Just a normal day for murder...

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I was running, from who? I don't know and I don't want to know. I'm just running away from the house and cabin. Running away from the horrors that has happened. Running from the screams of help of everyone I left behind. I'm such a pathetic daughter. I stopped running to catch my breath, but before I could get enough breaths into my system, I heard a branch breaking not so far from where I'm at. That's all the encouragement I needed, I ran again. This time even faster. I urged my feet to pump faster to gain a bit more distance between me and my pursuer. Luckily for me, I was quite an adventurer on my spare time. I know these parts of the forest more than anyone I know. I just hope I can lose them in this vast forest. I found a low branch from a nearby tree, I jumped and climbed up the tree. From there, I jumped from one tree to the other, taking care that I won't shuffle the trees too much so as to not get the attention of my pursuer. I stopped when I felt like I put a decent distance from where I started. I strained my ears to listen to footsteps below and around the tree I'm at. I'll wait this out until the morning. I could sleep here for the rest of the night. Biggest mistake of my life. I felt someone behind me put a handkerchief with something on it that made me noxious. I tried to pry his hands but I failed to do so. I inhaled and I fell into oblivion. I snapped my eyes open at the memory of that night. Wrong move. I snapped my eyes shut again from the glare of the sun through my curtained window. I let my slowly adjust to the light and slowly opened it again. Ugh. Why do I always dream the same dream on the same day every year? It's been 6 years already, move on, June. Accept the fact that your parents died on your birthday. I sat up from my position and stretched my body. This is going to be a long day. I got out of bed and did my morning routine in record time because I didn't have the energy to turn the water heater on. It was freezing cold. I changed into my usual get up which consists of a baby blue dress with violet prints on it that goes down to my knees, and my knee high leather boots. I know what you're thinking. An assassin wearing a dress? Let me tell you this. Just because I'm an assassin doesn't mean that I don't wear any girly stuff. I'm still a girl, you know. Heck, I even put on make-up and accessorize. Even if it is just simple. I just put on a small amount of blush on my cheeks, eyeliner, some mascara and a tinted lip balm to give color to my lips. When that is done, I put on some tear drop shaped earrings and I'm done. I don't believe it when everyone says that you have to wear red on your birthday. I wear my favorite colors on my birthday every year. At least no one would know it's my birthday. I went down to the kitchen and find myself looking at Henry's back, making breakfast. I peeked at his shoulder and saw sausages, bacon, eggs and pancakes being cooked at the same time. " Can I have my bacon extra crispy, and my eggs a runny sunny side up?" I asked Henry and he nodded at my request. It is my birthday so I get to have what I want for breakfast. I sat down on one of the stools situated besides the island in the middle of the kitchen. The design of the kitchen is simple and a little bit on the rustic side. Polished mahogany wood cabinets line the red brick wall. The island is also mahogany that was polished in a darker tone than that of the cabinets. Though rustic in design, the countertops contain what you usually see in most houses. We have the following built in our countertops: a convection oven, a dishwasher, wine cooler, a freezer, a double-door fridge, several stove tops, and a hood to keep the smoke out. I got up when I remembered I didn't have a glass of my favorite OJ. So I went to the fridge and got a carton of it, a glass in one of the cabinets, some utensils and plates and I went back to my seat. I waited for the food to cook when Henry suddenly talked. "Remember our plan, June?" I rolled my eyes at what he said. "Of course, Henry. After today, I'll leave for the town of Brundtland and lie low there for a while. Until Mr. Williams' interest in me dies down. I'll also enter college there instead of the school of dreams, all because some arrogant psychopath with brain damage was curious of how I got admitted without his help. I already packed everything and loaded them up in the trunk of my car. I included guns, long knives, my favorite dagger set, a bow and lots of arrows, and several chemicals both in powder and liquid form for when I needed to make a good enough poison or just a simple smoke bomb. What did I miss?" "Fake papers?" He countered. I scoffed. "As if I'll forget those. I brought several documents if ever I need to leave the town on short notice. I also withdrew cash from one of my accounts that will last me a few months so that they won't be able to track me if ever they use one of my cards. Anything else?" He didn't answer, satisfied that I remembered everything he taught me. He turned off the stoves and placed the food on plates and placed them in front of me. Food is the only thing I will never get tired of. My mouth is drooling from the smell of crispy bacon, juicy sausages, fluffy pancakes and spicy eggs. We like them spicy from where I grew up. Apparently, so does Henry. I stacked my plate with four pancakes, slathered it in plenty of butter, and poured lots of maple syrup. I placed on another plate several bacon strips, sausages, and eggs. I'm a pig, I know, but my body has efficient metabolism. It will burn all of what I eat right now in a matter of hours. That's why I eat a heavy breakfast. I enjoyed eating my food when Henry's phone started to ring. He looked at the caller ID and a frown immediately decorated his face. He excused himself to answer the call. I wonder who is calling him. Oh well, he'll