
Essence of my life


Caitlyn Mackarren is a 27 year old, strong and bold woman. She had nothing she was afraid to say and was straight forward. She did her things perfectly and left room for no flaw. But little did anyone know that she was a broken woman inside.

She lost all her trust in people when her parents died and her love left her for money. She never opened up to anyone and neither did she have any friends. She didn't even have her first kiss yet for that matter, for she believed that it should happen only on her wedding day.

She gets another job in Baxter company as a secretary to the CEO, Jackie Baxter, who is a business tycoon and was known for being the most successful, ambitious man and the most eligible bachelor of all times. He is now ready to get married and women are on their knees for him. Whom would he choose? The beautiful broken woman or the pretty women begging on their knees?

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Chapter 1
Graduating on your own hard earned money with a scholarship, seeing your parents die in a car crash, having your love betraying you for money is not something you deal with everyday. But Caitlyn Mackarren went through it all. She has lost her trust in everything in her life. The only thing she wants now is a good job and a place to live in. After resigning from her former company, just because she didn't want to face her ex anymore, she had to apply for another job. But behold! The companies are rejecting her for her expertise! They don't want her, for she has a bigger skill set than necessary. She went through almost all the available posts, but none were signing her up! One day she went to a bar to drink off all her sadness. Her parents, her love and everything. She needed to stand on her own two feet and also face the world. She ordered whisky and sat back on the chair as she watched the bartender mix her a drink. "I told you, father! I had enough with you now! I can't take this anymore!" she heard a man yell and the very next moment, he slumped beside her in his suit and the dangling tie around his neck. He had sandy brown hair with chocolate brown eyes with long eyelashes. A good amount of stubble grew on his chin as he ruffled his hair. "No, father! I am not getting engaged to that low life!" he roared and she flinched. "I will! I will find a secretary soon! You don't have to bug me! Now, bye!" with that he hung up. "Rough day, sir?" the bartender smiled at the man as he gave Caitlyn her glass with whiskey. "You know me," he sighed, scratching his chin. "I still need to get a secretary and all the people who apply are good for nothing. Father is so bent upon getting me married and argh! Just give me a few shots!" "Right away, sir," he smiled patiently and turned around to get his drink. Caitlyn heard their conversation, but she knew that it was not her place to be nosy. So she silently sipped her drink, fiddling with her purse. The man beside her seemed to calm down and had taken a few deep breaths. He opened his phone and dialled a number. "Father," he sighed. "Yes, I apologise for snapping at you. But no, I don't want that engagement to happen. Do you know how many people she slept with? She is just after my money, father. Please, just let me take my own decisions from now on." He stayed quiet for a while as he gulped a shot. Caitlyn assumed that his father was talking to him and again, he spoke, this time, a little annoyed. "What do you mean look around, father? I am in a bar right now! How will I find a secretary here?" he growled and snapped to her side. He saw her quietly sipping her drink, staring at the deck in front of her. "Okay, as you insist, father," he snapped, sarcastically polite. "Excuse me, miss," he called Caitlyn. She turned to him frowning, "yes?" "Will you be my secretary?" he huffed, the phone still to his ear. She looked taken aback by his sudden proposal but something struck her about him. She knew him and his expression changed drastically after a few seconds. "Jackie Baxter?" she frowned. Of course, she knew him! He is the heir of the Baxter companies and she met him a couple of years ago in a business meeting. "Miss Mackarren!" he grinned, "good to see you again. Ah, you are the right person I need now. Are you still working for that old man?" "No," she replied, "I'm not." "Will you be my secretary, then?" he asked, "I have heard your old man boast about your skills and I would really like to use them." "Are you sure?" she asked, looking hesitant. "Of course, you are right for this job! I'm willing to pay you a good amount as well as give you a good bonus. Well, if you accept to work for me, that is. So? What do you say?" She needed the money anyways. Not to mention, she was sort of broke as she didn't save up much and gave away her money to charity. So, out of desperation, she did agree. "Yes, I will," she nodded, her expression guarded. "Great!" he put his phone to his ear and spoke, "Father, I just found myself a secretary. Thank you," with that, Jackie, hung up. He gulped down two more of his shots and looked at her, "So, Miss Mackarren, I would like you to join in from tomorrow, sharp at 10 and I shall introduce you to the office. Am I understood?" She nodded as she placed down the glass gracefully, "Yes sir, I do." And with that, they shook their hands, Caitlyn's face turning even more guarded as Jackie smirked. "This signs the deal. And yeah," he turned to the bartender, "put her bill in my account, will you?" "Sir, it's fine," she said frowning. "Consider this my welcome treat," he smirked and walked off waving to her. She went back to her small clumsy apartment feeling a little tipsy. Wondering if what she witnessed was real or a dream, she stripped into her night wear and lay flat on her stomach. Slowly drifting back to the business meeting when she first met Jackie, she realised something. She remembered her snapping at him back at the end of the meeting as he unintentionally hurt her former company as well as it's owner. It was quite a day, she thought and wondered if he still remembers what happened back then. Hoping that he wouldn't remember that as soon as he took her in and fire her; she fell asleep.

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