotting a plain old bed on the corner of the hall in the house.. As I was buying those things, zomeone of them gave me a disgusting look and others give me a pathetitc look.. It’s a normal thing for me to get a disgust look but why someone of them are giving me pathetic look.. Is they thinking I can't be like other housewife ??.. No.. I can also be a good wife for my hari.. I will prove to everyone that it is wrong for them to underestimate me.. Then I hired auto and brought everything to our home.. I bought everything from one shop.. Therefore, with the help of one worker I placed everything inside the auto without any problem but now how I'm going to carry everything inside the home.. God already my legs are paining badly then how I am going to carry it.. With these troublesome thoughts, I got out of auto and request auto driver to help me.. First he denie it but after seeing my struggles to carry it, he agreed to help me.. Atlast I bought everything for our sweet home.. A happiest smile beamed on my face after seeing our cleaned house..
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