tell me if it concerns me. Though I'm still curious. I continued eating my food and a few minutes later, Henry came back at the table and cleared his throat. Ah, someone's going to die today. I wonder who. "Who, what, where, why, and how?" I asked without looking up at him and continued eating. He already knows what I mean. "One of the graduating students who started a fight he can't finish. Rob Crawford. The amount has already been deposited and the client wants it done before the ceremony at the targets house. You'll use your bow and arrow, attach a letter that will specifically say "You messed with the wrong b***h", and shoot him in the heart." My eyebrows shot up really high. I know Rob is a lady killer. He changes girls as often as he changes his clothes. It was a wonder he is still breathing, what with all the girls he's using as a s*x toy. Most of them were from prominent families. Who was his flavor of the week again? That's right, Millicent Rhodes. Boy did he f**k her up right. "Girlfriend, or should I say, ex-girlfriend? Is it Millicent Rhodes?" I asked. f*****g curiosity will someday bite me in the ass. Henry just gave me his signature smirk. Guess I got that right. "For someone who doesn't have any friends at school, you know a lot of gossip." I smirked back at him. "What can I say? I perfected the role of blending in the background. Even if I stand in the middle of the room, it's as if nobody sees me. They would only see me if they accidentally touch me. And I'm not even giving it any effort at all. It's a wonder actually, since I don't wear what usual wallflower would wear. I must have superpowers or something." He scoffed and continued eating. I finished my pancakes and went to proceed in eating the rest of the room that's on my other plate. When that was done, I drank my OJ, placed my used plates in the sink, and got ready to go to school and shoot someone in the heart. I got my bag, as well as my foldable bow and some compact arrows I made so I can put them in my school bag or hide them under my dress for easy access. I wrote a letter and attached it to of my arrows before making it compact again and placed it on a band around one of my thighs specifically for my arrows. The other thigh band houses my daggers. My quarter sleeves houses my folded bows. I have two just in case one of them broke. At the bottom of the nape of my dress, I stitched a holding place for one more dagger. Can't be too prepared. If I miss my target, which rarely happens since I'm an excellent shooter, I'll resort to using the dagger on my back with a similar letter attached to it. I don't care if I leave the dagger behind. At least they know who killed who. If someone requires me to use a certain weapon, I use one of my own that has the initials for my moniker engraved on them. It was Henry's idea, so that my name would spread and so that I'd have a lot of clients. Henry and me made rules when it comes to picking a job from clients. 1.) We do not kill children nor pregnant women. 2.) We do not kill innocent people. 3.) We do not do torture. And 4.) We do not damage the target's property. We're killers, not the demolition team. If they want to burn their targets along with their house, they should have hired an arsonist, and not an assassin. When I was done getting ready, I took my bag from where it is and went to the garage. I bought this car with the money I got from my first job when I was twelve. It was the first job Henry gave to me after months of training under him. I had to kill a businessman who was waiting for the valet to get his car. I used a poison dart with my initials on it. The poison inside it is a mixture of wolfsbane, doll's eyes and belladonna that was so potent, that even one milliliter of it injected into a fully grown adult can have him/her paralyzed, and could stop their heart the second it enters the bloodstream. The car is a baby blue Porsche. I've had it since I was twelve and will continue to use it even if it gets old. I drove to school for a good ten minutes, find a parking space, and went to homeroom to get my toga for the graduation ceremony. Then the rest of my free period would be to find where my target is and if it will be okay to shoot him. After I got my toga, I went to the forest that is behind school grounds. I usually come here to get away from all the drama and shits of high school. I jumped at one of the branches of the tallest tree and climbed up to get a good vantage point while covering myself from prying eyes. I took out my binoculars and immediately spotted my target. He's surrounded by his minions and a couple of girls. I'm praying that he'll come and sit at one of the bleachers so it'll be easier to shoot him in the heart. I watched his every move. I took out my bow and arrow when I saw him walk to the bleachers. Lady Luck is by my side today. I also took out one of my oculars with telescopic abilities and put it over my eye, unfolded my bow and pushed the button on my arrow that will allow to lengthen itself. I then positioned my bow and arrow, carefully calculating its trajectory with respect to the wind, and let it fly. I lowered my hand, folded my bow and slowly blended into the canopy of the forest. I knew I hit my mark because I heard the girls screamed their freaking lungs out. The guys had their jaws dropped, and one of them called for a teacher. The teacher then went to instruct his minions to take the girls away from the body and called the police. Oh, did I mention that my arrows were dipped in poison? The very same one I used on my very first kill. It pays to be prepared. From this distance, there was a chance that it won't sink deep enough, so I had it dipped in poison just for good measure. Once I was sure that the police are coming to inspect the incident, I climbed down the tree and sneaked out if the forest opposite from where I came in.
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